Multi Window Electron Desktop Apps

Multi Window Electron Desktop Apps

Kyle Robinson Young

9 лет назад

149,826 Просмотров

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@omidhoseinabadi4304 - 27.01.2023 12:58

thank you .

@ballpen9157 - 15.01.2023 09:19

this is really great. thank you. can you also show us sending some information from first window to the child window? like powerpoint.

@nhttv9708 - 10.07.2021 19:58

help me!
I need the child screen to display the same as the parent screen

@duynguyen9764 - 26.01.2021 06:25

Hi! There is a problem when I try to open more than 3 windows with different sessions from main.html. How do you solve this problem?

@mattmandelbaum244 - 17.04.2020 19:55

For anyone watching in 2020, the require functions changed a bit
for ipc in your app.js it should be
const electron = require("electron");
const ipc = electron.ipcMain;

and then in main.js it should be
const electron = require("electron");
const ipc = electron.ipcRenderer

@rajaosama3930 - 08.01.2020 12:11

if your are facing an error for object.destroy() the problem is that you are making an instance of the browser window, all you need to is to create the browser window when your rec ivied an ipc.

@hereticstanlyhalo6916 - 21.08.2019 19:45

Require is not a function in main.js

@bestechnology - 21.08.2019 16:21

This doesn't work anymore

@drewkarriker4737 - 27.06.2019 05:28

This video is great, thanks for the amazing narration of what you doing and explaining what is happening!

@shrirambhat6352 - 29.05.2019 21:22

Hi.. How can I open a electron popup upon clicking a command from command pallete?

@ananyagupta8545 - 26.03.2019 13:48

i am stuck for a long time now. Need Help.
i need to access 2 cameras.
So i opened another window but it still takes the first camera even tho it is taking the other webcam. Since they were not running in one window.


@user-vm1lw5xm9z - 30.12.2018 20:51

I think you should use now ipcMain(in the main process) and ipcRenderer(in a subprocess). Thank you for your good idea!

@NaffahAmin - 04.11.2018 17:05

Awesome video. Just one thing that I am confused about. If we have two html files, we loaded one in the prefs window by using loadURL method. Now I want to load second html file in the same prefs window. How do I load a different URL in the prefs window on the click of a button?

@LeeCharles1968 - 18.10.2018 19:53

Great video!!!!! You're a great teacher...straight and to the point! Thanks so much

@balajimalathi_ - 19.01.2018 16:44

Thanks Man ;-)

@WillKriski - 31.10.2017 18:45

Enjoyed the video! For newbs, run npm init in a new project directory first to get the package.json file, you can also change the start js file to app.js during the init questions. Due to changes since this video in addition to what others said in the comments, in the prefs.html I had to put (they also split ipc into ipcMain and ipcRenderer:
const electron = require('electron')
const {ipcRenderer} = electron

@deepbrother9248 - 04.10.2017 04:36

Top geeza now need to figure out how to implement into my code 🤣

@kanal-ai - 14.09.2017 21:37

Нормас! Nwjs - выкуси))
Если еще бы по русски говорил, то вообще бы заебательский мужик был))

@LeoNatan - 18.08.2017 21:42

People, invest some time and learn how to code properly on the platform you want to develop for. Electron is terrible.

@samyambhandari6265 - 11.08.2017 23:47

That's great tutorial ...

@tusharmaurya1668 - 20.07.2017 17:05

When I open prefswindow second time it says object has been destroyed. Can anyone pls help me. Thanks!

@tusharmaurya1668 - 20.07.2017 16:22

This guy is amazing look at all those neat and clean code. BTW I understand everything Thanks Man!

@akhanda- - 24.06.2017 22:15

will it be possible to do multi window and ipc with angular 4

@mogita_ - 23.05.2017 07:41

This video is helpful for clarifying something the official docs failed to express. Quick and useful.

@michaelomiccioli4646 - 11.05.2017 01:00

Kyle, great video it's very useful. I have a question about the perfs window create. It appears it's getting created when the app is ready and it's hidden until needed. Is there a way to create when needed and close when not needed. Otherwise you have a window hanging around consuming resources. Especially if you have an app than has many sub windows.


@adlercoelhosantos1513 - 19.04.2017 17:38

every communication on electron is by IPC?

@hirahasan - 02.03.2017 12:37

i am getting ipc.on is not a function error. how can i solve this ?

@NighttimeJuneau - 26.02.2017 03:34

Pardon if it's been asked before but: What's your bash theme (thought it to be ZSH first) and the one used in your Atom? Looks very peppermint-y. Cheers!

@ishwarrimal1393 - 08.12.2016 10:08

Awesome video. Great learning. But facing a small issue. When I close the sub window and then reopen it, it throws some error. I guess the solution for this will be quite easy..Can you please help me out with this..

@blackbrother1386 - 16.10.2016 20:36

Sir we want more videos especially with angular-2-electron app.. thank u very much

@jihadkhorfan - 16.10.2016 08:52

when i close the sub-window and reopen it i got an error :
Uncaught Exception:
Error: Object has been destroyed
at Error(native)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous>

@vedtam - 06.10.2016 00:00

is there a way to load the prefs.html into the main (same) window?

@TheManumanohar - 29.09.2016 13:06

which application do you use for colors in the mac terminal?

@brianmcgoangill - 29.08.2016 16:49

These are great, and I appreciate all the effort you put into them. Looking forward to more electron.

@rplusgdj - 29.08.2016 11:28

Hi, i followed your video tutorials, able get things done and looks really cool with native look.
I've one question, in normal chrome browser i can hit ctrl+F and search within that html page. Is it possible to get this search enabled in electron's browser window?

@ericblue4445 - 06.08.2016 06:27

I have been getting this error and I am pretty sure Electron comes with IPC

App threw an error during load
Error: Cannot find module 'ipc'

@samuelfranca - 18.07.2016 19:38

in main.js is now
const electron = require('electron')
const {remote} = electron
const {Menu} = remote.require('electron')


@BradenBest - 18.07.2016 16:59

>pronounces var incorrectly

You know, a basic rule of English pronunciation is that a word lacking a vowel after a consonant following a first vowel is supposed to be pronounced with the short form of the first vowel. This is literally something you learn in first grade English class. Kit -- k-ih-t, kite -- k-eye-t, game -- g-ay-m, gamma -- g-ah-muh

So why would you pronounce var as v-ay-r? Because it's short for "variable"? That's not how English works. Var is a separate word. An abbreviation of a longer word. The outside context is just that: outside context. It doesn't have any influence on how the new abbreviated word, or an acronym made from the word, is pronounced. It would be like pronouncing JPEG as "Jay-fayg". Nobody does that. Most people are smart enough to disconnect the "P" in JPEG from its origin in the word "Photographic". So why would it be any different for a short word derived from a longer word? It isn't.

Variable: v-ay-ree-uh-ble, long vowel sound cause a vowel comes after the leading consonant 'r'.
Var: v-ah-r, short vowel sound cause there is no vowel after the leading consonant 'r'. That is the correct pronunciation of var. There is no "iable" to alter the pronunciation.

If it were pronounced "v-ay-r", then it would be spelled like "vare" or "vair".

Also keep this in mind when you're programming C and need to use a `char *`. It's pronounced "ch-ah-r", not, "k-ay-r". The word is not character--it's char. It's only derived from character. But they are still different words.

Whenever you read a word for the first time and mindlessly pronounce it in your head without knowing what it is or what background it comes from--with few exceptions, that's usually the correct pronunciation. You were trained to do this in elementary school.

@gustavon.2300 - 13.07.2016 00:53

Really cool. I wonder if I can build a window manager with NodeJS and Electron.

@kidsdads1084 - 09.07.2016 16:30

200+ Mb filesize for Hello World! amazing

@ProgrammerInProgress - 20.06.2016 03:44

A very informative introduction! Thanks for making it.

@dargainsMotorcycleASMR - 13.06.2016 23:44

Thanks a lot, Kyle. Your videos finally got me started into Electron :)

@GrahanSklali - 05.06.2016 00:05

Very great and informative video !

One question. How do you store multiple windows in your application ? Just put them in an array and delete this array when closing the application ? Or hold an an representation of every single window ?

@hectorrenebautistaodilon4968 - 02.06.2016 19:50

Excellent explanation Electron is a very interesting program applications on all three platforms tool, good supply

@aekidna - 26.05.2016 06:21

Hi Kyle, great tutorials on Electron.
Question: what would be the es6 import syntax for:
var remote = require('remote')
var something = remote.require('something')

My project is based on es6, so it would be nice having some consistency in modules imports ;)


@qizezhao8186 - 23.05.2016 15:31

very good video!

@cuthbertjohnkarawa3862 - 20.05.2016 21:57

it great ideal if possible u can great series of tutorial about electron plzz
