The Silent Hill Franchise: The Best Way To Play Every SH Game

The Silent Hill Franchise: The Best Way To Play Every SH Game

Avalanche Reviews

1 год назад

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@AvalancheReviews - 07.05.2023 11:43

!This is a re upload! The original video was age restricted and ad limited because of a single shot of a SHHC nurse. So I censored the offending issue and reuploaded the video. If you already watched that one, there's nothing new here.

@simplyshane6477 - 24.01.2024 06:44

When I saw your cartoon face appear on the nurses ass cheeks I spit mash potatoes out of my mouth and choked a little on the laugh

@vycanismajoris6871 - 20.01.2024 09:03

Cant find any Silent Hill on PS Store!! Wtf is going on?! :(

@alicesavage69420 - 15.01.2024 07:34

You can actually turn the smoothing off when playing PS1 or PS2 games on the PS3 and it looks BEAUTIFUL. I've pretty much used a PS3 as my PS1 ever since having access to one, and now that I have a launch-model, it basically serves as all three consoles while only occupying one power outlet and HDMI port -- I love it!!

@heisman987 - 13.01.2024 18:13

Thank god for the Xbox controller comment. I’ve always said the same thing. Worst controller ever

@supersaiyanbro - 02.01.2024 17:27

Excited and also dreading the silent hill 2 remake

@MichaelM28 - 02.01.2024 11:52

The upscaling on the Xbox Series X is unlikely the cause of the games looking sharper than PS3 as it uses the same billinear upscaling that most TVs and monitors use for upscaling PS3. More likely either the 360 version had a sharper internal resolution to PS3 or you're using very blurry upscaling in OBS for the PS3 footage (I assume you captured the Series X footage at 4K so there won't be any upscaling done in your capture card software)

@cmdrcriton - 01.01.2024 21:44

Loved the atmosphere of the games but hated all the dumb puzzles and back tracking. Too much crap to keep track of to keep me from being in the game. Glad you enjoy it though.

@Subninja2012 - 29.12.2023 06:51

SH2 and 3.
PC with mods.

@mywhychromosome - 22.12.2023 02:42

Realize this is totally off the topic of the video, but I’ve been watching your videos for quite some time (there are of course other video game reviewers/critics/analyzers out there, but for whatever reason, you’ve always come the closest to my opinions, feelings about these games, and also just sense of humor), this is the absolute FIRST time I realized you were living in Tokyo, lol. Is this is a relatively recent development, or have I been oblivious for much longer than I realized??

@LecheButt - 09.12.2023 10:27

Clicked on this video not even noticing it was you who posted it. Seen your stalker reviews multiple times amazing videos can't wait to watch all of this one!

@empurress77 - 08.12.2023 11:29

SH3 is far and away my favorite SH game!
SH4 is my second favorite. The second half of SH4 is my favorite part also. I like the return play through the areas and i love me some Eileen.
I especially like having to figure out how to get Eileen through with you.
Not having to turn the dam water tower rooms the second time was a blessing to be sure though.
One thing i noticed is the dogs are way more aggressive if you run.
In subsequential playthroughs i do just cut to the chase and waste them. Same for th bat bugs.
One thing i've found while watching "Millennials" play the game is, they don't know that you should call the old number to get the new number for the phone. Heheh.

@empurress77 - 08.12.2023 11:16

I couldn't help but notice you playing SH3 in the default 3D "Tank controls" setting.
IMO the 2D controls work light years better when using a controller with a analog stick. (Worse if you insist on still using the d pad that way TBF)
With an analog stick though the movement is far and away superior. Much more like modern controls.
There is a slight variance when getting to the top or bottom of stairs, but after a couple minutes it's easily adjusted to.
For anyone playing SH# i can recommend trying the 2D setting with the analog stick controls if at all possible. At least once.

@liutaurasleonavicius2680 - 07.12.2023 21:26

bro forgot RetroArch emulator for SH1

@homeaccount5943 - 05.12.2023 03:06

An MClassic makes Silent Hill Homecoming run better on the PS3. I haven't tested it on the X-Box 360. It actually makes every game run better. I'd highly recommend it.

@KingAlexIII - 03.12.2023 19:23

Silent Hill 4: The Room is a great game and I'm glad it was included into the Silent Hill series.

@KingAlexIII - 03.12.2023 18:49

Silent Hill 3 is the best in the entire series

@mrjtfang2 - 03.12.2023 04:11

Maybe I'm just not a hardcore SH fan (And I love the setting, dont get me wrong-I just can't play the older games, tank controls aren't fun) but I honestly thought Downpour was alright. Not the best, but alright. I'd play it over homecoming at least.

That being said: wish it was far better. It's looking like the SH2 remake (and maybe the other one coming out) may be up my alley.

@monstergonads11 - 02.12.2023 07:10

Waiting for a damn re-release of 1 wtf. Too good of a game to not be released on every platform. I want to get into silent hill 2 so bad but I have no idea where to go or what to do and it really takes me out of the experience sometimes, I hate having to look up walkthroughs to figure things out. I played through almost all of silent hill 1 without a guide. Wanna say I tried 3 and had the same problem but i’m not sure if i’m remembering right. Never tried 4 but would love to. Siren is another one I would love to get into but that one makes figuring out silent hill 2 feel like wussy crap lol

@Tom11Cruz - 30.11.2023 06:15

Is playing the ps2 version of Silent Hill 3 on a PS3 the same as playing on a PS2?

@danielpeckham5520 - 26.11.2023 20:31

I want to know how I can traverse the multiverse and find a playable copy of Silent Hills and Silent Hill Cold Heart.

@asgads - 23.11.2023 16:37

1-3 are amazing, 4 is great with terrible enemies. homecoming is an okay horror game, downpour has the great sidesquests and looks good and from what I hear shattered memories has a cool story. I even like the psp vita ones just as horror games. Ascension is cringy ps2 era cgi fun. The main issue is that 1 is a classic, 3 is great horror and 2 is one of the best games ever, hard to follow-up on that

@fmjmanarroyo1342 - 23.11.2023 06:01

Maybe I did not catch it but you kinda left out cost. These games ain't exactly cheap anymore. He'll I make bank selling these constantly, and every time I feel like shit letting them go.

@crossmanbluev6049 - 22.11.2023 05:00

PSP is trash

@james-ch - 19.11.2023 17:13

Playing sh1 on the psp is a very underrated way to play it imo, arguably just as accurate as playing on ps1/ps2

@tokaridovich3630 - 13.11.2023 22:27

In my opinion, for playing the SH franchise on PC, the best options are:

Silent Hill 1: The best way to play it is with the DuckStation emulator. Not only does it allow you to enjoy it in its original form (with Software Render), but also in a more modern way, in 16:9 with increased resolution, using DX11/DX12/Vulkan (whichever you prefer, it's the same). (Note: In the church cinematics, on the drawbridge, and during the fight against Cybil, you must use the software render, as there is a visual bug that freezes the entire game.)

Silent Hill 2: Use the Enhanced Edition.

Silent Hill 3: Use the WideScreen Fix along with XimputPlus, configured with LT/RT as buttons 11/12.

Silent Hill 4: Also use XimputPlus, with the same configuration as the third game.

The other games are not even considered; they are horrible.

@gabriellira3664 - 10.11.2023 20:28

for me, silent hill 4 would be a great game if they had added tank control option

@clintonselvam1236 - 09.11.2023 22:05

can play silent hill on any browser if you dont know.

@poopcolalight - 05.11.2023 09:34

There is a sh one on pc its how I first played it

@jacobmartinelli7496 - 04.11.2023 08:33

where theHell did you get thAt coverart of harry. i want that to copy for reference. it's spot on.

@kvltizt - 31.10.2023 15:25

sometimes when I want to play PS1 games I put them on my PSP. They work great on the PSP’s screen and run pretty much accurately afaik

Silent Hill plays pretty well on a PSP

@3styler1 - 29.10.2023 00:35

Your channel deserves more views dude, I'm about same age and its nostalgia AF watching your stuff, plus you go into so much detail that you don't get from any other channel.

@mafiaz187 - 25.10.2023 10:28

I wanna be a flesh tuber too

@whatsupbossanova - 23.10.2023 02:16

>video title is "The Best Way to Play Every Silent Hill"
>"hewwo guys uhm I actuawy wont say which is best thas fow you guys tu decide uwu :)"

@mz4637 - 18.10.2023 06:46


@vallesasecas - 16.10.2023 16:28

This video is gold, its just plain opitinion of a well informed user who is looking from best way to play the game without technical crazy info on board. Thanks!

@darrylsmith5148 - 15.10.2023 12:50

Ive watched this like 20 times lol

@songarrhea - 13.10.2023 17:44

The HD Collection was my first experience with the SH Series. I was a QA Tester on that game. Had i had prior experience i would have complained pretty hard for everyone (but likely to no avail though). That said, I'm sorry

@adamfrazer5150 - 13.10.2023 02:47

SH 1 is an ultra-clear example of acknowledging your weaknesses and playing to your strengrhs.

Some truly, truly amazing productions that are still loved (with not all becoming victims of 'boardroom molestation') were born from unadvantageous positions, but ones the creators were never ignorant of.

@TobyRieper48 - 11.10.2023 09:35

MiSter looks fab on a CRT. Really indistinguishable from a PS1

@unnatixlr8 - 11.10.2023 05:11

Also we need to bring a PS4 from 2014 era with PT installed.

@ThaDuDeMaN1 - 07.10.2023 23:43

i got Silent Hill 2 for Xbox and it plays on 360, its really a good version to grab and pretty cheap for a copy, SH3 is my favorite tho and i found the PC version, totally stock... ran amazing on modern hardware and didnt need any extra patches, so even tho i own the original sh3 (w/soundtrack) i keep going for the SH3 PC version running on my laptop, and often play with people at conventions who never got to expierence the game before

@PS2GAMER100 - 03.10.2023 18:19

Awesome video
