Project 1999's 3 Biggest Problems | EverQuest

Project 1999's 3 Biggest Problems | EverQuest

Ion Blaze

1 год назад

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Jay R
Jay R - 28.08.2023 19:40

ALL MMOs have a dead end. If you're end game in retail and you have your epic and are geared up, what is there to do.......nothing. Same answer as what's there to do in P99....

raphaelsolo - 21.08.2023 22:09

Oh please tell me the "This has to stop now" video was filmed on Aradune. It would be the most wonderful comeuppance ever.

ProphetofGod - 14.08.2023 17:04

When EQ first came out in 1999 I was so freaking obsessed with this game.

I actually took a month vacation from work to work on my epic 1.0.

Tox Of Oz
Tox Of Oz - 06.08.2023 16:30

Why was the monk not breaking the spawn? As one of the top monk pullers on my server back in the day i would never let anyone else break a spawn.

soulure - 19.07.2023 05:52

What's the lower guk assassin camp name?

Owen wu
Owen wu - 03.07.2023 10:49

how do you got map on p99 ?

Jeff Friedman
Jeff Friedman - 28.05.2023 21:11

Absolutely none of these RL punishments compare to a bad corpse run.

Vulsvang Kai
Vulsvang Kai - 15.05.2023 07:06

I know im late to the party, and only halfway through but ill chime in about "Why group when you dont have to?"

I mained a necro for years. Outside of raiding I grouped because I was either bored or, more often, i wanted to be lazy.

Know how easy it is to be a necro in a group? I can almost nap. Group pulls mob, i send in pet, maybe lifetap, and a dot occasionally(mobs should die before a necro dot can do much, thus a waste of mana on trash pulls). I grouped out of laziness. Thats why.

onneechan - 10.05.2023 00:08

I dunno if that was addressed, but Guise of the Deceiver is the mask that drops pre-nerf, Mask of the Deceiver which is bard/rogue drops after :)

Vegas Vanga
Vegas Vanga - 28.04.2023 03:47

I feel like it's been 20+ years; it's probably time to consider P99 it's own game entirely

Vegas Vanga
Vegas Vanga - 28.04.2023 03:21

your music choice bruh :(

Bandini p99
Bandini p99 - 25.03.2023 17:00

Late to comment here, but as an end-game raider on p99 blue, I respectfully disagree with a lot of these points (believe it or not, I have a job and a family and hobbies outside of p99). P99 is one of the last active servers that is NOT instanced, and a lot of us who play here do so precisely because we like it that way. End-game items on p99 are not guaranteed and are hard-earned through time invested, competition, persistence and strife, which makes them that much more valuable than an item that is more or less guaranteed on an instanced server. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but that's what the TLP servers are for.

I can see how a casual player might view p99 as a "dead end" but competitive raiding changes that entirely. It's also worth noting that anyone can apply to a competitive raiding guild, and even a casual player who can't attend every raid can offer something on a limited play schedule and still reap the rewards. Competitive raiding requires sophisticated coordination between players who must bring a raid target cleanly into camp before the competing raid guild(s) beats them to it. A lot of the engages are very complex, and each week different scenarios and obstacles occur which players must work together to overcome. People invest a lot time in learning these engages and in exploring new ways to gain competitive advantages. Again, not everyone's cup of tea, but if you think p99 is a dead end simply because it's locked at Velious, then you're ignoring an entire level of richly complex gameplay that occurs at the end-game.

As for grouping, green is no doubt more crowded than blue and I can empathize with the struggle to find a group on an overcrowded server. I'll also agree with your point that some classes can solo better and earn exp more efficiently than others. However, doesn't the fact that you can't find a group on green due to all the camps being owned by groups mean that grouping on p99 is, in fact, quite healthy? Moreover, there are plenty of quests and targets on this server that, no matter how good of a solo class you are, how skilled of a player you are or how well-geared you are, you will never be able to kill without a group/raid. You seem to imply that everyone here is just soloing there way to 60, getting bored and then quitting, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

TLDR; While I was once a casual player myself and understand where you're coming from, I believe these arguments are grounded in naivete and inexperience. Casual players, out of frustration, tend to demonize the end-game and the raid scene without ever giving it a chance. It's tough, it's difficult, it's competitive, but many of us who play here don't want a raid scene where everyone gets a participation trophy. We like it this way.

Hanzzyolo - 18.03.2023 10:27

I would advise people to take this review with a heavy dose of skepticism. Project 1999 developers have poured thousands of hours into recreating the original everquest classic experience. The "problems" this reviewer has - are issues he has with classic everquest - not the server. This streamer has a vested interest in TLP servers, and has put out a few videos taking aim at the wildly successful p1999. It is unfortunate to see.

randmtsk - 15.02.2023 19:39

I really enjoyed your lore discourse before each zone.

How did you find out about the lore of the zones?

Dulu - 03.02.2023 05:40

Biggest problem is no new P99 Red server... No attempt to create a new ruleset. No teams. No wipe. No seasons. Sad, PvP players are just forgotten by Daybreak and P99 both.

Micheal Jones
Micheal Jones - 30.01.2023 04:55

I wish they would put eqoa on the Playstation store

Nicholas Doyle
Nicholas Doyle - 12.01.2023 00:44

I don't see the legitness of these complaints... the reason ppl would play p99... is to re-experiance the 1999 release... it's what it used to be... that's the nostalgia of it... raiding.. was an all day thing... and yah.. end game was almost impossible if you had a life. Wouldn't change it. XD

Rico Love
Rico Love - 24.12.2022 07:04

P99 was no lifers . We went hard and it cost a lot in RL

Rico Love
Rico Love - 24.12.2022 06:54

You new ninjas complain but imagine back when it was called ever crack and fall asleep at a zone line and wake up to 30 corpses and massive xp loss . My old play mates from 99 and 2000 hate it now . I love it the same . Best game ever . Brutal . RPG should be .

Dylan Paul
Dylan Paul - 23.12.2022 23:14

Shouldn't the P99 devs just continue with the next expansions after Velious? As long as they keep the no boxing rule and stay true to the game.

LakeCaldera - 19.12.2022 12:12

The way you format your videos is confusing. You show random footage and then 11 minutes in get to the advertised point of the video.

thereluctanthireling - 14.12.2022 15:31

Love the channel and content you put, the videos are all so well done. The critiques of P99 are fair, but I don't think it is a dead-end game because it takes so LONG to get anything on that server keeps me playing there where I don't think I could keep or enjoy the pace of the TLP's.

ramuha thunder
ramuha thunder - 30.11.2022 00:54

Ya I'm poor and can't pay for a sub so p99 forever.

Gamer41 - 29.11.2022 06:34

tlp servers are fucking trash! your a goddamn baby

M L - 21.11.2022 13:53

Blistig GM corrupt being top problem on p99.

Jason Preziosi
Jason Preziosi - 18.11.2022 04:52

FIrst off... I recently discovered your channel and I've been gobbling up videos. Great content! As someone who has played live in 99 and left during PoP, but only just returned a few months ago for the first time. Your line about everything being meaningless and playing in a museum was a real gut punch. Wow you really put it into perspective. I'm still loving my return leveling up but it's true the magic will end.

Johnny Daugherty
Johnny Daugherty - 09.11.2022 08:46

Wtf is mez??

Anthony Zaino
Anthony Zaino - 09.11.2022 04:22

As a pretty casual wow player, I gotta say I find EverQuest to be absolutely fascinating. The raid encounters look like an absolute clusterfuck in the best way

d d
d d - 06.11.2022 15:54

boys,. this was how it was when I played EQ on its original release... welcome to jungle

Yuchin Xia
Yuchin Xia - 02.11.2022 22:06

watching your video makes me relive my days back in 2000-2003.

Dwarf Attempt
Dwarf Attempt - 29.10.2022 10:05

I once died at bed camp because the necromancer I ressed chose to faint death instead of protecting me.

Dwarf Attempt
Dwarf Attempt - 29.10.2022 10:04

Hardcore music at bed camp lfm

Adam Joys
Adam Joys - 24.10.2022 16:44

That part when you had 5 mobs mezzed... that dance, that's why I play Bard. Love that feeling, the control :)

Sabra - 21.09.2022 20:30

I'm loving this recap of Yelinak, I was right there with you even in the same guild and then Kunark happened...

Vince - 05.09.2022 06:48

I remember playing EQ in 2000 when my brother introduced my first mmo. Played it for 4 years fun times on fennin ro server was paying 12 dollars a month for a subscription. Was in a great guild every weekend raids so we all grinned to get our toons to raid level. I remember coming home from work eating then playing til midnight. Ever crack that’s how this game was so addictive. It was fun and really still now enjoy playing mmo games and I’m 55. Glad this game didn’t come out during my college days or I probably wouldn’t finish college.

Cosmic Christopher
Cosmic Christopher - 29.08.2022 10:20

This seems pretty fun honestly. But I fear I'm too spoiled by FFXIV with a controller. Would it ever be possible to play this type of MMO on PC with a Controller comfortably? I know that always sounds weird to most. Even as someone who does some PC gaming, I always end up needing controller support due to "I have terrible coordination otherwise.". I understand if the answer is a resounding. "No." But I genuinely would like to try a game like this that isn't just the big juggernauts at the moment.

Darcstarr - 28.08.2022 02:56

I think a lot of those facts apply mainly to experienced or life long players. For newcomers like myself where p99 is our first encounter it actually holds up. Even with the wiki and Alla readily available I find myself just playing it out and asking in game players themselves for info and tips while I'm grouped with them.

My strategy in almost every group I'm in, especially if its a new zone, is to talk about the party a little and learn about the zone and mobs therein. The information is generally accurate and if not theres always another person in the group to correct it.

Greldek - 26.08.2022 17:39

You should try Wayfarers Haven its a nice balance between TLP and p99. Its currently in Gates and going to Omens where the devs said it will stop. 3box max strictly enforced. this allows people to solo to max lvl with boxing, and camp some hard mobs, but there aren't 6 mage box armies locking everything down 24/7.

Dorothy Marshall
Dorothy Marshall - 26.08.2022 05:28


Tacky - 17.08.2022 04:43

I can't get p1999 to work on Linux with wine. That's a problem.

undignified - 17.08.2022 02:27

Praise the cc

Kindlesmith80 - 16.08.2022 04:26

This video was all over the place. All I got from it was that P1999 doesn't cater to jerks, and has one absurdly time gated content.
A lot of what I saw was you playing in areas you shouldn't be because of your level, so every complaint concerning this is on you and your group, not the game.

There was a very weak argument of end game. Every game ends at some point. Nobody is preventing a person from replaying the game in its entirety from the very beginning. The benefits of games that offer different play methods are the best imo, like mmos that you can try out different classes, and some single player games where you can make different choices within a narrative. No game is endless. You either get bored of it, or draw it to its forced conclusion. Power to you if you can get more out of a game beyond its content. All games serve to entertain. I would have added, games are not there to imprison you, but we all know there are some pretty addicting games out there most built around taking away your money in any way possible.

I did enjoy the lore inserts, but have nothing to do with the topic of the video. May want to consider focusing on the topic at hand for future videos. It did teach me exp is shared among the group, which really doesn't matter considering each additional party member is one more enemy minus a bit because of exp boost. In the end you are getting a better deal so long as everyone in the party does their job well. That goes without saying, as long as there enough enemy mobs, or fast enough respawns to match the party numbers at the rate the group can defeat them.

Michael Luciano
Michael Luciano - 15.08.2022 16:54


zoey graverson
zoey graverson - 11.08.2022 21:42

I stole your name, fu

yizudien - 11.08.2022 20:32

Try project Lazarus, it is actually a fun server that does a lot to keep things interesting. P99 is beautiful for all of the reasons you mention, it is like the original. I played EQ since its release back in 99, and the game cost 9.89 dollars a month to play (989 Studios and all). Guk was a huge fight back then, and when Mage/necro could solo frenzied after kunark it was a PITA because you could get everything but loot drops (as long as you could deal with mini trains from a necro running to your camp then FDing. It is cool that now the TLP do have the option to spawn your guts after downing the undead dragon in the instance (first versions didn't so you would always see a level 1 bard down there). However TLP is still much easier than 99 because they didn't remove all things from EQ (some they couldn't), unless you are really bad as a guild it is really hard to fail most raids (except fear which you covered, the break-in is rough after that pretty easy). Maybe the roamer dragon in Kunark is tough for the first kill because he hits so hard, but most of the others aren't all that bad.

Slazzik - 11.08.2022 04:51

So- with Zaide not racing for first to 50, it took 2 days for someone to hit max on launch?

cory k
cory k - 09.08.2022 18:29

Project 1999 is the way to go. My personal opinion live is terrible now.
