looks like sht
ОтветитьI've started painting with alcohol years ago. I love it, especially when putting resin over it 🎨🖌
ОтветитьDude you best wear mask you are going to regret one day. Your lungs ect. 😮😢🙏🏻
ОтветитьDaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh😢%*&$@=;)(\ ?.@ddsr6c €¥_¥_[[]]!
ОтветитьHow abooooout oil over latex over gasoline? THEN use the torch…. standing up!
ОтветитьThe bob ross of chaos. Love it.
Ответить😂 dang bro don’t cook your face in the process. Great vid and entertaining 🤙🏾.
Ответить😂 you got the wrong cap on ya loser!
ОтветитьCool effects and you didn’t even have to use gravity to create it awesome! 👏🏾😎. Maybe gravity + alcohol in the next one? My wife would kill me if she came home and I was doing this inside brace man! 😂
ОтветитьYour fun to watch. Love it
ОтветитьDon't be skerd
ОтветитьI like the way it turned out. Very cool.
ОтветитьJust use a brush throw the paint and flick with a short bristle brush better veins
ОтветитьThis guy is like Bob Ross on cocaine lol I like the finish product though but I don’t know.
ОтветитьLooks like the moon the final
ОтветитьNeed an overhead view of what you’re doing. Forward view doesn’t really show what you’re doing exactly
ОтветитьPlop Plop fizz fizz....Guess where your wallet is.
ОтветитьGreat job, Dude
Nice 👍
Love the video that's awesome! You really get into your work, the experimentation to create the effects you're not even scaredz! Even with spray paint approaching 6 to 7 dollars a can LOL but definitely you have harnessed your Fearless ability to be unique. Your original tabletop came out looking awesome!
ОтветитьWhen ADHD meets excitement over a new trick
ОтветитьI liked to see the creative processing brain in action you had going on. I enjoy getting random ideas when working on projects. The complete change of vision. How the creation comes together in the making without knowing the final product.
ОтветитьHighly entertaining! So fun and creative! Hilarious and will try without a fire!
ОтветитьTry hairspray
ОтветитьHey Duncan love your creativity. Have you ever watched Stone Coat Countertops ? They have some amazing videos on creating custom tops, especially ones from a couple of years ago. Keep on keeping on!
Ответитьlooks like the moon
ОтветитьIs B-REAL young.!!!
Insane in the brain.!!!!
Idk who you are but your awesome your my kind of person your energy is great thank you for making videos! I'm excited to see more of your stuff you make it funner, (not a word, but it is now! 🤷🏼♀️💁🏼♀️💁🏼♀️😎🫳🏽🎤)
ОтветитьRiver table plz !!
ОтветитьFirst time seeing any of your videos, I found it while looking for a review of a certain paint. Gotta say, I came for the review but I stayed for the gd MINT entertainment you've provided me. 😂 not to mention it's also just really cool to see someone get genuinely excited over something they're very interested and invested in.. friggin wholesome. I'm sold. content me, bro.
ОтветитьIt looks like the moon floor ❤
ОтветитьDon't forget your mask ! 😨😱
ОтветитьDude your not funny in the least
ОтветитьPut a mask on when using spray paint.
ОтветитьLove your vibe.
ОтветитьThis is AWESOME! *Elmo voice from I love you Man movie!!*
ОтветитьI swear I seen that same exact piece of art work on a studio wall in New York City for 800 bucks! Your missing on ! Great work!
ОтветитьAwesome job
ОтветитьOk this is coming out of the mouth of a 70+ old gal who stumbled across your video here. You need to try spraying on WD 40 or use Floetrol in your paints mix. These two will give you tons of "cells" that will explode across whatever your canvass is. If you think spraying on the alcohol is cool, dude, wait until you see what those two can do. It's like a 1960's acid trip! Lmbo. Enjoy and keep experimenting! ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦
ОтветитьI know this video is a year old, but I was still over here yelling NO NO NO NO when you grabbed the torch. Thanks for the entertainment.
ОтветитьForget the lame attempt at humor
ОтветитьAfter you paint it get to spin then spray the alcohol
ОтветитьThis is siiiick! I'm definitely using this technique on my rifle. I'm not a camo girl. Lol
ОтветитьI feel like you’re making this up as you go.
ОтветитьNice finish I must admit 👍 A round table moon affect would look pretty cool too… 🏴
Ответитьeverybody has a mask left over don't they right?
ОтветитьOh my gosh dude! You are absolutely hilarious you have got me I was peeing n my pants 🤣😭😂
I love it you're awesome!
I love your outlook and attitude. It is so Bob Ross 😭 ❤
ОтветитьKind of like barf on the carpet of a frat house party, amazing what people thick is art.