Why Russia is Invading Ukraine

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine


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Jocker4u - 16.09.2023 17:32

nATO cannot defeat or win war with Russian in any scenario, is impossible...Only stupid people can think is possible.

Ірина Грицаєнко
Ірина Грицаєнко - 16.09.2023 09:08

You use incorrect map. It shows Crimea as Russian territory, but Crimea is occupied territory of Ukraine. Vladimir Zelenskiy has never been prime minister. Only president.

George Kelmeris
George Kelmeris - 16.09.2023 08:36

How would we ( America ) react if Russia was arming Mexico to the teeth at our doorstep ? Let alone, How would we react if all the B R I C S. nations would be arming Mexico to the teeth at our front door ? Getting ready to invade us..... How would we react if Russia and her allies would Perpetrate a Coup d'etat on our soil ?

We'd probably have nuked Mexico within the first two weeks into the conflict......

Sergey Misik
Sergey Misik - 15.09.2023 14:11

Conclusion: Russia’s actions to protect its sovereignty are absolutely rational, and therefore justified.

MRP - 15.09.2023 07:43

Excellent . I love how you summarised this within 30minutes wih great detail and made every minute just as interesting as the next. Thank you

Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov - 15.09.2023 00:13

1- Ukraine is independent and can decide on its own which Defence union to join.
2- NATO is defense union and never been a treat to Russia
3- Sweden also join NATO and the thesis that it will be easier to conquer Moscow if Ukraine joins NATO is destroyed
4- The only reason Putin invade Ukraine is because the real democracy is getting closer to Kremlin- Georgia and Ukraine example
This video is pure propaganda and it is so biased

Alex Gamboa
Alex Gamboa - 14.09.2023 10:36

Putin want to be a Tzar of entire Europe after Ukraine with its natural resources it will make Putin more richer then Poland using Ukraine ..Belarus chencya n its allies to invade Europe including China ..for he's daydreaming 😊😊😊

Ricardo Pesenti
Ricardo Pesenti - 13.09.2023 23:19

TL:DR Gas.

Julin Williams
Julin Williams - 13.09.2023 17:41

This is most detailed video about this ongoing situation, and it's roots which started back in 2008 in Georgia. They just try there, no country said nothing to Russia anything against, so they started in bigger scale in Ukraine in 2014, then we all know what's happening ... Cancer must be stopped until it grows bigger and bigger. In this case, everything must be stopped back in 2008, but no one cared. Good lesson to learn.

Marley Miller
Marley Miller - 13.09.2023 07:12

Watching this a year later and you can see how biased this man is in his telling of the facts. It truly, lacks honest research and narratives. Research for yourself Col McGregors take on Ukraine, maidon coup, budapest memo, and the Minsk Agreement.

Carlson Mossonovich
Carlson Mossonovich - 12.09.2023 12:11

You know Crimea is a part of Ukrainian territory, right?

SpringIsBACK - 12.09.2023 08:46

This is generally excellent background, except:

1) It does not cover the history pre-1991 very well at all. For example, as bad as Nazi Germany was (which most Ukrainians who were subjected to it would tell you, back when I was young), they'd also tell you Russia was worse to them. And of course there is considerable history going back much further.

2) The whole NATO thing is a complete canard, if one understands NATO at all, not to mention major members such as Germany, France, and so on. Or, lacking that, one can just analyze the defense expenditures from the mid-90's to 2022, in quite basic ways. If the Russians believe their own propaganda about NATO they are either dumber than bricks or completely psychotic.

3) The Russian leadership was scared to death about the cultural influence of a Ukraine with so many ties to it between families, as Ukraine turned ever Westward. Here, Putin has succeeded in creating hatred and a chasm that may take a lonnngggg time to heal.

Milen Valchanov
Milen Valchanov - 10.09.2023 21:33

I believe that each country should choose its own path of development without foreign interference

TheCorship - 10.09.2023 20:38

Well that didn't age well considered Finland and Sweden joined NATO as a reaction to the attack on Ukraine...

Chris Nadres
Chris Nadres - 10.09.2023 17:01

Watching from Brampton, Ontario, Canada ❤❤❤❤❤

Frank Curitana
Frank Curitana - 10.09.2023 09:42

Putin is a paranoid guy thinking that he could easily bully Ukraine into submission because of his superior military force to take Ukraine without a fight but not realizing the serious consequences from Worldwide condemnation.

stig simonsen
stig simonsen - 09.09.2023 21:18

no wories putin,we will make it quick.youre end of days are written

Reza Todzil
Reza Todzil - 09.09.2023 00:39

Too many mistakes. Economic wise, Russia has a black economy. Means they can easily go and budget a new Cold War. Which would take +40 years. Russia surrendering is illegal in Russia 😂. Europe is going to loose a lot of money. They now need to fast have succes met Ukraine reason EU is supporting financially heavily. Reason Russians see the NATO as threats. Geography some points are correct.

Vgg Ydx
Vgg Ydx - 08.09.2023 18:55

What a bs propaganda video😂

Michael Bigdongovic
Michael Bigdongovic - 08.09.2023 18:52

Why would Russia want to invade Ukraine when the latter is one of them?Its more like Russia vs NATO/Murica…Same old story like China and Taiwan

AbdulQadir Abu Lawal.
AbdulQadir Abu Lawal. - 08.09.2023 13:07

Squeeze the stupid Azovs and their backers in Ukraine. One, in real sense would wonder what Ukrainian people are doing their War mongering leader clowns leadership. Ukrainians should start looking inside and do away with such warring problems. Zelensky has treacherously gave away Ukraine and Ukrainian interests, serving the selfish, unprogressive, and collapsing NATO.

B Carnett
B Carnett - 08.09.2023 05:32

Water my friend, putin wants the water

Mack Mphahlele
Mack Mphahlele - 07.09.2023 21:53

Putin attacked because he expected submission and free walk win. If I answered your 'why attack' correctly then someone's head is perforated. And,that someone is leading Russia.

Ursus - 07.09.2023 16:06

In 1962 the United States almost started a nuclear war by reason of the USSR placed its missiles in Cuba. Because such closeness is unacceptable. In the case of Ukraine, everything went to the fact that Ukraine would join NATO, so Moscow could not do nothing, also because such closeness is unacceptable
In 2021, Russia asked the West to give guarantees that NATO would not expand to the former Soviet republics, but the West refused, so Russia had no other choice.

MasterPrediction - 06.09.2023 03:22

It’s Moscow not Moscow

stephen de Leon
stephen de Leon - 05.09.2023 19:11

I said true ghosts plot for next second without it and my new honest family forever safe every day year for oath marriage and other gift oath while waiting until end of 2days in the Philippines of what time and day from world know my real word of it no to scam who cheated and intelligenct a life in a heaven that's why

Oranuch Johansson
Oranuch Johansson - 05.09.2023 13:05

Thank you for explaining and sharing - So we understand better why... Putin+s war began last year. We who are living in Europe need PEACE & PEACE. But it is not easy when Powerful Countries leaders love to fight to each other. Histories have been unuseful for these crazy leaders. SLAVA UKRAINI - LONG LIVE TO UKRAINE.💛💙✌🌼🌼

Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson - 04.09.2023 12:31

If a NATO country is already connected to Russia then why is he worried about Ukraine????

Grill - 04.09.2023 00:35

You can’t lose with 6000 nuclear bombs

j4kubczerwo - 03.09.2023 16:29

I'm surprised how many pro Russia comments :D we talking about country who invade Chechnya twice then Georgia twice then Ukraine twice but ALL this wars are because Russia is in the danger and they of course didn't want this war :D They call Ukrainians brother but one day Putin call them nazi an everybody believe him, then don't know how to think Putin thinks for them :D the are raping women they are sending rocket where only civilians live they are using terrorist methods all the time.

FairbrookWingates - 01.09.2023 19:38

So if the Russian psyche could be made to understand that NATO is not an invading force ready to pounce over Russia's boarder half of these matters would go away. And with half the problem solved, both parties work to find solutions to the economic drivers.
sigh Ideally. Never going to happen in my life time. Russia is Russia and history has formed their perspective all too well to change in a mere generation.

Shunia - 31.08.2023 15:53

Ложь, что сейчас в России спад рождаемости. Я 90 года рождения - после наспада СССР действительно был спад рождаемости, закрывались школы и детские сады. Сейчас в детские сады очередь, многие школы учатся по две смены, открываются новые школы и пристройки в ним. Принято много программ, субсидий и выплат семьям с детьми. Сейчас некоторым выгоднее рожать, чем работать

Uncle Ben's Rice
Uncle Ben's Rice - 30.08.2023 20:43

Lol.... laughable biased facts. NATO cant best Russia in soldiers since most of Europe is going through a population decline. Its all based on economics, higher wages and higher prices with higher standards brings down the birth rates.

Plus, Russia will align themselves with Asia's China and many other countries who have been exploited by America and Europe, so NATO will have to suffer almost equally if they dare attack.

Lazar Cvorak
Lazar Cvorak - 30.08.2023 01:15

You’re lying too much

Mr BJJ - 29.08.2023 01:42

This is excellent- thank you

Max Ponsetis
Max Ponsetis - 27.08.2023 21:15

Shameless lies bunch of A.H this war started in 2014 with terorism in the Dombass and persecussion of Russian speaking people in whole Ukrain Nato and US go home you pong

Tuomasd - 27.08.2023 15:32

exxon globalists always be funding their wars from tax payer money 😭

dyshweb - 27.08.2023 15:26

Russia want's Ukraine to be free from west imperialism. Ukraine is played by usa, Ukraine goes rough

FlamingSlayer - 27.08.2023 13:32

Why russia is invading Ukraine in a nutshell:
Small man named putin wants big russia to become bigger.

Йазь Петрович
Йазь Петрович - 27.08.2023 05:13

почему ты не сказал что Грузия первой напала на миротворцев? манипулируешь фактами, умалчивая важные, для демонизации России. значит ты враг.

Daniel Forero
Daniel Forero - 27.08.2023 04:51

You forget NATO!

uptoey - 26.08.2023 16:42

Russia should rot in hell.

Natural Intellegence
Natural Intellegence - 26.08.2023 13:26

You are invading Russia. Do not be a part of fake propaganda 9& NATO. God willing you will be defeated with shame . Your bloated ego is shattering fast

Maranatha Africa
Maranatha Africa - 26.08.2023 11:03

It is putin who invaded Ukraine, not Russia.

s mirza
s mirza - 26.08.2023 01:07

Very informative on the conflict in Ukraine.

Fridens Frojd
Fridens Frojd - 25.08.2023 19:40

I don't get it though? So Russia should have invaded Ukraine to make sure that Ukraine did not become competition on the European oil and gas market, but by doing so sacrificing their own European market when staring a war? Seem strange to me.

P J - 25.08.2023 15:55

I understand why Europe and USA is so eager to send billions of aid to Ukraine... all that gas will be ours.

sjaghiarian - 25.08.2023 11:20

To be fair, Russia had warned NATO that by bombing Serbia and forcing the creation of a new independent state of Kosovo, NATO would be ‘setting a precedent’ for what is acceptable. And Russia has now replicated the strategy with numerous breakaway regions. WW3 has created by NATO breaking up Yugoslavia from within, and since that moment Russia and NATO have been fighting proxy wars across Europe and Middle East

Med M
Med M - 25.08.2023 01:29

During Iran and Iraq war, they help Saddam Hussein, and then after that they blame him over the weapon. They have given him during the Iran-Iraq war,

Med M
Med M - 25.08.2023 01:28

Wait for other country to decide to invade too. Like uk and USA invading other country. . Now uk and USA can shut the f up. And get lost. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
