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A potential Twitch leak or data breach has been posted online, allegedly revealing what all the top streamers like xQc, Summit1g, and Nickmercs were making on the platform.

The leaked information came in 2 waves, the first of which included some outlandishly high earning numbers for Twitch streamers, which a lot of big streamers like Asmongold disputed. However, a second wave of leaked income numbers appears to be more accurate, listing nearly every single Twitch streamer's income from August 2019 up till this month.

According to the leaks, Critical Role made nearly 10 million dollars in that period, with xQc right behind them with 8.5 million in earnings on Twitch, followed by Tfue, Nickmercs, and Summit1g all in the 5 million dollar range.

Streamer income wasn’t the only thing leaked, with this appearing to include nearly all information on Twitch, like a planned Steam competitor. Some Twitch streamers like Cohhcarnage suggested Twitch users turn on 2 factor authentication in the wake of this possible breach, and we couldn’t agree more. So are these numbers in the second of the leaked Twitch income tables accurate? It’s hard to say, as Twitch streamers are not allowed to confirm their earnings, but if it is accurate, it is easily the largest data breach in streaming history.

#Twitch #Leaks #xQc #Earnings




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@chickenandpizza2483 - 27.06.2023 23:00

Imagine donating to a NFL player just because they entertain you and already make millions.

@jflsdknf - 20.10.2022 19:29

Is this net? They're not paying for ads to get to that point?

@isssssaaaaaaaaa3438 - 05.10.2022 22:38


@oldmanchickenlegs3441 - 04.10.2022 03:21

How is it against tos to not talk about how much you make seems still sus af

@ToLitTayTG - 21.08.2022 07:47

They mad rich

@doom3380 - 03.05.2022 20:22

Donators are a bunch of suckers

@mr.onehundon2946 - 12.03.2022 00:04

They ain't showing no love and not really giving back to the fans smh 🤦🏿‍♂️

@foreverts2200 - 07.02.2022 23:36

The big list is what Twitch earned from that streamer.
The small list is what Twitch paid to the streamer.

@justabitohash9762 - 27.01.2022 15:38

$37 million dollars just for sitting on your ass playing a fucking board game

@Mystixi - 27.01.2022 07:21

That’s absolutely crazy, starting to consider dropping out of college even though I’m halfway into it, to pursue streaming full time, you don’t even make that kind of money in a month even working with a degree.

@joesr31 - 04.01.2022 20:27

Don’t get why people are surprised by these numbers, these streamers are the best in the world, you look at many professions, if you are one of the best in the world, you’ll be making quite a lot of money as well. Especially if you compare them with celebrities which they kind of are, the A-list celebrities are very rich as well.

@williamfloissac5751 - 20.11.2021 01:50

I didn't know this happened but to me this doesn't matter. You can literally just see and guess how much these streamers makes based on logical and open information.

@LXW-Arts - 04.11.2021 22:56

You would think they would feel bad but nope

@LXW-Arts - 04.11.2021 22:54

I mean you can look up salary of almost any job so I don't see why knowing the amount twitch streamers make is so bad. What's there average 100k a year.

@dangers - 22.10.2021 06:28


@trash5882 - 21.10.2021 05:20

Who the fuck is critical role

@getthebash9331 - 21.10.2021 00:04


@mint5438 - 20.10.2021 19:21

I dont know if it makes me the bad giy, but I'll probably never sub to a streamer I like unless they really really captivate me. I love what they do, and I'll safely bet my left nut that them missing out on my $10 dollar sub wont mean they dont eat that week.

@addtyu6176 - 20.10.2021 09:12

I will never subscribe to anymore twitch channels! PERIOD!

@ccovera - 18.10.2021 14:00

Lol what color are all of the largest streamers?

@ikigani869 - 16.10.2021 00:42

Even if it’s just twitch is a lot of money

@databang - 14.10.2021 21:56

Twitch being a loud platform for champagne socialists proselytizing “equity”, now those will have to justify their grift.

@6663000 - 13.10.2021 07:10

Doc #1

@CeroneGamesGo - 12.10.2021 08:31


@Karmah- - 12.10.2021 06:34

If people didn't think most of these top streamers had 1-2mill to their name. You're just flat out delusional lmfao.

@speedracer8724 - 12.10.2021 03:48

I'm more taken back how the people donating to millionaires wouldn't even spare a $1 to some homeless guy begging for something but would give it to some 30 year old playing video games in his living room yelling like theyre 12 year olds at the screen. When you put it all into perspective, we really are stupid lol

@ryanclemons1 - 12.10.2021 02:09

it's so stupid twitch streamers cant show how much they make in fact they should just join together some of the big boys and just show it what is twitch going to do ban way man if a good amount shows how much they make they will have to deal.

@petrikVSempty - 12.10.2021 00:54

Entertaining huge amount of people who then don't pay any attention to what's going on in real life ?! I'm pretty sure it's very well paid, but still just a pocket money for people who are paying for all of this.

@matthewrollin4328 - 11.10.2021 23:56

People are so stupid to even donate or subscribe to these streamers, none of them care about your money. Support small streamers.

@nijeecooper621 - 11.10.2021 15:52

Lmao why are people mad when they are the one basically paying them? Keep getting your bread boys!!

@jcvdmantas - 10.10.2021 20:36

Now imagine for a moment what those streamers would be doing if the internet was never invented. Many of them would be working at Mcdonalds.

I'm a law major. I work in court. And I will never make as much as them, not even close. So, just ask yourselves, is that justice? is that equality? Ridiculous.

Something big needs to happen in the world for this to change and I feel like it's coming.

@ijutsu2438 - 10.10.2021 14:58

Streamers are useless clowns, useless to society and pretty much wasting time. If you think it's eNtErTainmEnT - only same useless degenerates and only get dumber and waste time from watching steams.

@bobbob-wf8ho - 10.10.2021 07:05

so easy to get rich .

@nagatosmith1158 - 10.10.2021 01:20

Thanks for covering this

@staycold - 10.10.2021 01:02

LET THEM LIVE IN MILLION DOLLAR HOUSES EAT CAKE! -HasanAbi (Well not anytime soon since they don't give out cake in breadlines... but one day our utopia will fully be realized, comrades!)

@maxxvii2037 - 09.10.2021 19:33

Finally these top streamers getting exposed.

@venize3050 - 09.10.2021 18:33

Of course the communist makes millions of dollars 🤣🤣🤣

@plumfun6750 - 09.10.2021 17:29

I'm betting that's internal money that TWITCH is making off of these streamers. Not "how much streamers make", but "how much streamers make US". I bet if someone keeps digging, we're going to get some SERIOUS in Twitch is doing something highly illegal (ex: A streamer makes $1000, but Twitch reports it as only $100 and pockets the $900 for "support fees"). Just'll see...

@monstercookie658 - 09.10.2021 17:11

I’ll never understand how people find streaming entertaining or why people donate. You’re literally just staring at someone playing games while making stupid noises or jokes and swearing. 
Somehow hundreds of thousands of people stare at streamers. Imagine filling a stadium with that many and one streamer on stage. Would people still find it entertaining? Probably not because they have no talent and contribute nothing to society.

@slushrai - 09.10.2021 16:43

Wait, 1million+ is THAT big as yearly revenue? 🙃

@AlexE8030 - 09.10.2021 16:14

Why does it matter if these people are making bank who cares good for fucking them they worked to get where their to be earning how ever much they make

@lordwhitepowder - 09.10.2021 12:50

Probably wanna say it’s fake so they don’t have the irs coming lol

@legionarioprime - 09.10.2021 11:24

I don't know why people are mad at them.... I mean this is streaming work... Are people expecting to see them poor all the time... It's a fucking journey from small to big

@illpunchyouintheface9094 - 09.10.2021 10:54

You must brain dead to donate money to good for nothing people. donate money where it matters, not some idiots on the internet.

@Jay-Kaizo - 09.10.2021 10:16

TLTR: It's none of your business in the first place and is common sense

"I don't make 10 mill a year. It's like 9.7 smh. They are so inaccurate. Then add everything else on top and their number is waaaay too low." lol. No, honestly why get mad about this? Be happy that this is possible. How many people would want their income being known by millions of people? Well, a part of it anyway? Most of them are just being entertaining and not being an adult doll flopping around in a blow up pool lmfao. I can see being jealous, but there's no reason to be mad at people because they aren't doing anything anyone else in their position would do. Be grateful and happy. It's not like it didn't take a ton of hard work to get there and to be the right personality, etc. The only issue I can see is with the streamers making 5, 6, or 7 figures and are still being scums about people not subbing or donating, etc. Besides that, if you don't like it, why not stop watching, stop donating, or stream yourself and try to become lucky enough for thousands of people to want to watch you for hours and hours a week? A streamer is just like an actor nowadays. The more popular you are, the more you make. It's so simple. I have so much more respect for the streamers that are cutting back on donos or giving them to their team. Most of them, at least.

@MegaTigerfan1 - 09.10.2021 09:23

Damn, these fucks make THAT much! Fuck that! These guys are asking for donations to keep their streams running? WTF!

@wigglejiggle1894 - 09.10.2021 02:38

Lmao these people play games for a living and has no whatsoever contributions to society. Yet subsribers are stupid enough to donate $250-$1k of their hard earned money. Subs are fking braindead. Streamers are already multi millionaire and subs are not
