The Birth and Golden Age of Adventure Time - Seasons 1-5 Review & Retrospective

The Birth and Golden Age of Adventure Time - Seasons 1-5 Review & Retrospective


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Doctor Adventure
Doctor Adventure - 24.10.2023 09:17

I remember for Christmas one year my sister made me a Finn hat and it was probably my favorite gift ever. I used to wear it to school all the time and it actually did a great job keeping my head warm but unfortunately someone stole it. Shortly afterwards they started selling official ones but those weren’t nearly as good as the one my sister made me.

Lost media detective 2
Lost media detective 2 - 17.04.2023 01:23

Lemongrab 😂 to bad he voiced by Justin Roland

Lost media detective 2
Lost media detective 2 - 17.04.2023 00:52

I relate to jake a butt ton

Princess Whatsername
Princess Whatsername - 07.04.2023 06:58

I'm quite the opposite when it comes to the Lemongrab episodes 😂 he's one of my favorite side-characters, because as someone with generally low frustration tolerance (working on it in therapy though 😅)...there are times where one minor inconvenience too many makes my insides feel the way Lemongrab is characterized honestly "UNNACCEPTABLLLEEE!!!" is sometimes just a mood 😩🤣😭 and also he's just freaking hilarious to me in a dark, ridiculous way 😂

Also, I personally think I overall prefer the later seasons of the show, because of the further depth it gives a lot of the characters, and the additional world-building. I agree, though that season 5 just DRAGS, like an album with too many songs and not enough editing of ideas.

wazb723 - 26.03.2023 16:21

Thought lumpy space princess was narrating 😂

Snorak Clark
Snorak Clark - 26.03.2023 06:52

james was the best shut up

Your Weird Uncle Secret Tickle Time
Your Weird Uncle Secret Tickle Time - 13.02.2023 00:09

In puhoy Finn has baby maker with a pillow

Мартин Иванов
Мартин Иванов - 08.02.2023 16:06

Season five and six are the best (plot, humour, style)

dizzle grizzle
dizzle grizzle - 02.02.2023 08:18

the fact that every episode is like a fever dream is the entire reason I watch it. I want weird and random

525Lines - 19.01.2023 06:28

It's a ripoff of Kamandi

Apollix Fire
Apollix Fire - 22.11.2022 00:14

I never noticed how close he sounds too one of the two guys on cartoon network the were the mascots C and N that did advertisements

Imagination Nation
Imagination Nation - 20.11.2022 21:55

i didnt watch adventure time when it was on air and i regret it so much i only watched it this year but i feel like it would have helped me in childhood. i feel so deeply conected to the show and i know i would have loved it even more if i watched it when it came out.

Muzi World
Muzi World - 29.10.2022 21:55

It was so random, funny, & attractive. Every frame had so much detail into it u could pause the show & just look at the background.

AlexanderHDMI - 17.10.2022 06:20

I'm in the minority I guess, but I will always prefer the first two, maybe three, seasons. Eventually, the show got very pretentious, and everything the characters said was just artistic jargon. At first, the character dialogue was just wacky, but it eventually evolved into every character speaking in complex metaphors. I don't know -- I thought the charm was the absurdity of the adventures. But the show eventually started focusing on character growth and overarching plots. Not to mention, by the end of the show, it wasn't necessarily about "adventures" anymore. It stopped being about Finn and his dog traveling around distant lands to defeat villains via combat - yanno?

Peppered Saltine
Peppered Saltine - 27.09.2022 23:48

I literally thought the clicking of the keyboard was part of the song. I think in a way, it is

Flopfist - 29.08.2022 22:07

Rewatching all of adventure time was better than watching it the first time
