10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Total War: Warhammer II - A Newbie Guide | HForHavoc

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Total War: Warhammer II - A Newbie Guide | HForHavoc


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@taavitoomsalu2219 - 18.11.2023 12:13

Thanks for this. I bought this game a few years ago, didnt give it much attention until now. Been playing for a few weeks with ~120 hours in. I play on the easy mode on both campaign and battle and its frustratingly difficult. I tried high elves and lizardmen and I get overrun with everything I do. Will continue to watch the videos kek

@rachitgupta8345 - 21.10.2023 07:53

cannot figure out how to attack

@wouterkessel4852 - 04.05.2023 16:09

I'm going to be honest I never really used charge bonus in any total war games, I always just mobbed up my cavalry in one big clump and used them as an incoming wave once the opposing infantry had engaged mine. Was especially effective in Rome Total war as anyone other than the greeks, since the AI tended to spam low quality units to create giant armies that had very low morale, especially with how often those armies didn't have a general

@AverageNeighbor - 14.03.2023 10:23

Had a port city with an army garrisond, and another army on the outside, the AI ambushed my outside army and then took the city, my plan was to have the outside army break the seige but whatever I guess they can ambush me on my own territory

@michaeltimj - 21.01.2023 13:56

This is very useful

@TheCthultist - 21.06.2022 01:33

Skirmish off/Guard mode on just completely turned my awfulness in battle around. Really wish I had realized how these options effected ranged units beforehand. Thanks!

@sam-ferrante - 09.05.2022 16:45

"A tip for beginners: Watch this 40 part tutorial guide on how to play!" ... lol

@chalgon3349 - 26.02.2022 07:27

if there's one rule I go by its that capitals get military buildings and minor settlements get infrastructure buildings

@borrymbai - 16.02.2022 18:30


@ThisOLmaan - 15.01.2022 09:49

for a player that bought more then a few Toeal War games while on sale i know zero, trouble in the building whats the essential buildings to construct at ifrst? and when does one know when to End Turn? hopfully i get some tips if not then the struggles continues🤷🏼‍♂️

@Sinful-Princess69 - 02.01.2022 15:53

Oh my god...
So that's why my Rattling Gunners never got more than 10 kills because Guard Mode wasn't on and they were running around like headless chickens!

Who designed that!?!

@Tucher97 - 29.12.2021 15:58

Another tip, use warhound-like units to attack routing enemies, and do not worry about damage being done as that matters is the invisible moral depletion which I call "Nerve".
If a routing army gets attacked constantly even if its just a scratch, you will prevent nerve from generating into moral and keep the regiment in route.

@bobxbaker - 08.12.2021 22:34

wow, i've been looking at several multiplayer tournaments and never knew or paid much attention to know that the grey bar under the health bar was for morale.
it's really useful information, not only to check on your own units morale but also the enemies so you can prep some unit to chase after them and kill off more of them as they run away.

@genildomiranda1690 - 27.11.2021 09:42


@dracosummoner - 06.11.2021 01:02

Thanks so much for this! I've played nearly all of the other Total War games at least once, and there's a ton of stuff here I didn't know about, like the specific charge bonuses or manually drawing curvy paths.

@callmenod2507 - 31.10.2021 10:09

Hey guys, Can we recruit on the sea? I found out DE recruiting next to city on the sea, is it possible?

@El_Deen - 02.09.2021 22:24

Thanks mate! Very nice quality of life tips! :D

@pitbullash - 01.08.2021 22:24

This dosent seem to be a beginner friendly tutorial 😕🤷🏻‍♀️

@Kinuhbud - 23.07.2021 02:07

The dragging a path one blew my mind

@RudyVisuals - 05.07.2021 12:29

Sorry if this totally noob question, but as Dark Elves, you want to have high corruption right?

@kohtalainenalias - 12.06.2021 12:19

morale = mitochondrio :D

@theisgejlfischer8712 - 09.06.2021 15:24

thank you

@genghisdoeslegos640 - 06.06.2021 10:18

I have never played this game, but I saw cool looking dinosaurs, the game is now in my libary.

@josephlux2562 - 22.04.2021 23:14

Don’t just hit the J key, it often bugs out where the unit won’t take the fastest path and can get roped back into melee, or will actually charge further in. Instead hit the J key to turn them 180 degrees and click where they are facing, they will immediately start moving instead of the unit having to calculate where to go on its own(which I believe uses the skirmish pathing which is notoriously unreliable). I find it is vastly faster in pulling a unit out and much more reliable.
Also when charging cav unit(lord, hero or unit) at a enemy unit that has charge defense against large/all, if you change direction to the intended enemy units left or right side perpendicular to your own,(as in straight left or right of your unit) the enemy will start moving or attempt to charge the cav, and loses its charge defense/will not brace if you charge them and are close enough, usually within 2 unit length(sideways) distances away. I use this all the time if I’m playing brettonia and cannot flank in time or availability.

@liberalsocialist9723 - 11.04.2021 15:11

IDK what 2 buy. Is their a reason to own 1/2 and the dlc?

@mirage939 - 10.04.2021 10:33

Hah.. I haven't played warhammerII yet. Although I bought it hours ago and it is downloading. But TIP number 7. I have been doing that manually On Divide and Conquer THIRD age and Elder scrolls Total war all the time. I really do need to key map My controls to where it's as simple as a one Button push. God you should see how I control my forces. I do everything the hardest way. Cuz im too lazy to learn something new that could make it easier on me if I just took that hour to remember the keys.

@EchoZeroJJ - 22.03.2021 17:08

Very useful tips thanks!

@blutshooter5545 - 12.03.2021 00:32


@Jazchong2519 - 06.03.2021 19:04

damn it. im planning to get my first Strategy and Tactics Game but after watching im not sure if i can handle it, looks hard AF

@grizzlytasbear9716 - 04.03.2021 12:07

I hated warhammer total war, but I didn't want to give up so I got warhammer 2 and it's fucking fantastic it's a great game. So if anyone on here doesn't like the first doesn't mean you won't like the second 👍

@NDB1010 - 01.03.2021 03:00

though the video was good most of this i learned from playing three kingdoms. guess i dont count as a beginner but i was hoping to see a big difference in campaign map play

@brunomora5242 - 23.02.2021 05:57

The campaign is hard AF

@donxnik - 22.02.2021 14:24

Holy crap I've been playing so long and I just find out a new things from video just now... THANKS BRO

@marauderscamp7226 - 05.02.2021 18:40

why am i watching this i dont even have the game lol

@GummBo3 - 25.01.2021 01:09

Isnt climbing the walls with ladders terrible?

@deathwishtommy9773 - 11.01.2021 22:21

You are the best! This game is kicking my ass and I am loving it. You have helped me immensely!

@werewolf4358 - 03.01.2021 17:04

If you're starting as Headhunter Queek, don't attack the Lizardmen to your north until you have Stormvermin and catapults. They will absolutely wreck your shit.

T.- new player that just had to restart my first game.

@codyhyperzine - 30.12.2020 05:00

This virus was incredibly useful

@michael9322 - 16.12.2020 14:56

Dude, you need to way more more in depth.

@cultofmalgus1310 - 30.11.2020 19:05

I've been a total war player since August of 2005 when I picked up RTW/BI. WH2 is the only campaign I soundly get my ass handed to me pretty much every time.

@beremizerazo4616 - 29.11.2020 05:23

Play Dwarves, turtle in every battlemap corner, and conquest the world!

@legendary__soap6806 - 29.11.2020 01:37

I’m about to play for the first time. I’m scared

@Rombizio - 28.11.2020 02:23

Every single tip was excellent for me. Thanks.

@johnsmith-de2py - 21.11.2020 02:29

Quick question: would you recommend playing warhammer 1, warhammer 2 or buying both on sale and doing the combined map and faction thing? I'm asking this because the campaigns in the first game and in the combined campaign sound alot more interesting than the race for the whirlydirly in the second game. Also I'd like the option to play as and against more factions.

@G4lip0li - 08.11.2020 17:50

What a guy. No long talking. No Abo like push Button Bullshit. Even give love to other Chanel. You sir just got a like and Abo.

@sirpoofs4693 - 06.11.2020 01:42

Thank you soo fucking much

@rapscallion8121 - 14.10.2020 19:53

Great video, Havoc. One of these days, I'll have you make some shiny icons for me... >_>
