Angus & Julia Stone - Here We Go Again [ALBUM]

Angus & Julia Stone - Here We Go Again [ALBUM]


14 лет назад

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@HansBorrj - 15.02.2012 09:04

@DeedleDeedleDumplin true! :)

@Ganorminor - 26.02.2012 13:50

@Nerllyn its a british regular uniform circa 1777 i should know im an american my ancestors aimed at those for like legit 9 years straight

@GrrrlsOnlyA.I - 04.04.2012 20:12

fuck that harmonica at the end was hella dope

@yuweeandkyst - 06.07.2012 02:02

It's pretty hard >< I don't manage to play it all.

@EricaMeow12 - 25.07.2012 12:16

good music, but honestly i dont think her voice is very original. she seems like she is trying too hard to sound like more popular indie/pop artists like Lily Allen or Regina Spektor.

@alicefish - 28.09.2012 04:43

woah, cocorosie voice.

@SannatheGamer - 22.01.2013 20:18

You should listen to Winter on the Weekend (by Julia Stone). That is not like Allen or Spektor at all, it has a lot more feeling in it. Allen sings with less air than Stone and I think Spektor sings more pop than Stone. They're not bad, just different, I think. I don't think Julia is trying to sound like anyone at all.

@ODISEODEITACA1 - 08.04.2019 02:05

She sounds like Katie Sutherland (Pearl and the Puppets), does it?
