Generate a Random Number but Exclude Some Numbers

Generate a Random Number but Exclude Some Numbers

Doug H

6 лет назад

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@kingsleyimo8012 - 17.11.2023 16:06

What is the purpose of the small function in expression to get random number excluding previous random number please?

@lornacarey9792 - 02.01.2022 15:19

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

@akramnajjar - 05.07.2021 11:30

Hi Doug . . . I battled with the solution using SMALL and could not get an intuitive way of doing it. I propose the following in a new blank sheet:

1) In Cell A10, enter RANDBETWEEN(1,7) to generate the item to be excluded.
2) In Col A, enter ITEM in A1 and autofill A2:A8 from 1 to 7
3) In Col B, enter BINARY in B1 and this formula in B2 = IF(A2=$A$10,0,1). Copy B2 down to B8. This will place 1's in all target items and 0 in the cell whose value = the selected item (in A10), ie, the one to be excluded.
4) In Col C, enter MULT in C1 and let C2 = B2*A2 and copy C2 down to C8. The selected item will now be calculated as 0. The rest are the values we need to select from.
5) In Col D, enter "2nd Item" in D1 and let D2 = LARGE($C$2:$C$8,RANDBETWEEN(1,6)).
This is our answer. I conditionally formatted it to show in red if D1 = A10. It never did.

We read the formula as such: Find the Largest number in C2:C8 (which will exclude the Zero we forced earlier). Which "largest"? This is decided by a RANDBETWEEN function that generates numbers from 1 to 6 . . . Since the number to excluded has a value of 0, it will never be the largest.

Hope this is a good solution . . . though a bit elaborate.

@wowitstaylor9 - 08.01.2021 19:59

does this work on mac because my laptop is struggling lol it just keeps saying "NAME?" what do i do to fix that?

@Razielus89 - 02.10.2020 16:34

is it possible to make function that will be choosing random number from range 1-36 AND 82-146 ? Or I have to write all included numbers?

@michellealexander9864 - 22.09.2020 23:28

How can you create 5 random numbers , excluding some and not getting repeat numbers? Like lottery numbers?

@danieltigas9771 - 05.09.2020 07:13

I tried doing this on google sheets but when I use one it says no valid input data

@raphaelbonillo2192 - 01.06.2020 04:13

What is the name of the program you use to record and how do you make the key shortcuts appear in the recording?

@nhidinhbasgen1539 - 06.07.2018 00:03

Do you have a tutorial on how to count duplicate numbers in the same row? For example 171, I would like to create a formula that will say "YES" indicating that there's a duplicate in that particular row?

@strausszen1215 - 12.05.2018 23:17

none of this is working for me whatsoever. Excel is stating that it thinks its an equation but cannot compute? wtf?!?
EDIT: it won't even do that basic "=CHOOSE(RANDBETWEEN(1,7),1,2,4,6,7,9,10)"

@rylandstevens5211 - 25.04.2018 20:18

For your last example, let's say I want to add a 3rd row with a function that chooses a random number between 1 & 7, but I don't want to repeat the 1st or 2nd randomly generated number. What formula would I use to achieve this?

@nhidinhbasgen1539 - 25.04.2018 17:11

Yes, this is helpful but how do we add two formulas...let's say exclude odd but make sure the six random number add up to the sum of ###?

@uumarov - 18.12.2017 03:19

I want to create a sample (of ten) using random numbers (in excel) while excluding the ones which have already been selected above. How Excel handles this task?

@matthewdunnuck9998 - 03.12.2017 22:06

How do you get f9 to recalculate?

@godsendsdeath666 - 25.07.2017 10:57

Randbetween(1,100) and 101 shows up... lol

@rockguitarist8907 - 06.07.2017 06:39

Thank you Doug! Someone at work was asking me how to do the third example a couple months ago saying they always wanted to know how. Tomorrow I can share your video with him to show him how! Cheers to the MrExcel contributor as well. 🍺🥂
