Can you fix this platformer?

Can you fix this platformer?

Game Maker's Toolkit

2 года назад

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@colethecollector6742 - 06.12.2023 23:07

i need this for top down, like adjusting how far you can see and gun controls

@Lemonyarntruck - 15.11.2023 07:15

You can’t play it on mobile

@Kesh789 - 23.10.2023 22:13

This is fun, and the more I play around with it the more I think of other little things game devs do that I never noticed.
The second jump in a double jump should probably be stronger than the first, just a little. Otherwise you kind of have to jump just before you think you need to.

Building on the framework of other games is also really important. I made a Avalanche like move set and wanted wall slides, and jumps, and a vertical level. With a shorter jump height and faster speed I wanted long flat surfaces, lots of coyote time, and to have the camera way in advance.

You also need to build the other assets in sync with the movement. The jump pads felt weird, it feels like they were tuned for a specific jump, and I found it hard to build a move set that could comfortably use them. Often the jump height I wanted, particularly with double jump, could just bypass them. I think you'd also want to tweak how holding jump affects jump height. The right curve there would have given me a lot more control.

@seans8479 - 05.10.2023 00:02

I want you to know, I spoke at a camp for kids (grade 5-9) who were learning about game dev. The kids ended up creating simple board games, and even a few simple/small games over summer. I used your platformer tool kit to teach them some cool concepts. They loved it. Great tool.

@GameabillityDev - 27.09.2023 10:42

Thanks Mark! I loved this, it gave me an idea for my future platformer games!

@rutolokevin - 22.09.2023 19:58

This is fantastic 🎉

@steelmagnum - 18.09.2023 19:49

The tool is really helpful but would be better if there was a way that once you've tweaked everything how you like you could go to the settings and then export the character controller code for use in Unity. Wouldn't need everything like the juice, but just having the movement and jumping and possibly the camera exported would be a big help. As it stands it's really only useful from an academic perspective rather than a practical one

@jaredlovestunes - 10.03.2023 00:52

Absoultely loved this resource, thank you for putting it together!

@arie1994 - 22.02.2023 09:13

no level editor? too bad...

@Retss - 15.02.2023 22:15


@algar6616 - 14.02.2023 04:09

Very cool bub

@Artofkarthik - 07.02.2023 14:52

This is a really cool way of teaching platformer game mechanics! Thank you for making it!

@felipesousa4069 - 04.02.2023 18:46

Hey Mark, awesome job!! Congratz! But i've been wondering, how can i make the corners of the character rounded like the option you introduced in the game?

@belyayevsfox4753 - 12.01.2023 14:47

I hope that a 2.0 version eventually comes out. More features like additional movement abilities, a dedicated level builder, more movement presets, and the ability to share custom presets could help to make this interactive tool all the more better.

Perhaps you can even put it up on Newgrounds if you're open to exploring the video game culture there.

@GilesCurrin - 15.12.2022 02:15

Will be teaching game design as a new course starting in march and this will absolutely be used when we talk about platformers.

@aibuilder4560 - 14.12.2022 08:04

The interactive video essay is very good for educational purposes. If we can make it in different curriculum concepts it would be great.

@thomasmcelmeel166 - 20.11.2022 04:11


@tonatiuhl.8433 - 10.10.2022 06:45

I couldnt donate today for downloading the game, but promise i will, cause its helpful.

@katzencowboy2313 - 09.10.2022 11:21

Am i the only one that thought "this would be a interesting speedrun"?

@fahmiyafami9623 - 07.10.2022 06:18

Make it mobile

@Deadforge - 27.09.2022 18:18

This is really cool

@joepattersontheartguy - 16.09.2022 02:23

Game Design is amazing!

@EmperorKnightlock - 12.09.2022 02:55

This was such a great way to "gamify" learning. Thanks for the small tutorial on platformer jump mechanics!

@medomoussa7247 - 10.09.2022 01:25

Great Video, can anybody tell me how to do the lean forward when moving ?

@ilnurmingaleev8992 - 07.09.2022 16:41

For the past several days I've been trying to implement this game on my own for educational purposes. I'm stuck on UI. I used LineRenderer to connect hndles of sliders. I used Transform positions of the handles to draw line renderer. Now when I move the player my linerenderer slides a bit from it's original position since i'm calling update positions only on FixedUpdate. And if to choose to Update every frame it starts to blink but remains at the original position. But I cant see anything like this on your game. How you managed to escape this problems. Any hints on this topic will be appreciated.

@fatihfajral - 06.09.2022 04:54


@videojuekichba6371 - 31.08.2022 04:22

Sublime! 🤭

@sannaguime - 24.08.2022 22:01

man i myself once dreamed of doing something similar to this. i guess i wont need it anymore. thanks for this. its really amazing. a dream becoming real. i can already see lots of devs using it to shape their projects.😁

@jacobkirk1846 - 23.08.2022 01:17

Maybe you should create a massively long level with a timer. So people can try and craft the optimal speed running build and attempt to get the fastest completion time.

@saulnores3477 - 17.08.2022 14:08

Good idea, but I personally don't like camera movement. It's a new thing that ruins games.

@pawels5509 - 16.08.2022 11:53

Add map editor and you might have yourself a better product than even Super Mario Maker

@breeckthon5144 - 14.08.2022 18:54

I wish taht there are more games like this! this was so cool!!!!! i learned so much! my own platformer is way better now!!!!!

@kaimaiiti - 08.08.2022 12:05

Would love to see stats from this tool - ie. assuming 1000s of devs tuned this to their preferred platformer responsiveness, one could statistically examine what the consensus for "optimal" platform responsiveness was. Of course that would only work if every dev tuned and tested it til they were absolutely happy, and that nobody was deliberately trying to manipulate the stats with outliers or creating a bad feel. It is also perfectly conceivable that 1000s of devs might all have different preferences, but that in itself would be statistically interesting.

@millthor - 05.08.2022 10:33

You keep impressing us, Mark! And that’s wonderful!

@grandsongames1582 - 05.08.2022 06:10


@flooferderp2918 - 04.08.2022 22:07

I played the game in browser, and I adored it. I don't intend to design games any time soon. But I loved seeing how my favorite platformer games elicit a certain feeling simply by changing controls. Sonic's long acceleration time really lets you appreciate how fast you're going. Celeste's super gravity makes every jump feel like it matters - each one must be precise in order to get the most out of it. Meanwhile, Mario feels very forgiving. This really helped me understand, so thank you.

@cosmix_toast_yt - 04.08.2022 07:32

it was amazing it play the toolkit the narration was amazing the level design was pretty good and kit is a cute character :D

@someoneiguess23 - 03.08.2022 07:12

just to spite you i shall beat this game with the default controls

@Gleamiarts - 01.08.2022 00:53

Wow this is awesome!

@sprite1015 - 31.07.2022 19:22

I'm sure this is a little outside of the scope of what you intended for this project, but Mario ties his jump height into his movement speed, so he has a standing jump height and a running jump height and I feel like that was really missing from the toolkit. It didn't matter how fast I was going I always jumped the maximum height.

I also like having a sprint mode to change your level of precision, but I realize that would have overcomplicated your project. Maybe a 2.0 version?

@emerz3530 - 31.07.2022 08:52

God I love this channel

@borisvz7418 - 29.07.2022 04:43

this is very cool, i really want this concept as an puzzle/platformer where you have to adjust you settings to overcome puzzles

@nocabgamedesign4832 - 28.07.2022 16:33

Games are an interactive medium, and the two most effective ways to lean game design is by planing and making games. This is a combo of both! Such a cool initiative.

@TheRealLF2 - 28.07.2022 15:29

this is like game builder garage

@snowyalice - 27.07.2022 05:59

I'm going to be teaching a unit on video games with my media class and this will be perfect to use! Thanks so much!

@alger_real - 26.07.2022 22:20

i actually saw this game before this video and didnt know it would be this cool

@mjn4272 - 26.07.2022 22:04

Very cool, I'd be very interested in the next level; learning to code and implement these tools from scratch.

@akash0156 - 26.07.2022 21:29

Which game engine you used?
