Melanoides tuberculata THE GENEROUS MALAYSIAN TRUMPET SNAIL. (Leopard Aquatic W043A)

Melanoides tuberculata THE GENEROUS MALAYSIAN TRUMPET SNAIL. (Leopard Aquatic W043A)

Leopard Aquatic

3 года назад

937 Просмотров

(Leopard Aquatic W043A)
Malaysian Trumpet Snail (Melanoides tuberculata) is also called as Red rimmed Melania. The hobbyist’s opinions about this snail are divided into two. While many thinks that it is an excellent and hardy algae cleaner, some people regard it as pest.
Habitat: It inhabits estuaries and freshwater streams. It tends to avoid area with acidic water.
Water parameter:
pH: 7.0-7.5
TDS: 200-300 ppm
Temperature: 24-26°C
Max length: 5 cm
Usual size on trade: 4 cm
Characteristic: The Malaysian trumpet snails is very active and peaceful snail that loves to munch on algae. It is excellent tank cleaner and will get along with all aquatic plants. It is live-bearing parthenogenesis species that will reproduce in the aquarium, so it is important to not overfeed it to avoid population boom.
Diet: cucumber, carrot, lettuces and algae waffers
Suitable tank mates: all kind of shrimps, Corydoras, rainbowfish, tetra, barb and danio
Unsuitable tank mates: pufferfish, large catfish and aggressive cichlids
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