International Mock Trial on Human Rights | United Nations

International Mock Trial on Human Rights | United Nations

United Nations

1 год назад

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The International Mock Trial on Human Rights is the culmination of a year-long programme organized by The Social Excellence Forum (SEF) for a diverse group of 20-30 young leaders, ages 15-22 years, from several countries.


The students will interrogate the actions and responsibilities of Ernst Rudin, the so-called father of Nazi Racial Hygiene. The Mock Trial will cover the subject of human rights violations, racism and discrimination, and the responsibility of leaders for the consequences of their incitement and actions.  The International Youth Mock Trial on Human Rights is organized by The Social Excellence Forum (SEF), with the support of the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme. The Social Excellence Forum (SEF) is a non-profit youth leadership training initiative.

Holocaust Remembrance Website:


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