A Promising New Approach to Treating Children With ADHD | NBC Nightly News

A Promising New Approach to Treating Children With ADHD | NBC Nightly News

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Katelyn Strong
Katelyn Strong - 24.10.2023 01:33

The reason this works better is because parents have to buy in to connecting with their child and changing how they approach the relationship...if they just start on medication, there's less chance that the parents will change their approach. I'm sure there's just as much success to doing both at the same time. (which should always be the case...you shouldn't just put a child on medication and not work to improve your relationship and interactions)

HAS Z - 10.10.2023 23:28

Did he lose a lot of weight on the medication? I’m curious because my son lost weight in a very unhealthy way fast. We had to stop it for that reason.

Leilani Peace
Leilani Peace - 04.10.2023 06:19

Has anyone actually tried this for a six year old, first grader? What was your experience? And if you did go to meds what meds worked for your child?

Be The Mind
Be The Mind - 14.09.2023 02:01

Therapy does work! But it has to be the right one. ADHD needs the right therapy with the right therapist. Someone that knows the disorder and the intervention. Neuropsychological habilitation has been proven effective. It´s suppose to be psycotherapy, and that´s why so many times doesn´t work. And if psycotherapy is needed, it has to be done by an ADHD experienced psycotherapist, and along the neuro intervention. Stimulating executive funtions, atention and memory, while giving the child tools to self regulate emotions and behavior (not control them) is the goal of this tipe of intervention.

Misty Blackfoot
Misty Blackfoot - 02.09.2023 07:21

Yeah you act like we don't already praise good behavior and encourage positive actions and self control. The problem with ADHD is that you praise the good behavior, and they're already 5 steps ahead of you doing something they shouldn't be doing. I've struggled so hard with this 'positive approach' for as long as I can remember, and my kid still suffers. I'm trying medication, even though I hate to do it, and I know it'll take adjustment. But these 'studies' need to stop acting like parents with adhd kids are lazy or doing praise their kids enough.

GodisLove - 20.08.2023 23:37

You shouldn't be disciplining a child for actions they can't control. The problem with adhd is that much of their behavior looks like bad behavior. All kids behave poorly from time to time its part of how they learn whats ok and what's not ok. All kids benifit from encouragement when they do good. As parents we need to find the root cause of unwanted behaviors and treat that.

Bp Spotter
Bp Spotter - 01.08.2023 03:17

I had adhd in the 80s, my parents just screamed at me till I got better grades. Instead of studying 2 hrs I studied 4. I wish we woulda knew back then.

Motion - 12.07.2023 18:20

I have adhd too because I’m always hyper even when I’m tired

Katatonic - 25.06.2023 13:26

Wow, posted 7 years ago. I wonder how Christian is doing today?

A I - 29.05.2023 18:05

I have symptoms of ADHD, and one day I decided to try self deliverance in Jesus' name to see if it worked. Yep, it surely did! I yawned about 10 times, and afterward, I was able to work on a project that I struggled with for years! Praise God! The mental health people often have no idea what they're really dealing with, unfortunately.

rapamo1 - 17.02.2023 11:05

Finding that behavioral therapy is a nightmare in this country

Harisus69 - 27.01.2023 02:33

Only in ohio

Fred Gardner
Fred Gardner - 29.11.2022 23:29

Drugging our kids.. great stuff...

Fred Gardner
Fred Gardner - 29.11.2022 23:28

Drugging our kids.... up next killing us

Hyacinth Ledger
Hyacinth Ledger - 07.11.2022 19:42

Speech therapist, special ed, occupational and others are so important Im tired of some people looking at those fields of study as a waste of money.

Pierluigi Colotto
Pierluigi Colotto - 17.09.2022 06:59

Weedborn is full of amazing CBD products. They have been very helpful to me.

Jellymish - 20.11.2021 14:54

I think here it's important to say: Yes. A combo of medication and therapy works best, BUT not everyone benefits from the "therapy first" approach.

I am an example for that: My ADHD works in a way that makes it very hard for me to learn and apply skills from therapy. I need medication first, to even make it possible for me to learn. If I have to spend all my energy on coping, I have nothing left to for learning.

Creative - 22.03.2018 14:17

Can this be cured without medcnine

Joseph Dugan
Joseph Dugan - 14.12.2016 01:50

Shock Treatment is better than drugs for ADHD.
