Shinto in Everyday Japanese Life

Shinto in Everyday Japanese Life

Life Where I'm From

3 года назад

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nicola agolini
nicola agolini - 06.09.2023 12:23

I'm italian, there are way too much things in my country joined to religion in everyday life.

Vápnum ᚨᛚᚢ
Vápnum ᚨᛚᚢ - 30.08.2023 23:39

People like David or awesome

𝑹𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏17 .ᐟ
𝑹𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏17 .ᐟ - 25.08.2023 16:30

I'm christian but I respected from culture because I'm big fan of japan

Akihiko Sakurai
Akihiko Sakurai - 02.08.2023 02:50

Any religion that's been with a society for long enough eventually embeds itself so deeply in that culture that people don't even recognize that normal things they do started with that religion. Even if Shinto were to dissapear as a religion, it would survive through the Shinto practices that have become part of everyday life

V J - 06.07.2023 05:38

I love learning about shinto, thanks for bringing David back! I didn't know he was Japanese, how cool :D

Lune - 23.06.2023 09:00

Most Japanese religion is Shinto. (because the emperor of Japan is the head of Shinto)
Everyone pray for gods of shinto at shrines or a mini shrine of house.

But when we pray for ancestors, through Buddhism way.

So, as a Japanese person, it feels right to be a Buddhist while believing in Shinto.

And almost Japanese are open-minded to other religions too

happy panda
happy panda - 14.05.2023 04:38

Is it possible for someone who looks like a foreigner born outside of Japan to become believer of Shinto?

Simon Kraemer
Simon Kraemer - 30.04.2023 15:13

Other religions are so interesting! It’s fascinating to see how a society is influenced by religion and what rituals and spiritual knowledge they developed. It’s unfortunate that religions like Christianity or Islam heavily missioned people with other religions - partially even forcefully - and by that destroying the common religious knowledge of many peoples.
Where I’m from (Germany), Christianity is very much part of the culture while the majority of people don’t belong to a Church. There are churches everywhere, social security is modeled according to the Catholic social teachings, there’s a church tax that the state collects for the church, religion class is mandated by the constitution (and it’s the only subject mandated by the constitution), but also small things like saying „Grüß Gott“ in Swabia which means „greet God“ or little chapels when hiking through the mountains.

Yesica1993 - 18.04.2023 05:36

Jesus Christ is Lord of heaven and earth. He alone is to be worshiped. He alone can forgive sin. He alone atoned for sin by His death on the cross. He alone rose again!

Shaun McLaren
Shaun McLaren - 17.02.2023 03:23

This video is so expertly done and I'm glad that you included the part about Kotodama

トムちゃん Upsorn15 Official2023
トムちゃん Upsorn15 Official2023 - 01.02.2023 03:13

I Love Japan Shintoism Like A Buddhism ⛩️❤️🇯🇵🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

SilverSoul Shogun
SilverSoul Shogun - 30.12.2022 07:09

Started practicing Shinto after getting studying the occult must say Shinto is probably the only religion I can actually get behind

Dede Hermawan
Dede Hermawan - 08.12.2022 07:59

Sorry cause i take your time, please make a wish with Ema at any Shinto shrine, please write this " i hope cute robot at Hermawan born in Shinto family as soon as possible, thanks for it.

Deogracias Bautista
Deogracias Bautista - 21.11.2022 13:39


KING of Kings


LORD of Lords

( Revelation 19 :16 )


is my LORD !

and my GOD !

least braindead specimen
least braindead specimen - 02.11.2022 10:16

Little Yellow creature

Tristan van der Kleij
Tristan van der Kleij - 29.06.2022 21:29

The beer part is kind of like here in Bavaria. Some beer is brewed in a church, or monestary, but it doesn't mean everyone who drinks that beer is Christian.
The "itadakimasu" part is also like in Bavarian regional language. Like how we say how we say "Grüß Gott" (literally: "Greet God") to greet someone.

p - 24.06.2022 18:23

now is that shimenawa rope the same ones that sumo wrestlers/yokozuna wear??

Death to YouTube and Twitter Buy a Honda SuperCub
Death to YouTube and Twitter Buy a Honda SuperCub - 22.06.2022 17:28

Wow, chart's kamidana is pretty pimpin

名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天
名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 - 30.05.2022 07:57

I'm so grateful that it is memorial day. I am so grateful for the japanese wisdom in American Holidays, really it's a celebration of the constitution今回は

"Love is the greatest intelligence." George Washington

Lately they're requesting the "military" aspects of it be let go of, what have hippies done that we could be grateful for even before we get to the point of conflict? The meditators:)

Ben - 23.05.2022 18:08

I think Shintoism is basically the japanese version of paganism, like the Asatrú for nordic culture, or Romuva for baltic culture. The difference is Asatrú or Romuva are modernized versions of ancient religions long gone, and Shintoism IS the religion practiced by japanese people for thousands of years. And that's because so many people practice Shinto, but don't recognize themselves as shintoists, because it's such an old culture it became part of the daily life.

kaiser - 10.05.2022 07:45

Shinto has no dogma except purifying and cleanse. Namely cleanness is the most important doma. There exist 83,000 shinto shrines in Japan. Buddhism temples are 76,000.
So Jpanese festivals are held 300,000 times in a year for shinto shrine or Buddhism temple.
In January among new year 20 million people got to each shirine to pray for happiness and health. Japan is great religious state. But actually it is slacky.

PortlyPete - 04.05.2022 06:02

thank god you guys are standing so far apart

fusemalaysia - 02.05.2022 16:21

I need approval from my white council first...if they agree then I can use yours tele....cause their rate more higher then us.

three-apples - 02.05.2022 05:43

the tidbit about kitkatz was really fun to learn

Star Climber
Star Climber - 11.04.2022 22:07

Do you know a good website source where people outside of Japan can purchase supplies for Kami-dana?

gaotian108 - 02.04.2022 21:07

About the taboo words bit, I'm almost certain that originally comes from Chinese civilization, not originally from Japan...especially when it comes to the number four sounding like 'death'.

waffuhz - 29.03.2022 22:37

As someone in the Bible Belt of the U.S., it's disappointing to see the greater level of respect for each other and nature that the Japanese have. I've seen some of the nastiest people living here, with trash all along the side of the road.

SR Brant
SR Brant - 15.02.2022 05:45

Even though I've had a very simple - even uninformed - understanding of Shinto for half my life, it has been a rock of faith that I have held onto through so many rough times. And I have expressed it through gratitude, charity, honesty and forgiveness. I cannot imagine my life without it.

Namu Inari Daimyojin.

Dathi O'Ceallaigh
Dathi O'Ceallaigh - 29.01.2022 06:34

I love the Kamidana(shrines) that one can pray to their ancestors or Kami at

《L.V.X.MAGICK》🦋《 - 23.12.2021 00:13

It's very interesting that there are the taboo words in regards to creating things...and that 4 sounds similar to death bc the 4 of swords is associated with physical death in the tarot. It's just always fascinating when I find these ancient tarot associations hold some element of truth. A couple of these videos have certainly inspired me to go back to my OCD cleaning and consider it a spiritual practice. I think they were on to a lot of good ideas I have overlooked. Thanks! I love the Cami houses!🥰😍🖤🙏

Pest Vargas
Pest Vargas - 08.12.2021 14:25

David speaks like a chap not a bloke.

stephen bouchelle
stephen bouchelle - 22.11.2021 16:04

Too bad it would be weird for me to convert.

ThatWordCat - 19.11.2021 12:43

I'm late to the party, すみません! Really cool video, this helped me understand a lot more about Japanese history, so thank you! Here in the US (and I think other English-speaking countries) the necktie, as David wears in the video, actually had a religious signifigance. I'm far too tired to check my research on this at the moment, but I would be happy to do if you're interested! Either way, thank you for a wonderful and informative video!

mar_mar - 11.11.2021 20:38

thank you, I was wondering about it... very usefull video

Laela  💜
Laela 💜 - 11.11.2021 04:00

I don’t understand why you couldn’t just talk to a native of the Shinto practices who had this in their culture for thousands of years instead of going to a Japanese majority country and seeking out a white guy named David

Imagin extra music
Imagin extra music - 07.11.2021 10:03

Am thinking of transition of religion for the regocnition of culture. I find different for this view point and for the love the lifestyle anyway.

Harry "Nic" Nicholas - 17.10.2021 08:14

lol, yebisu beer. this is what i love about the japanese, they adapt everything to suit their desired lifestyle. the christian mythology demands you obey god's laws, the japanese god;s reflect the japanese desires. it's great, it's the way religion really is, man made rules.
another lol is last time my ex-wife and son came back from japan they brought me kit-kats, and i'm like, what? i can get these down the road. i didn't know at the time about kittu katsu, lol.
another kind of surprise is when i stayed at my in-laws house, they have no english at all, and i have very little japanese (me, dad and brother-in-law would sit in the kitchen with beer smoking and trying to hold daft conversations using sign language and grunts :) but every where you look ar eenglish phrases and slogans and words, and a lot of japanese is adaptations of english, i joke with my friends "what's the japanese for table? - table!" "what's the japanese for spoon? - spoon!"

Harry "Nic" Nicholas - 17.10.2021 07:45

where my ex wife's family live they have in their front garden - an american airforce base with fighter jets and helicopters circling overhead 24/7, a golf driving range, a car park and a small cemetary / shrine. japan is an amazing place when it comes to building codes.

digital fairy
digital fairy - 12.10.2021 02:23

I mean, where I'm from people often say 'oh god!' without religious intent.

Sanjay Bhosale
Sanjay Bhosale - 27.09.2021 22:45

Being a Buddhist I'm very proud
Beacause Buddhism never tried to drive Shintoism out of Japan
Like Koreans how they forgot there culture Just to be like Americans
Greeting from india 🇮🇳

Zhang Lin
Zhang Lin - 26.09.2021 12:08


Deejay K
Deejay K - 25.09.2021 21:05

Interesting reminds me of cultural heritage of Jewish religion

max glendale
max glendale - 25.09.2021 16:05

Great topic!

Ondina Cáceres
Ondina Cáceres - 17.09.2021 22:56

It's too similar to Europe paganism
