the new Avatar remake is kinda dumb

the new Avatar remake is kinda dumb

Alex Meyers

3 месяца назад

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@jackskellingtonsfollower3389 - 07.03.2024 10:46

They were on the right track, but once again changed too much. Another problem I think is the decision to make feature length episodes instead of 20 to 30 minutes each.

Events from very different episodes were mashed together and don't make sense as a result. The Northern Air Temple and Cave of Two Lovers were mashed into the Omashu events; the latter being in the incorrect season (it's supposed to be season 2) and completely wrong in the sense that it's only Sokka and Katara. Wan Shi Tong, who should be introduced in season 2, The Library, was thrown into the Spirit World episode along with Koh who should have been in the final episode. Bumi became cold towards Aang which ruins his character. Sokka's sexist attitude was completely removed despite him changing his ways in literally the third episode in the original version after getting his butt kicked by the Kyoshi Warriors. Han of the Northern Water Tribe is changed to be a caring individual and Yue is not engaged to him.

They definitely did their research because some of the events are almost exact recreations of the originals. The Blue Spirit and the duel between Katara and Paku are one to one, with minimal changes. The biggest disappointment for me with the duel is Katara doesn't drop her necklace, which was originally the catalyst for Paku deciding to teach Katara water bending. I can understand that they would have to cut some events out, but this is not the way to do it. 'Northern Air Temple' (the mechanic and Teo) and 'Jet' are necessary to progress the story to season three, but mashing the former with Omashu takes away from the plot of the original. It should have remained as its own episode as it was originally.

@CyberVirtual - 07.03.2024 10:00

Well Alex it's hilarious that you have seen 100+ hours of the most cringey Disney content that only 13 are willing to watch unironicly but not The Last Air Bender.

@Sweetsofia1369 - 07.03.2024 09:24

Can you can you watch the together the series please❤❤❤

@NateCondon999 - 07.03.2024 05:36

Watching this video has only made me want a video on the animated avatar more

@AndSoWeLaughed - 07.03.2024 01:40

I really feel like costume designers can't win. The version that should not be named had costumes that looked like real clothes and worked for that version. I really liked them, but yes, they felt too much like clothes. Katara and Sokka ended up in BROWN clothes despite the water tribe's colours being Blue. But it made sense. Still, it felt very untrue to the cartoon, and people hated that there was so much fun in it. And NOW, when they've tried to stay as true as possible to the cartoon by making clothes that look like replicas of the cartoons (and I believe they tried to make them not look too cosplay-like), they're still getting hate because they don't look lived in. Should Zuko be in leather? Probably! Works better with the costume but also they're doing stunts and they need to be able to MOVE in them, so pleather and polyester it is! Which I can see they have tried! They really can't win.

@MrGalRoz - 06.03.2024 23:27

first season has more runtime(i think) compared to the first season of the cartoon which covers the same amount of material, yet for some reason entire episodes were cut from the Live action that were in the Cartoon and really helped building up the characters and also giving a better sense of time passing and adventure, and they gave all of this up in favor of just extending pointless scenes that the cartoon only mentioned because there was no real reason to actually see them.
and yes child actors are child actors, and the squeaky clean outfits on everyone was a bit jarring.

@hanncakez - 06.03.2024 20:35

that girl was me yall source: trust me

@littlebuzzby4496 - 06.03.2024 20:30

It’s an amazing series idk what y’all talking about

@nobodybutnene.8872 - 06.03.2024 18:32

Why is azulas bending blue?

@ShoRose - 06.03.2024 16:34

WAIT IS THE ARROW IN THE SKETCHES GETTING LONGER? Idk if it’s a placebo but it’s mad funny

@qtxxxxx1393 - 06.03.2024 15:54

the fact they white washed soka and katara

@kamonte5068 - 06.03.2024 13:03

Even though I do get some of your arguments some others not so much. Feels like to me you’re having an opinion about the show without actually watching the original anime.

@cartwheel-te5cq - 06.03.2024 12:53

Katara acting🗿

@lbpkingxl1688 - 06.03.2024 09:54

Live action Avatar is good.
The animated one is better, but we don't need to tare down the Live action one to defend the original. Just watch the original. If you want to give Live action a chance do it with out the expectation that it will be 100% the same as the OG. The guy who made this video didn't even watch the OG show he is not qualified to properly compare the 2 if he has not watch both

@DarthTEB - 06.03.2024 08:49

It wasn't bad but it could've had some work done to be closer to the source material there were a few fights that happend that weren't in the anime

@derpedfox - 06.03.2024 08:27

Apparently according to those media giants and hollywood we need to "legitimize" these animated shows into live action

@ellaelliott4415 - 06.03.2024 08:21

I watched this when I was a kid and it was still on Nickelodeon so you can imagine that I was interested in the movie (which tanked) then this show, and I’m disappointed in it. Live action remakes just…don’t work. There’s nothing wrong with the original show. And it can still be popular with this generation. People need to just leave it alone.

@camcramer7942 - 06.03.2024 07:20

I quite enjoyed the show

@thereplay6651 - 06.03.2024 06:52

I’ve never been more proud of a community than when the movie that does not exist was not mentioned because it could not have been

@BlizzardGhost - 06.03.2024 06:15

you need to watch the original avatar… bc this remake did so much disjustice to the animation

@okewittat - 06.03.2024 05:28


@user-sf7tw6kw1w - 06.03.2024 04:07

You watched one episode

@SoCoolScience - 06.03.2024 01:44

fire, wind, water, go captain planet!

@Neko-Chan_GachaStories - 05.03.2024 23:38

The text and scenes are Not at all like the original ones from the Anime

@TheKeyote - 05.03.2024 23:05

It has some of the worst exposition I've ever seen. Not only do the characters constantly exposit to us the audience but they also do it to each other. I don't think any knowledge was earned or discovered, it's all just literally thrown into their faces when it's time for to know new things.

@lauraisabels.s.7235 - 05.03.2024 22:06

What i find kind of funny is that they are more direct in the live action about how pissed everyone is that aang didnt appear for a 100 years, but here he didnt even try to escape 😭😭😭 he said he was going to fly a little to clear his head, he tried going back bc the rain was too strong 😭
btw i'm not mad at that, i get why people would be angry at him and i kind of get what the directors were going for with that

@mayawilliams2661 - 05.03.2024 19:50

I couldn't finish it, I only made it to half of the third episode. It's lacking the charm of the original series...

@footballismylife9107 - 05.03.2024 18:42

Bro is dissing every live action and series😂

@pqfire0950 - 05.03.2024 17:56

I dont care if its good or not. My immediate problem is that I want more original avatar content and that this rehashed bs will never be as good as the original show. If people watch it and enjoy it then im happy for them but itll never replace the show and im sad that this is all they ever seem to wanna do with the avatar license.

@rmilldawg - 05.03.2024 17:56

Never watched the original? Immediately don’t care about your rambling 15 minute video

@mutantsandmemes - 05.03.2024 17:50

I wanna know how in da HELL Katara managed to figure out how to get Appa to fly without knowing the key phrase was "yip yip"

@ColePatullo - 05.03.2024 17:09

Do a video on The Music Man

@chaoticnugget - 05.03.2024 11:17

What bothered me most was the lack of emphasis on zuko’s scar - it looks like he’s been the victim of a right hook not a third-fourth degree burn like it should be, and it’s so small, it should be the size of a grown man’s palm. They really were afraid to make him “ugly” but in being so they took away from his character

@CosmicPainYT - 05.03.2024 08:16

I was excited to watch Avatar the last airbender and I really really loved it

@sylvann7501 - 05.03.2024 08:13

It's nowhere near as terrible as the 2010 movie but it's also not great, solid 4-6/10

@sarahlevine2397 - 05.03.2024 07:46

Unpopular opinion but I really liked it

@FizerMagic - 05.03.2024 07:24

The hate for netflix's ATLA is absurd.

@JC_Cali - 05.03.2024 05:34

Almost like they woulda done better just doing a shot for shot remake, le sigh

@kaydim5921 - 05.03.2024 05:25

Y'all are butthurt, acting like this ruined your childhood. Some coddled children you must have been. Even if it's a terrible show (it is actually decent) your childood is fine.

Also, they are allowed to make changes to the story, if they remade it shot-for-shot, no one would like it. I know you think that's what you want but these are the same fans clamoring for the magic to be explained and then complain about it.

Everyone needs to relax, it's a decent show with some shortcomings but is overall engaging.

The state of film critique is to preemptively declare everything terrible and milk the algorithm for views.

@TheLiverage - 05.03.2024 03:35

I think it was good for what it was. An adaptation for netflix, not the series again xd

@Whatsherfacechannel - 05.03.2024 03:31

Apparently the only standard for live action show adaptations is ‘better than he movie’. I know people are kinda disappointed with Percy Jackson’s show, and mostly what’s said is ‘it’s better than the movies!

@jncon8013 - 05.03.2024 02:56

Idk who put a bee in y’alls bonnet 🐝 this show is fantastic

@Atomantia - 05.03.2024 02:31

I keep talking to my friends about this like because to me what makes this stuff good In the first place is that it’s animated people can do things with animation that can never truly be replicated by live action and shouldn’t be tbh. I don’t understand why they don’t realize that. I’d love a new ANIMATED avatar show with a new avatar because I’d like to see how they can bring something new to the series, because the last time an avatar show waswas made animation was at a totally different level than It is now and I’d love to see how they incorporate new animation techniques and technology to a new show

@ChristinaS816 - 05.03.2024 01:32

Why was Katara so good at waterbending after the fight with the master without any lessons????

@cannonfodder9873 - 05.03.2024 01:03

Netflix is so obsess with doing their own Asian Game of Thrones, what the fuck is Lord of Snow and Ice?

@iasked147 - 04.03.2024 23:49

Please watch the animated show 😐😐😐
Forget about this bs live action version 😐😐😐
Watch the og animation bro

@iasked147 - 04.03.2024 23:45

Please watch the animated show bro. It's so fucking good
