Stuff Made Here on the Future of Digital Fabrication: Interview With Shane Wighton

Stuff Made Here on the Future of Digital Fabrication: Interview With Shane Wighton


1 год назад

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@karlranseier7822 - 23.11.2023 00:02

Willie Tanner! Anyone?

@CausticTitan - 17.11.2023 19:00

You need to add filters to the microphones or position them differently so that they don't pickup every single inhale. It's really jarring during an otherwise amazing interview.

@user-rs1tt6vk9z - 16.11.2023 01:11

Man is beyond smart 😊

@noelsteele - 24.09.2023 15:52

Damn it. These dudes are so above board. Now I HAVE to get a Form 3+!

@mikeag - 20.09.2023 06:38

Formlabs is one of the greediest companies in existence. Their hardware is ok at best, but the consumables are theft and robbery. FL is "cleverly honest" and not up-front with lifespans and incouraged their social media reviewers to carefully craft the statements on shelf life and tank lifespan. It's about 7 to 8 weeks, not years, for most of their good materials. You have to dig around on their support site in-depth to find tank lifespan and shelf life. Oh, and they want $6000 on top of the $4000 3+ wash and cure setup cost, just to use 3rd party resin at 1/6th or less the price of their stuff on top of which you still need to buy consumable vats at 150 bucks a pop instead of FEP film at a few bucks 💀
I was stupid enough to buy one of the printers haven't even been able to use it because it's too outrageously expensive for tiny build volume and lower detail. They're really crappy part is I can't resell it because everyone else is not that stupid. Sadly it will probably just end up in the landfill because of the greed, and I the individual household consumer will be out a ton of money.

@jerrygaguru - 08.09.2023 17:13

it the challenge of being on a small team doing thing thought Impossible and making it look Simple.. Large teams where the individual gets lost that's very little satisfaction And you feel like you're running in circles And you can't get anywhere, it is very frustrating. you could see wheel turn head not to let cat out of bag on next big project.
I was hire at a big university to work with big IT to get small department resource and find way for them to function better and create more with long term solution. It's much more fun to be out of the box and creating unique solutions And then coming up with a plan to get big IT Working a positive way to help instead of saying it's not possible. It was a lot of fun till my health did not allowed me to do it anymore.

@StofStuiver - 21.06.2023 06:10

Funny interview, bc you guys must know eachother well.
As for the designing of things. boy o boy, if only i woulda had the tools that exist today. I was born when radios, tvs and so had vacuum tubes.
Learned programming in 1975 or 76 (was algol i believe). Machine language a couple of years later.
It seems many things wrt electronics, programming, etc have become high end modular. So easy to build things with that.
Back then i was trying to save bits even, bc limited amount of memory. Tought me to be very efficient, but it takes a lot of time. If i look at OS-es today and webpages, im horrified by the amount of wasted memory and speed. Thats the downside to modular design.
Looking back it is also amazing how fast everything went. I still have lots of things from back then, which were cutting edge tech, but now obsolete and worthless. Same as me i guess.

@PunkMonkey81 - 16.06.2023 21:37

You tell Shane you dismissed his resume to his face then have the nerve to ask why he left.

@magicmike6961 - 28.05.2023 10:05

this guy is fucking insane

@Carson-jm5vx - 25.05.2023 22:54

Bob lazar 2.0

@mgnrlty - 11.04.2023 00:48

Interviewer please go to Charisma Class ASAP

@digihorse6730 - 21.03.2023 14:10

Excellent, brave, insightful, honest interview. Thank you.

@koaasst - 17.03.2023 19:50

i built my first cnc router in 2010 from some plans i bought online, solsylva i believe and never turned back. now i have a junkyard of stuff that is out of control

@leozendo3500 - 22.02.2023 08:05

this interview gives me chills. Engineering reconciled with humanity. I love this guy.

@knoopx - 21.02.2023 05:18

i just want to know how he got all these tools xD

@barenekid9695 - 14.02.2023 05:46

Geeeez... 3d printing is NOT the Star trek 'replicator '.
Regardless of what drugs you are using !

@Luzgar - 12.02.2023 11:58

If this guy had bad intention, we would be screwed, because he seems to be able to will into existence whatever he wants in no time.

@NickReadsTheBible - 09.02.2023 16:38

"ENGINEERING IS THE ONLY THING THAT MAKE SOCIETY ADVANCED AND GREAT" I would like to see you workout the pyramid problem. Until then Advanced is a stretch. I don't mean this in any harm just curios as to how you think they did it, you are the most intuitive person i've ever seen.

Also If You like extreme then build your self a boulder... Its like workout chess.

@BMSWEB - 08.02.2023 00:02

What an absolutely fascinating Podcast/Interview!

@michaelgillen3537 - 07.02.2023 04:23

Love Shane's work which is why I was so interested in this interview. Very ballsy on both your parts to look one another in the eye, at times a little uncomfortably (it seemed) and push through the interview both coming out with your integrity intact. Respect to both of you and of Formlabs. I am now looking deeper into Formlabs and what they have to offer. I am interested in a 3D printer but not sure yet what direction I want to take. Thank you both for an excellent, never boring video interview.

@germanhoyos4422 - 06.02.2023 15:48

Theres something to be admired though when it comes to people who dont rely on computer algorithms, but have the ability to use their minds to create effective and beautifull circuits and machinery. Outsourcing our imagination to a computer will lead to what every other great civilation has gone through, a golden age / decadence / a decline in youths ability to think a learn / eventual collapse and fall. Far less kids can do math than before in this nation, and its getting worse and worse

@charliebaby7065 - 06.02.2023 14:25

555 555 5555


@jacobclarke5170 - 04.02.2023 03:11

Sux Shane Amog so much. was hard to watch.

@shortrobusto - 03.02.2023 05:32

Love the transparency. As some said before: Talking openly about the reasons why one would leave your company and addressing the problems for everyone to see is a sign of really reflected leadership. Keep it up.

@chawrx3 - 03.02.2023 03:21


@meaett - 31.01.2023 07:40

Damn dude I couldn't finish this one because Shane's voice was too bassy. I felt like my head was rumbling every time he talked

@clerooth - 30.01.2023 21:05

He didnt even say thanks at the end. It was just weird when he said "yeah I cant wait to build what I build next". It seemed disrespectful to me.

@blobidk - 30.01.2023 07:28

Damn… now I wanna do the tour de divide

@benfreeman9717 - 30.01.2023 02:13

I also got started with the 250 in one from radio shack in the late 90s

@browncoconutable - 29.01.2023 14:14

Aside from the silly iffy bite valves (instead of a simple ball valve) the form 3 has been one of the most impeccable additive machines available at its price point.

@Creativatorium - 24.01.2023 08:40

Watching this gave me a raging nerd-on! Hahaha
Fascinating to hear about Shane's origin story.

@meetthebutcher - 24.01.2023 04:29

ALL THAT BRAIN POWER ... Yet no pop filter......I wanted to watch this .

@damienthomas6655 - 22.01.2023 02:29

yeah i worked for a smallish family owned drilling company that had only really done water wells in fairly stable ground in high ground water areas mostly for dairy cattle farmers and the company one a small diamond drilling contract ,,never even had the correct drill rig to drill the contract ,they employed me to solve all these issues and get this job done and it was an awesome small company ,,so the drilling contract was rocky to start as any job is when your buying all new gear and some things just dont bolt togeather but soon into doing the 100 ,1000 meter deep geothermal holes for this energy company ,,it went so well we won another contract but 5 or 6 times the size so the company went from small family to huge with huge money on the line and contracts so tightly written that if you lost more than 5 percent of the core sample thruout the hole you drill it again for free ,,lots of stress and workmates turned into power tripping supervisors and started treating people like a number ,,i got a bit drunk one night and punched out my superviser ,who was a mate for years prior to turning into an overpaid low I.Q slave to the company ,,he still there now and i left back in 2008 ,,so i know what you mean brother

@iambear.6526 - 21.01.2023 21:34

so much mouth breathing

@dominichatch9556 - 21.01.2023 17:16

One thing I've experienced with "type 3" fun is that it also just makes the little things you deal with everyday feel snaller

@LIP45GUL - 20.01.2023 17:38

Are those Godzillapods?

@iand6309 - 20.01.2023 08:55

Amazing video. Thanks for making this. :)

@roywastaken - 20.01.2023 00:22

i wish he gave advice for current engineers!

Ответить - 19.01.2023 22:43

like 5k per printer lol.

@Nefi424 - 19.01.2023 17:25

I'm 25. If there had been channels as amazing as Stuff Made Here or Mark Rober when I was in my teens, I wouldn't have hesitated to go into engineering. Heck, I still consider doing so after watching such wonderful projects and satisfying processes!

@GunsOfAnthem - 19.01.2023 12:38

Awesome talk! The sound is a bit all over the place though, might be because of the construction in the background. I work full time as a audio technician in a pro studio. I also do a bit of VO freelancing and editing work. Let me know if you need some backup with the audio mixing and mastering and hit me up if so. Again, cool interview!

@thomasl.4081 - 19.01.2023 11:51

Monster big microphones... but very poor sound....

@YHK_YT - 19.01.2023 07:20

I’m not sure why but the mic quality seems off, I think the EQ is way off

@GrayFoxGrayFox - 18.01.2023 23:53

It's embarrassing to admit but watching Shane do his thing is depressing. I've spent almost almost 10 years being a professional programmer, and I don't have 1% of the skill he has just in coding alone. Let alone all the multitude of other skills he has in mechanics, applied physics and math, electronics, and the skill to join all of those things. You'd need a team of engineers to replace this one guy. He's like a modern Leonardo da Vinci.

@alemazza87 - 18.01.2023 09:53

As a fellow engineer and cyclist, this was incredibly interesting, thanks!

@fluiditynz - 18.01.2023 09:49

It's fascinating how fast things go out of date. I don't agree with Shane about needing to be an engineer to do this stuff, I cut my teeth on mini matrix boards, Don Lancaster's CMOS cookbook and CMOS logic, the ZX81 and then modding the Amstrad CPC664. Teaching myself assembler for the Z80, the HC11, PIC and Atmel.. I did do part of a microprocessor Systems course as an isolated study but what it did mostly for me is cement my resolution to do my own designs rather than make other's designs. It gave me confidence in my own ability and skepticism about following other's design principles and research conclusions. Shane is obviously a great researcher. It took me a month to make an 68HC11 cross assembler in locomotive basic back in around 1993 and I made my own STM32F103VBT based full board, printer design 13 years ago but the 3 day SLA slicer sounds like a big challenge. I'm guessing Shane worked up to it for a while first. Familiarity with slicing algorithms, tweaking open source tool platforms and gaining familiarity with the tools, gaining familiarity with 3D display, GUI design before starting something like that. And then working with packaging and deployment, there's a lot of hours that go into all those processes. Sometimes I wonder what a person with Nicola Tesla or Leonardo Da Vinci's talents would do in our current environment with today's tools. Chat-GPT shows that the obsolescence of human "Computers", human "Cashiers", human "Factory workers" is not stopping, our obsolescence is actually accelerating as a geometric progression. The big questions have been posed by Science Fiction writers already like Arthur C. Clarke and Frank Herbert. My only input is to the relative survival instincts of humans vs a new competitor that can ultimately think faster and smarter but lags significantly in evolutionary ancestral lineage. Of course the optimists among us hope for A.I.s like those of Orson Scot Card but we or our decendants will find out in reality.
