The NEW Loop Grid Taxonomy Filter - Elementor Wordpress Tutorial - Category - WooCommerce - Posts

The NEW Loop Grid Taxonomy Filter - Elementor Wordpress Tutorial - Category - WooCommerce - Posts

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Pedro Henrique Rocha Pimentel
Pedro Henrique Rocha Pimentel - 14.10.2023 23:46

Would you recommend a free alternative to the WP Grid Builder?

Ruan Pierre
Ruan Pierre - 10.10.2023 00:02

When I select a category it is not showing the posts related to that category, do you know what that could be? Then when I click in ALL it does not change, it stays empty.

Kris Payne
Kris Payne - 04.09.2023 18:50

Great video! Do you know of a way to add unique loop templates to posts depending on categories? So when you view all posts you can see different templates depending on which category that post belongs to?

Sandra - 31.08.2023 11:03

It does not work. When i click on the tag in the taxonomy, there are no items that shows. Nothing happens.

Augusto Jose Mangini
Augusto Jose Mangini - 29.08.2023 23:47

hi! Great video, it really helped. I have an issue with this widget, whenever I set it to any loop on. it doesn't work. I am trying to use it with the taxonomy set to product tags to filter a product loop grid on a product archive template, but with any product taxonomy I select, the loop grid simply gets blank (even when I select the "all" option on the filter). Any idea why this might be happening?

Nicolas Lamy
Nicolas Lamy - 29.08.2023 13:03

Hi! Thanks for you video! Do you know why i don't have the option "Taxonomy filter" in Elementor > Settings ? Loop is activated. I'm in France. It is available in France ? I need to be a beta tester ? Thank you!

Advanced Developers
Advanced Developers - 21.08.2023 08:58

hello , 1Q, can regenrating styles and css effect our current edtings on site and our custom css?. or it only refresh editor

BCH - 21.08.2023 05:45

hmmm it just completely doesnt work for me. When i click any filter i get this error in the console

ncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'IntersectionObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'.
at LoopLoadMore.handleInfiniteScroll (load-more.064e7e640e7ef9c3fc30.bundle.min.js:2:3701)
at LoopLoadMore.onInit (load-more.064e7e640e7ef9c3fc30.bundle.min.js:2:2823)
at Module.trigger (090d87bc46198b6a95af6b17f81ebe6a.js?ver=973c4:2:22889)
at Module.e.each.n.<computed> [as trigger] (090d87bc46198b6a95af6b17f81ebe6a.js?ver=973c4:2:23077)
at LoopLoadMore.Module (090d87bc46198b6a95af6b17f81ebe6a.js?ver=973c4:2:23175)
at LoopLoadMore.child [as constructor] (090d87bc46198b6a95af6b17f81ebe6a.js?ver=973c4:2:23440)
at new child (090d87bc46198b6a95af6b17f81ebe6a.js?ver=973c4:2:23440)
at new LoopLoadMore (load-more.064e7e640e7ef9c3fc30.bundle.min.js:2:220)
at e.exports.addHandler (6f048e8cc30831503984eb28b769d6c4.js?ver=130bc:2:2601)
at 6f048e8cc30831503984eb28b769d6c4.js?ver=130bc:2:3120

IB - 15.08.2023 09:27

Thanks for another informative video. I am not sure if it works with Custom Post type taxonomies as its not picking up the Custom post type for loop grid as its not showing any data for loop grid in while creating template or page etc.

meisterleise - 14.08.2023 19:22

The filtering system is a big disappointment. For a more complex website than this tiny example, it is terribly slow (3 to 6 seconds). And why the hell is there no animation (like the portfolio widget has)??? Now we finally have a filter system but we still have to use third party addons because this is so bad.

Marty Bhatia
Marty Bhatia - 14.08.2023 16:38

Thank you for being fast, to the point, and clear. That's super refreshing for content like this. Hopefully Elementor gets those bugs sorted soon.

Deana Zelinova
Deana Zelinova - 14.08.2023 13:13

My categories or tags are always years. Without success I try to sort them from the most recent: 2023, 2022, 2021. The oldest year is always listed first.

Alireza - 14.08.2023 12:34

yeah its very cool option, but insted of this you should use jet smart filter its much better, in this update nested accordion was good i loved that.

Matichek - 14.08.2023 12:23

how many years, we've been waiting / begging for this ...

O DrTeddy και το web
O DrTeddy και το web - 14.08.2023 07:34

I think that filter is quite useless for the moment. One serious addition would be a "connection" with grid loop's query namely if I have a particular category selected in loop grid I would love to see only the respective subcategories in filter

Rogério - 14.08.2023 05:15

Esclarecido. Muito obrigado por essa aula.

Luther Harrity
Luther Harrity - 14.08.2023 03:26

It’s a good start, and long needed!
