Can Badger Take Down The Empire in Medieval Rimworld? (Finale)

Can Badger Take Down The Empire in Medieval Rimworld? (Finale)


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@barm9919 - 03.02.2024 02:03

It finally came….and before I died of old age. Great work, Haz. Certainly something in the future will have a callback to Badgerhold.

@jackmckay8305 - 03.02.2024 01:41

Can I say the instant relaxation I get from the 'hello again ' always makes my day.

Easy watching before I succumb to sleep ^^

@Witcheswolf - 02.02.2024 20:44

Do warhammer 40k rimwourld and starwars and chathulu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@bikimini4485 - 02.02.2024 20:22

I love a doomed protagonist.

@chancekilpatrick9250 - 02.02.2024 11:59

this was just a sad episode we see camcol for 30 seconds he dies, the colony dies, and its just a sad ending

@williamwhipple9745 - 02.02.2024 02:57

The caravan thing is because of a weird fact where if you have no more than 1 colonist, 1 animal and >10k wealth only 1 melee raider or 2 small animals can spawn as ambushes

@Water-rg7gp - 02.02.2024 01:23

a challenge Id give you for rimworld is play on a 10 by 10 map, using some brainpower you can fit a entire base in said space.

@azirus - 01.02.2024 13:13

Well at least the Enus empire got some proper reaming.

@amilavxilmen5632 - 01.02.2024 11:26

Kinda underwhelming finale

@Vneks - 01.02.2024 00:26

This was amazing! Good job hazzor! Well worth the wait!

@backlogerinoanswerino - 01.02.2024 00:24

Let Badger be the last to fall before the flame of her vengeance

@Nomadith - 31.01.2024 22:13

It can't be coincidence that you, Reggie and Grim Kleaper all uploaded within the same 24h window, surely?

Love to see you back Hazzor

@redbeardsteelskin6723 - 31.01.2024 21:31

I choose to believe Camcol was brainwashed into forgetting everything. Badger just did the right thing and put him out of his misery.
As for that ending...damn. Thanks for the video!

@johnjohnsin3762 - 31.01.2024 20:53

Terrible rimworld idea: All bloodlust wasters, only wear tained gear pulled from the corpses of the slain.

I've played this and it sucks. As wasters you're all ugly, with bloodlust everyone wants to fight, with fighting comes more debuffs or the occasional whatever the 'got that out of our system" buff is.
My 'arrest pawn, spam reduce resistance with every other pawn to make them all friends' cheese has been nerfed, not even worth doing.
Toss in raider meme and not just beelining for genome stuff...good luck.

@Lilyclu - 31.01.2024 17:56

gosh I got a sinking feeling about where this was going as soon as Camcol showed up (I actually saw that Badger's father was still alive and in a hostile faction and thought it might get even worse), but even so, seeing the inevitable conclusion was heartwrenching. What a way for the tale of Badgerhold to end. Feel especially bad for Komodo, losing her home, then her sister to that quest for vengeance, and finally dying amidst her new family with nobody to protect her. :(

@weckar - 31.01.2024 16:29

Silly idea: "Snake" base.

1. Your base may have only one entrance.
2. Every room can only lead to one other and from one other room, forming a Snake.
3. To prevent just making a giant room, no room can be larger than 76 tiles (because the first version of the game Snake came out in '76)

@jobonotoe - 31.01.2024 14:19

But why should we remain indoors where is the joke

@Masonerick - 31.01.2024 12:36

Well that was a depressive ending :P Great run though! Thanks for the good times

@coitusergosum2447 - 31.01.2024 10:42

That ending.


@pendantblade6361 - 31.01.2024 10:02

And now her watch has ended. Thanks for the series, Hazzor.

@hudmerrell8079 - 31.01.2024 09:42

just rewatched the old videos too :)

@toriaoi1695 - 31.01.2024 09:37

Something something revenge.............. something something two graves.

@velzanna2281 - 31.01.2024 09:30

The ceiling cold water on his forehead but Camcol couldn’t find the strength to shield himself from the damp. He failed. He was supposed to protect Badgerhold. Now everyone else was dead because he wasn’t strong enough.

Almost everyone… perhaps.

He broke the outer wall as their home fell and burned all around them and he ushered the two girls, so small and scared, out into the gathering twilight. Run. Run and do not look back, he told them. Blocking the escaping kids from their pursuers, he stood tall even as his neurones overheated and screamed in agony at overexertion.

They Enus knights overpowered him and dragged him away. He awoke in this dank cell, barely able to move. At least the girls survived… however, he knew full well how fragile human bodies are. How perilous the world they live in.

Badger was far from defenceless but she was still only a child…

The longer he thought about it as the days passed in his windowless cell, the harder it was to cope with his grief and despair. It has been months. The girls were dead by now, he was sure of it. If only he defended them instead of making his last stand. Perhaps they’d be captured with him. No, he condemned them to a slow and agonising death out in the wild, cold and scared and alone. Their gaunt and hollow faces haunted his nightmares, begging to know why he did this to them. Why did he abandon them, why did he make them leave?

In the depths of his mourning he broke out many times, punching and biting and shocking his way out of his cell only to be overwhelmed and beaten down again. He hoped they would kill him and release him from his guilt. But they never did.

The stronghold’s doctor tended to his wounds time and time again. She was a kind and warm woman, and she actually cared to ask him why he was so desperate to die.

He told her. He told her of the fires that consumed Badgerhold, his home that he was meant to protect. How he saved the children only to later regret it with every fibre of his being.

She listened and was patient with him. She told him it was not his fault. She told him that he must forgive himself. No one man can know what the future holds. No one man can hope to fight off an invading army. It was not his fault.

He slept without dreams after she spoke to him, the first time since the fall of Badgerhold.

Eventually, he opened up to the doctor, and she became his friend. His guilt was still eating him on the inside, he still mourned his old family… but they were dead now and he still lived. It was time, perhaps, to look ahead. To begin anew.

The kind doctor became his friend, then his lover and eventually, his wife. He fathered a child, a girl he named Badger in honour of his lost home and lost disciple. The pain never fully went away but there was no bringing back his loved ones, and he had something, someone new to live for.

It was over ten years since he was captured and brought to the stronghold. He was tending the garden when guards sounded the alarm. He donned his armour and picked up his weapon. He was still a warrior even if he was not as limber and energetic as he was in his prime. He walked up to the gates and peered over the battlements to assess the numbers of the invading force.

A lone rider on a pale horse approached the walls without fear. Their armour gleaming with silver sheen yet stained with soot and blood stains. Their march was unhurried yet relentless. Camcol remembered that the neighbouring settlements have gone dark over the last few weeks. What was going on?

Before he could get an answer the rider lifted their visor and scorching hellfire erupted from their eyes.

Camcol rushed ahead with the other warriors. He had to protect his new home, his new family. He would not allow the tragedy of Badgerhold to repeat. Never again.

As the fires raged all around the battlefield he got close enough to swing at the raider. They were shorter than he expected, but nimble and strong. To his horror, his weapon bounced off the plates of the silvery metal, not even denting it. The warrior erupted into flames and as he lifted his arms to shield his face, the blade of their sword buried itself deep in his gut.

Camcol looked down into the face of his killer - he knew already that this wound will be fatal - to see what horrible creature had brought his life to this end. To see their victory turning to defeat as he grasped the blade with his hands and prepared to set off a blast of lightning through the eager metal conduit.

The face peering up at him was maimed, scarred, scorched, hardened. But at once he knew. He never forgot. She was a small and hopeful child when he instructed her in the way of a psycaster. She was his pupil, his hope for the future, his friend.

Badger. The first Badger. The child of Badgerhold. She lived. Her hardened eyes spoke of a difficult life, a life of survival and hardship, but she stuck to his teachings. She became strong. It all made sense now. She was the one avenging her family with fire and blood while he lived happily among his enemies. Camcol’s hands slipped away from the blade.

He would not take her life. No, it is only fair. More than anything, he was proud of her, for carrying on. For staying true.

His heart hasn’t felt lighter in a decade as when he looked down into his student’s eyes and saw the hatred and the gathering hellfire.

@Leldy - 31.01.2024 08:29

Great video, Haz!

@jeremyhill118 - 31.01.2024 08:09

I'm simple, Hazzor uploads, I like. Also, what a story arc for Camcol!

@lostastronaut3632 - 31.01.2024 07:54

Damn man that was bleak

@k.katona9415 - 31.01.2024 06:23

Nooooo I was really hoping for a happy ending :(

@Aaron-oh3yj - 31.01.2024 06:20

A tragic end to the tale of Badger. I guess what they say about revenge is true.

Love your videos, they're slowly getting me interested in Rimworld.

@1ManRandom - 31.01.2024 06:17

The moral of the story: Revenge is a better when shared with friends. Next time you go out on a rampage, take the whole family with you!

Also, regarding Camcol, he was definitely forcibly indoctrinated by the Enus Empire. They forced him to submit to them after destroying Badgerhold, and broke him so utterly that he forgot how to use his powers. It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize Badger, he just knew that she would finally be the one to free him from his shackles. She would bring him home, one way or the other.

@bwcmakro - 31.01.2024 06:05

Why do I feel like that ending was a "There, they're dead, now will you stop badgering me to continue this series?"

@unifiedhorizons2663 - 31.01.2024 05:30

Badger basically killed her dad and here I thought you’d kidnap him back…

@TheDeadEyeSamurai - 31.01.2024 05:15

Enus Empire, "Got your nose!"

@nothingbutgianttrees1995 - 31.01.2024 05:02

Hello fellow indoor stayers,
any one that could possibly help me with something rimworld related?
I got the game in the epic store a while back and have been enjoying it a lot!
Since then I've been trying to install some ease-of-life mods, like wall lights.. tried using all the alternative links to the steam workshop, as i dont have the game on steam and so far thats not been goin well :(
All of the mods I've tried were either outdated or relied on other outdated mods.. I assume there's no way to make it work with the steam workshop, without buying rimworld on steam? Do i just have to wait and hope for things to get updated?
I'd really appreciate some advice if anyone has any ':)
Thank youuu

@evanknopp4441 - 31.01.2024 04:15

I'll be back, sounds good.

@HeroForSure - 31.01.2024 04:03

You did the follow-up! Thanks! Something to rewatch for the next 2 weeks

@someperson998 - 31.01.2024 03:57

This series has honestly been the best rimworld series I have ever encountered

You certainly cooked up a storm

@Rainyredman1234 - 31.01.2024 03:06

Sometimes I forget that rimworld isn't a game, rimworld is a story generator, then I see playthroughs like this, playthroughs that truly have a story, stories of fire, stories of peace, stories of prosperity, and stories of ruin

@leonardopisano5636 - 31.01.2024 02:57

We need a new saga now 😢

@atropabelladonna12 - 31.01.2024 02:32

Well shit, that's definitely one way to end a run.

@carlosesteban5601 - 31.01.2024 02:31

Age of Empires 2 music?

@Brotrooper360 - 31.01.2024 02:01

What a good story, RIP Badger she was the coolest

@MC-un8bp - 31.01.2024 02:00

Dropping a message to say I absolutely loved this whole Rimworld story!! Thank you

@sirbill_greebi3811 - 31.01.2024 01:51


@Reylarian - 31.01.2024 01:38

Yes! YES! THE Video we've all be waiting for! Thank you Hazzor! GO BAJDER GO!

@velzanna2281 - 31.01.2024 01:32

Applause to RigeL for amazing art! Wow it's so perfect.

@lanterneembers967 - 31.01.2024 01:24

I have never been more invested in a series like this, I'm happy to see it ending so well but at the same time so sad at the events, thank you for the amazing series Hazzor!

@fat_boi1533 - 31.01.2024 01:21

Maybe you could do a new campaign same world, but new faction is crashlanded start, isnt restricted to medieval, -100 goodwill with all factions. I was thinking either a test your metal settlement survival, or forge an Empire
