Felienne | Explicit Direct Instruction in Programming Education | RStudio (2019)

Felienne | Explicit Direct Instruction in Programming Education | RStudio (2019)

Posit PBC

4 года назад

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@otbuilds8708 - 12.08.2019 20:32

Great presentation!!! Love the slides made with GoodNotes. I came to programming from a language background. Avoided programming because I thought I needed to be good at maths. But when I looked at the syntax of my first language (BASIC), it was nothing compared to French. Programming for me was reduced to: Do this then do this. While this is true, do this. If this is true then do this otherwise/else do this. Repeat this until this happens. For these items, do this. Once I learnt this, learning Pascal, C, C#, Ruby was easy. Coming from a language background, vocalisation may have helped. Whole heartedly agree with you that we need better instruction in programming education.
