The Callisto Protocol Is A Survival Horror Game

The Callisto Protocol Is A Survival Horror Game


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@Gggmanlives - 02.12.2022 07:56

Hey guys I just found out that apparently they're releasing NG+ mode as free DLC next year. I still don't think that excuses it not being there on launch but it's better than nothing?

@HighSpeedTV - 06.11.2023 05:30

Just got this one free on PS Plus... i have to say... this game got a ton of flak at launch and I really found it to be very good. The points made in this video are spot on, no doubt. But overall, I thought the gameplay was passable and the story was intriguing. 8.5/10 for me dogg.

@jonathanwyatt6572 - 05.11.2023 23:42

You spoke about medium difficulty actually being hard. If anything the easy difficulty hard to play on as well

@filipporubsky7621 - 26.10.2023 23:48

Hallo, i have just finished this game and i have the same feeling like you said, whybis itvso difficult? There is few moments i wish i never downloaded the game, especcialy final bos where i have died about 300 times! 15 seconds loading game and after 20 seconds death, again, and again... Story is superb but graphics on ps4 looks worse than dead space 1 on ps3... Oh man...

@leroyjenkins4115 - 25.10.2023 07:40

Most of your issues have been corrected. Most, not all 😏

@dzonnyblue3065 - 24.10.2023 19:57

Shitty Copy of Dead Space nothing Original and Fresh !

@davenic2471 - 23.10.2023 02:24

Getting this game for free on PS plus was a very pleasant surprise. I definitely enjoyed my time with it, especially going in with super low expectations.

@panda_cat541 - 22.10.2023 06:02

Is dead space better than calisto

I want to play calisto it's a new game for me

@BlazingKhioneus - 20.10.2023 06:29

I havent seen many of the special death animations, but they honestly just feel like gratuitous game overs that drag out the process of reloading the last checkpoint. Like the eye plucking one just...I fall asleep. Wake me up when I'm dead. Yes, it is gorey, but that one at least is boring and barely gives any satisfying carnage to actually validate it.

@Mister_Superfly - 15.10.2023 03:19

I think it's a decent horror, it has its problems yes but I enjoyed the combat and didn't think it was like Dead Space in the regard, If they were going to do a survival horror and stick with the third person view, this would of been its best bet. It does well for me in regards of playtime, and fixed a lot of bugs which has been updated, honestly I still haven't got through half of my back catalogue and we have Spider-man 2 never mind even starting Bauldr's Gate.

@turdgoblin6113 - 07.10.2023 06:19

Come on, doesn't anyone have a good spoiler video for this game?! Or any games really? I just got this game and finally started playing it.

@eustacebagge5499 - 21.09.2023 01:44

Well, the game may have issues, agree. But you sound stupid crying about every single thing you encounter. Replace "stupid" with "bitchy" and that s it

@Anticitizen39 - 14.09.2023 11:08

Waaaah waaah I died on my blind run from not having my gun reloaded. It’s survival horror bruz, piss poor planning = piss poor performance

@Shawn_Raz_87 - 29.08.2023 00:54

I don't understand throwing shade for a game not having new game plus especially one that's not like an action RPG or a looter shooter or something where it makes sense like what other survival horror games out there have a new game plus do any of the resident evils does the evil within does Dead space. I don't even know maybe they do like it just doesn't make sense to me for the type of game that is to be able to play it again with all the stuff unlocked making it easier taking away from it being a survival horror game and turning into more of an empowered character power fantasy.
And tons of other non-survival horror linear story-based games don't have new game plus so I just I don't know why anybody's upset at all and it is getting one just to cater to people that demand that every game has a new game plus so you guys can shut up now and it's free so

@lordmunchkin8396 - 23.08.2023 06:09

"Nails the story." Maybe if you're braindead. The story is almost completely unexplained. Don't believe me? Just compare it to what we knew about the Dead Space universe when DS1 came out.

@crisprvideogameofficial - 14.08.2023 03:56

"Gotcha bitch" 😂😂

@RRVCrinale - 27.07.2023 12:30

The pace and violence of the combat actually kinda reminds me of Madworld. Hell, anybody remember the castle and dungeons that threw zombies at you?

@ThekillingGoku - 26.07.2023 02:48

I'm playing the game now and am a bit past the point in this review where I get that space suit & get out into that snowstorm.
And honestly, this game is totally different from Dead Space aside from it's initial impression and easthetics.

I'm many hours into the game and if I've shot off 15 rounds with a gun it'll be a lot. I'd say killing those robots is the most shooting I've done all that time. This thing is 100% melee focused.
So much so that ammo takes up a huge chunk of your extremely limited inventory in this game.
As such, you can barely ever carry any ammo, let alone anything else.

The game then throws that sellable junk at you, which also takes up precious space in your inventory, which by the way is only 6 items until it jumps to 12 eventually. As such, each time you find one of those shops, you just sell everything you've got, ammo and all. I generally just keep a health siringe just in case.
After all, money is a limited resource and ammo == cash and also storage space == cash (since shops aren't readily available most of the time, you often need to just leave stuff on the floor).

That being said, I'm not hating my time with this game overall. But I'm disappointed with how they pretty much made shooting something to be discouraged.

@augiepeake213 - 22.07.2023 09:43

This game just felt like a worse dead space. It's as if the developers have absolutely nothing else to write about other than space dudes with a health bar on their back fighting malformed aliens. It's the same fucking thing it just feels like a fat waste of time

@DelinquentDemon - 19.07.2023 09:52

"His name is two-head.. cuz he gots two heads! Adurrrrr" - Glen Schofield

@thedoc7184 - 11.07.2023 01:19

You can thank the anti cheat for the performance issues.

@Megametalwolf - 05.07.2023 16:11

Absolutely fabulous editing and content. You got a sub

@lorenzoorbanic4312 - 20.06.2023 14:14

Glen Schofield is the true king of "How can I kill you in a million different ways"

@maxedout199 - 16.06.2023 21:26

Just picked this up for 25 it's pretty good

@MIAsuxdonkey - 16.06.2023 21:13

Comparing most horror games to Dead space feels almost redundant to me tbh, I remember the first time I played dead space I was already pretty old, like in my early 30’s and was completely desensitised to horror in media…. Is what I thought XD that game man hadn’t felt scared and terrified of turning around to see what’s behind me like that pretty much ever. Honestly started feeling like the game would give me a minor heart attack in my old age at some point….

@ShadowBotboi - 13.06.2023 10:59

Fuxk this game and its difficulty modes

@GinisisDroid - 11.06.2023 01:10

Now compare this game weapon mechanics and combate system with Dead Space 3 and DS 3 is master piece with how much weapon u can make in that game

@The_18th_Fret - 09.06.2023 08:36

I know the combat system is way too simple and repetitive but I really enjoyed TCP. Also one of the best looking games I've ever seen, I pretty much walked through the whole game instead of run just to soak everything in. Solid 7.5/10 for me

@JimbobTheBird - 29.05.2023 21:25

So basically if dead space was dark souls

@-redacted_by_youtube - 25.05.2023 00:12

You are spot on about this game.

@smileysatanson3404 - 23.05.2023 02:38

Honestly it looks like they copied Joels melee attacks to a T almost

@ToppoHead - 12.05.2023 10:08

Playing this game for the first time was the absolute more rage inducing experience. I guess that’s what I get for playing on the hard difficulty. But man after dying 5 times the game’s horror literally non-existent. Shit becomes doom on ultra-nightmare.

@user-iz5bt7qe7k - 11.05.2023 15:57

should have just made dead space 4

@aceroculturaanahuac8684 - 01.05.2023 12:58

Noticed Dead Space is compared to The Callisto Protocol and to be honest Dead Space was a whatever game. It was good but not as good as people are making it out to be. I am actually looking forward to playing the callisto protocol.

@wetzinalvarado6930 - 25.04.2023 06:51

Callisto protocol is the video game versión of sunday television, forgetable movies, even the military guy who became the final boss is a full clichw

@wieczniegodni6795 - 17.04.2023 16:16

The absolute worst part for me in callisto protocol was unlocking crates. Once the "thing" jumps on you out of the box, this jump scare repeats itself pretty much every 2 crates

@Hugo_Tate - 03.04.2023 04:40

this game came and went like a fart in the wind

@AndJusticeForMe - 22.03.2023 08:59

Pee Wee Herman at the end. 😂

@mask938 - 22.03.2023 02:34

I think the melee combat would be more enjoyable if there were more melee weapons to use. There’s only so long you can bludgeon space zombies with a stun baton before it becomes tedious and repetitive.

@officegossip - 19.03.2023 07:52

Never stop the fart sounds.

@Renagade3D - 18.03.2023 01:52

Get a grip....its a good game and does so on its own merits....comparisons not needed or snide coments......

@AstaIsAMonster - 14.03.2023 23:25

The gameplay is trash but it’s pretty to look at I guess.

@markgregory2746 - 12.03.2023 14:30

I get that squeezing through spaces, crawling through vents and slow walking are really restrictive but when the dev team usually does this it's for performance reasons especially in these high fidelity games with no loading screens. Comprises have to be made unfortunately as the tech just isn't quite there yet.

@fluttershystayshigh4202 - 11.03.2023 12:25

Pissed me off so much when i realized this game didn't have new game +, the devs of this awesome game are idiots for not including that, it would have given this already badass game so much replay value.

@punchawaterfall6302 - 07.03.2023 02:45

I don't old it is, the To Be Continued meme template will always be #1 in my heart

@Random_gaming_info_ - 27.02.2023 08:09

At least we finally have new game+

@kamilciura7953 - 26.02.2023 01:20

Say what you want about Keanu's performance in CP2077, but I quickly forgot that it's him, not Johnny Silverhand. He was a perfect fit for playing that asshole and delivered in spades.
