How to Quickly Delete Pins on Pinterest

How to Quickly Delete Pins on Pinterest

Beth Anne Schwamberger

8 лет назад

38,063 Просмотров

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rg apg
rg apg - 30.04.2023 00:38

Yeh lol im trying to move ll my 3 500 pins into catagories / boards and when I delete them after moving them it takes so long cause it take you to the top of the page again im on phone

Isabella castillo
Isabella castillo - 20.05.2020 00:55

Thank u now my parents will never know what my pins are

lowerastral - 05.10.2017 23:56

How do I remove a pin on the NEW Pinterest (which SUCKS by the way), because I accidentally added a pin to the wrong board...and I cannot for the live of me, figure out how to delete that pin. Thanks!

The Marshall Family
The Marshall Family - 28.08.2017 15:50

Hello there's no move pins button

vicki carol
vicki carol - 10.07.2016 19:18

Beth Ann, maybe you could help me figure out why after two years of using pinterest I can't receive pins sent to my own email.  I uninstalled and re-installed and still can't receive.glad I found you. You sound full of information
