Why Was Legion the Last Good Expansion in Modern WoW?

Why Was Legion the Last Good Expansion in Modern WoW?


2 года назад

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Crupes - 06.09.2023 23:50

Cant wait for Legion classic

JonWilkesBoot - 05.09.2023 07:44

Ehhh idk I thought shadowlands was worse than bfa

Jesús Vera
Jesús Vera - 23.08.2023 06:59

I'm from the future, dragonflight is like MOP in terms of content/lore

SRK993 - 16.08.2023 10:58

nah thats not true. go back and try it out. half of your spells are missing, you have to grind 8124871982478129847194897123412 million artifact powers and you have to bother with 45 piece of fucking legendarys.

JonathonTheAsshole - 30.07.2023 23:31

"Modern WoW" started with Panderia. It's when character progression and the talent trees went bye bye and it has way more in common with the expansions that came after it than it did with Cataclysm, WotLK, and TBC. It was also the first expansion after the original massive decline in players.

And people like Legion because it was most like TBC which was generally seen as the best expansion overall and the only one with no real flaws over the previous iteration of the game.

heroicidiot - 17.07.2023 14:05

Legion was basically trying to copy destiny 2 at the time. Disagree? Look at legendaries

Tinyjb0 - 06.07.2023 19:20

I loved the azerite weapon and removal of PVP gear. It rewarded casual players for investing their time into the game. You couldn't get wrecked by a player who had full PVP gear only because they paid hundreds of dollars for a carry. You could play the game, and become more powerful just from doing world quests, and if I remember right, you got more azerite power from doing dailies with PVP mode, so there was more world PVP.

There's nothing wrong with getting more powerful based on the time you play in an MMORPG. Complaining about only being able to play a certain amount of time? Play CSGO. Players should get to be more powerful based on the time they play in an MMORPG. It's so messed up that players can pay to be carried to 2200 and get the best gear in the game, no skill, very little time. The same goes for just having a friend who is already that rank, and you just happen to know them, and they just happen to carry you. Legion prevented that, and made it so you HAD to play the game if you wanted to be as strong as others.

Harmagedon - 01.07.2023 04:36

battle for azeroth will stay the second best objectively

E C - 30.06.2023 23:51

You said "addicting" instead of "addictive". I hate you now. /justkiddingbutnotreally

Gum13 - 19.06.2023 01:52

Legion was shit don’t delude yourself

heartlessmushroom - 14.06.2023 04:02

Frankly, BFA should have just been Warcraft 4.
You even get a new resource on top of the usual lumber, food and gold now to fight over.

SlendyDie - 11.06.2023 15:34

Legion is the worst tho.

Tjallex - 09.06.2023 07:38

Last good expansion was vanilla.

EloquentTroll - 04.06.2023 17:23

I won't say Dragonflight is off the rails in terms of power, but it's so good. The lore is top notch and with crafting at another level it's really great for the economy.

Jakub Puchala
Jakub Puchala - 13.05.2023 20:00

It might be recency bias, but I certainly feel like Shadowlands is more derided than BFA nowadays.

Mel Stoast
Mel Stoast - 11.05.2023 20:17

Shadowlands not on the level of WoD? 100% true, since it was much worse. In every aspect.

Yes, WoD had people hate it because of its content drought and cut content. People disliked it, because it lacked meaningful content after a certain point.
Shadowlands wasn't bad because of the lack of content. It was bad because of the content itself.

Kris - 10.05.2023 01:03

I really enjoyed BfA the most since Wotlk

Volrin Seth
Volrin Seth - 23.04.2023 18:58

Sadly Legion also made a lot classes/specs worse. IE demonology warlock and the example you mentioned of survival hunter.

Zach Ziv
Zach Ziv - 10.04.2023 00:46

Legion had great pvp too. Pvp. Is huge and overlooked in hiru’s video although that is their only flaw. Great stuff.

Mistakai - 03.04.2023 00:41

I think you misspelled MoP.

oblivexx - 22.03.2023 04:11

The Legion was the primary villain through all of the games and now Blizzard is pulling out 1 time villains like the MCU.

oblivexx - 22.03.2023 04:08

You are an old player when you realize the order right now, Lore Wise, would be Burning Crusade; since Azeroth is stuck in Cataclysm at level 1. While quests for Outland are the same since 2007.

So to be Clear, you to play the plot from begging to Dragonflight with either 5 faction Basic races you would need to head strait to Outland.

Abdelhamid Bentroudi
Abdelhamid Bentroudi - 02.03.2023 16:26

I haven't played WoW since WoD endgame, now Dragonflight is out and it's the first expansion since WoD that picked my interest, is it really good to go back or is it just another false promise?

CandyCaneKnight - 15.02.2023 18:26

thank you

willkpc - 19.01.2023 17:38

The Waffle House has found it's new Host.

junibit - 20.12.2022 08:29

comeon please accpet that peopl;e will get old.. game shoudl grow up hahah bye bye

Jeff  Again
Jeff Again - 15.11.2022 01:38

Nice. You managed to capture in 12 minutes, all the reasons I left WoW after WotLK.
I enjoyed coming back for Classic though. We'll see if I walk away again, after this iteration of WotLK, I suppose.

Joe Becker
Joe Becker - 10.11.2022 10:59

Wow Legion was definitely the Infinity War/Endgame before Infinity War and Endgame where a thing.

Neurotik51 - 09.11.2022 11:16

Really have no idea why MoP wasn't liked well at the time, for me it's the best expansion of WoW, my favorite anyway. Challenge modes are my favorite thing ever added to WoW and I loved the class design then, snapshotting being such a key mechanic at the time made things interesting. This on top of the amazing raids we got then and the interesting lore to go with them.

Bortplate - 01.11.2022 11:03

I was levelling my hunter in Legion.
I felt completely disconnected from the actual fight against The Legion.

Voice acting is on par with some AA games on steam...

JBD - 08.10.2022 21:36

People want major reworks and new classes and it just isn't possible to do every single expansion and be a winner each time. All the praised expansions all made big changes and added a new class. Expansions that due slight twists and add another 10 levels of boring kill X quests will never keep people entertained...and shadowlands is one of those that sucked. IMO the biggest change that came from shadowlands was a much needed level squish.

I didn't play Mists of Pandaria when it released but I have leveled through it later on and didn't really enjoy the zones or its dungeons. Cata made huge changes to the world and it was interesting but not enough to be memorable. Only ones I really liked were WOTLK and Legion. I didn't play TBC on release but I have had to level characters through there later on and thought it sucked aside from flying mounts. I puke at the thought of playing Legion again but it does take the cake for things to do. I've always struggled to play WoW for more than a month at a time because most of it is filler content with no substance.

JOE KING - 08.10.2022 09:05

i love legion played for a good long while until one day i fried the fan in my laptop and after i replaced the fan went back to old school tbc servers NOW i got way better pc and so im a returning player after 4 years surprised my account wasnt closed from all the inactivity BUT to my surprised its still up although firestorm (AKA BUG STORM) is fairly dead now i dont care as long as its up im happy im use to playing solo although id love to have someone to run around with im still happy to play legion with or without others to join me

Imaran - 20.09.2022 14:36

How is: 'You could have played any class and it wouldn't make a difference.' A bad thing? How is taking away abilities and crippling a class to let other classes be superior a good thing? Why is it bad to make it to where you can play whatever you want without feeling as if you are being held back? We get it, hirum. You are shilling for WoW. But come on.

random internet person
random internet person - 13.09.2022 15:04

this makes me excited for dragonflight

bobcho nikolaev
bobcho nikolaev - 01.09.2022 21:59

Watching again after playing some shadowlands... Oh god, the most boring expansion PERIOD... I wan't to go for endgame stuff at max level BUT I CANT, i have to do storyline questlines in 2 scenarios... wtf.. Legion was top then is WOD, the best expansions of modern wow, from OLD WOW the best was TBC. WOTLK is overrated you literally can gear up with doing weekly quests and daily heroics for frost emblems with which you buy endgame gear...

videofabriken - 23.08.2022 12:22

I played til mop and got back in bfa so I missed legion 😞

RowdyRager -
RowdyRager - - 28.07.2022 04:59

It was fun. The artifact system was not perfect but it was new. And BFA just copied it with azerite gear. Shadlowands copied it with soulbinds.

After Legion AP grind I think poeple were sick of it. All the grinding to the weapon to have it trashed in the end.

Then we had to do it again in BFA... Talk about burnout right off the bat.

And Shadowlands again... Gross

PepPis - 23.07.2022 02:33

I miss you legion ;(

Afflictamine - 16.07.2022 15:34

Legion was better than WoD and even most of MoP. Then Blizz fucked it all up again with BFA and SL :(

Avocado - 05.07.2022 01:20

I feel they should have just brought WoW to an end in Legion, and just started again. New game, new engine, start a new story fresh, free from the chains of the original game. Legion was a fantastic end in both story and gameplay

Adria the Bwitch
Adria the Bwitch - 28.06.2022 18:49

"In bfa you hang out with some randome pirates and trolls we never heard of before". Excuse me. Bwonsamdi, Rastakhan, Zul? Never heard before? What a joke...

But well that arguerment is a bit dumb since we for example never heard of Thalyssra before leigon is she is still a good character so it dosent matter if we heard before, if the char is well made.

Akiraspin - 15.06.2022 19:39

The only thing really shitty about Legion was the dumb fucking Farmville "Send people out on quests for 25 hours!" that they introduced in Warlords of Draenor (an atrocious expansion btw).
Everything else was pretty damn good. Then of course they make us disenchant our legendary weapons for that shitty ending so Battle for Asseroth can start.

TheALF1997 - 14.06.2022 14:19

I don't know if this is a unpopular opinion or not, but I can't agree with SL being better than BFA.
I didn't like BFA, in fact i despised it a lot, but even with all his flaws I could play it and I enjoyed at least azerite essences, despite the fact I hated almost every other mechanic (azerite armor, islands, warfronts, corruptions rng and boe p2w)
But I couldn't last in SL more than a month, and when I returned with the release of the last patch I lasted 5 days before leaving it. Torgast, anima grinds, the maw, the followers, the loot drought, the empty zones, the covenant pick that made off specs unafordable, the group browser which was basically a boost advertising service (yes this happened in bfa too but it was not even close to the 99% in SL)...
That xpac killed WoW for me to a point WoD and BfA together wouldn't archived

Electr_icity - 21.05.2022 09:34

While I personally stopped playing Legion around summer of 2017, I'll always remember the fun I had with my friends playing the game at the time. Legion was godlike, man. It was amazing.

Chris Ondrovic
Chris Ondrovic - 20.05.2022 12:01

Nothing will ever top Legion and the class order halls. It is what it is.

Xyra - 19.05.2022 14:54

I don't think shadowlands has problem with that, many things are given to all classes, the gameplay isn't bad, and the lore was fine before, you know when, what was wrong is, the amount of time you had to spend doing your daily, weekly things so you can finally lay back and really play the game and enjoy your class

Jack Doe
Jack Doe - 19.05.2022 07:14

Saying that the shadowlands lore is on the rails in nuts man.

Leith Gorias
Leith Gorias - 14.05.2022 23:34

WotLK > Cata > MoP > BC > WoD > Classic >> Legion > BFA > Shadowlands

I WOULD like to point out that BFA and Shadowlands actually had some of the best raid encounter design in WoW's history, but it doesn't matter. Raids aren't even really end game content anymore, and don't offer rewards that feel...rewarding. Mythic dungeons are boring grindfests that make up the bulk of end game content (And basically require boosting if you get even a slight bit behind), Torghast is another small-party grind that you have to do that makes the game feel tedious, and even when you DO get into a raid, class design and homogeny mean that it's not fun to play your class, even in a well-designed raid environment. It'll be the same thing in Dragonflight. They'll release another new one-expansion gimmick, introduce new content nobody asked for and refuse to put anything back into the game that players have been asking for, and the game will get more and more full of convoluted time-consuming tasks that feel like chores.

Sadly, it doesn't matter how good the raid design is if playing the game itself feels boring and you don't have any unique role to fulfil in the raid group. If every class can do everything, then it doesn't matter if any of them can do anything. If all gear is the same, then why upgrade it at all? You can't make "Class builds" anymore. There's nothing to build around. Progression is going from 300 Strength/Agility/Intellect to 305 Strength/Agility/Intellect. Why would players be motivated to care about that?

The difference between spellcasters is the spell element type they deal, and that doesn't even matter anymore, so it's basically just a color palette swap between Mage, Warlock, Priest. Mana? What's that?

They've defiled Rogues. If I wanted to play a Death Knight, I'd play one with Plate armor. Druids haven't been Druids since MoP. Monks just feel like worse Rogues with better mobility. Demon Hunters are just edgy, better Monks.

Hunters still feel unique, but only because they're the only ranged physical attacker, and none of their class flavor is intact. Shamans get to choose between between playing a Mage, Warrior, or Priest, but it's not even a choice or a hybrid anymore. You just choose one until you decide to click a button and choose the other one.

They've desecrated Warriors, especially Fury, which has lost all excitement involved in it's rage build/dump playstyle. Channeled Rampage was a mistake. And then there's Grape and Lemon flavored Warriors. Blood used to be such an enjoyable spec but they ruined it with Marrowrend. Frost feels boring in the same way Fury feels boring. And the convenience of being able to heal yourself as a Paladin is worthless in an era of spammable abilities, self-healing, damage that is either insignificant or impossible to heal, and armor values that don't matter. And the downsides don't matter either, because, once again, mana does not exist. None of the actions you take as a melee class feel impactful or exciting anymore. Hell, your basic attacks don't even matter anymore. Even when your numbers make you the best DPS or most survivable tank, it just doesn't feel that way.
