How To Create A Carousel Using Any Divi Modules

How To Create A Carousel Using Any Divi Modules

Pee-Aye Creative

1 год назад

6,825 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Dr. Sara Allasasmeh | دكتورة نسائية وتوليد عمان
Dr. Sara Allasasmeh | دكتورة نسائية وتوليد عمان - 29.10.2023 15:15

Stupid! You are selling products more than teaching users.

The Legion
The Legion - 16.10.2023 15:07

Divi is limited in modules and features, I fear they'll soon fizzle out to elementor.

Sonja Els
Sonja Els - 17.09.2023 12:05

Hi there
When I stack icons side-by-side with css the minute I activate the carousel they stack on top of each other. please help!

Janine Kurzinger
Janine Kurzinger - 11.06.2023 20:54

but how can I have stacking with it. your demo site shows one? ie having a text module below an image module but is connected together? can you show how? also how to have have a read more button trigger a text pop up rather than link to a page with this slider plug in? ET has blog post with code for doing that but I'm wondering about if it works with this or if you have another tutorial you can do to show how to work that with this slider.

Roberto Ramirez Lopez
Roberto Ramirez Lopez - 03.06.2023 11:51

Hello. Interesting tutorial. Like everyone you do. I will try to include it in my website. Thanks for the great Tutorial. Greetings from Spain.

Simon Wills
Simon Wills - 03.06.2023 02:54

Hi Nelson, I have taken 6 sponsors' logos and created animated lottie files in ae. Would your plugin enable me to place them in a carousel?
