How to Stand Out in the Apple Store Group Interview - What to Expect in the Apple Group Interview

How to Stand Out in the Apple Store Group Interview - What to Expect in the Apple Group Interview

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@ericgiles291 - 07.01.2024 08:42

Hey Ben I want to personally say thank you for this video. It helped me out strategically and I finally conquered the group interview and I just got hired to be the Apple specialist. I am so happy this is only the beginning and I know I’m going to grow in this company phenomenal and I want to say thank you again for breaking down these tips in how to stand out in a group interview. 😊👍🏽

@danieldekasse4113 - 27.10.2023 23:07

Thank you for your advice and videos, just get hired.

@aaryand1468 - 05.10.2023 04:55

Hi Ben,
I had my group interview today and the questions were exactly the same, I really hope I get a good news :)))). Thanks so much for the video!

@summervibes6835 - 21.09.2023 20:28

You are a legend got the job!!!

@johnnguyen9013 - 22.03.2023 01:33

Just passed the initial interview thanks to you Ben!

@winayrathee - 14.02.2023 01:39

I am enjoying your content, the more I watch the more confident I get. Thank you so much. I have one question to ask -

When there are different interviews with different store leaders as you mentioned. Can we use the same answers we used in the first interview??

@amish-man03 - 25.01.2023 19:56

Hiii Ben i was late for the Virtual get together webinar , is this important

@wtwkris - 26.10.2022 22:02

Hey Ben,

I just had my phone interview and fortunately, I made it to Phase 1! The interview was shorter than the 20 mins I expected because she claimed the it would only take about 15 mins. All questions she asked were more or less similar to the ones you’ve shared in this series which has definitely helped. The only question she asked that I don’t recall hearing in this series is this: “Tell me about a time you were given a goal you had to reach.” I used the S.T.A.R method to answer this question on the quicks. Overall, I think the interview went well along with closing. Thank you Ben.

@marinapiccolo1380 - 13.10.2022 10:05

I work in an apple Store in Italy, and I didn't saw your videos before but I did exactly like that and they took me 😂

@keepingupwithmimi5675 - 07.10.2022 05:42

I was the only one who showed up to my group interview but unfortunately I didn’t get chosen to move forward. The questions were not the formal questions or anything I’ve been prepared for. I think my interviewer was very tired or he was on to peoples repetitive answers but the questions he asked was:

How do you define success?
Tell me about a time you worked on something without your colleagues.
What is something you are good at?
Tell me about yourself?
When have you faced an unexpected difficulty?
Describe an interesting problem and how you solved it.

My advice would be prepare your webex a day in advance
Breathe, don’t be nervous 😬 (I know it’s hard but just think of it as a conversation)
Don’t prepare just be yourself and answer the questions truthfully but professional and don’t get too personal because I think they trick people into believing they are making you comfortable but they are assessing how lose you will get.

Good luck everyone!

@WardChandler - 02.10.2022 22:34

Hi Ben - thanks for the great video and tips. Unfortunately I did not watch this until after, as I was not expecting a group interview, so that in itself was a huge surprise. A few notes on my experience today. There were 6 - yes 6 candidates and one Apple team member from the store. She said she was expecting only 2 people, so that seemed a bit odd, her not knowing how many people were going to be interviewed. Also, The interviewer did not select the order of people to answer each question or call on people - she just asked the question and then she left it with us to decide when to step up, which honestly was very awkward. I chose to answer at different times in the rotation so I was not always first or last. There was the Why Apple question natch, but then the other 3 questions were Behavior questions - tell me about a time you solved a problem no one else could solve was one. Tell me about a time you learned something new. Tell me about a time when you did not have a solution and had to wing it .... No role playing questions, no which product would you be, no Angry customer question. At the end of the interview she did open it up for questions. I asked her what the best thing was about working for Apple, and she said all the benefits. Hope that my experience helps others - Cheers :).

@Passiion_Fruiit - 06.09.2022 19:37

I just finished my 2 interview and here were the questions they asked me:

First question: Tell me about yourself, why Apple, if you were a Apple product which one would you be?
Second question: Tell me about a time someone failed but you didn’t
Third question: tell me about a time you had to do something new without help

@SAM7167 - 22.08.2022 09:26

Going for my visio Apple interview in less than 2 hours, in France! Thanks for the tips.

@juliecool - 22.08.2022 08:03

Just finished my second day of core training. I appreciate you making this video, it definitely helped.

@i05CrafterGames - 16.08.2022 20:24

1. What does a future at Apple look like for a person that does well in this role?
2. What are your characteristics that have made you successful here working at Apple?
3. What are the main challenges a person might experience in this role?
4. What keeps you at Apple?
5. What's your story?

@clewso4257 - 14.08.2022 02:31

Just had my group interview today. Only 1 other candidate in there so hopefully get an offer!!

@angelsandoval-cw3pp - 08.08.2022 07:09

Hi, I have the group interview soon but I don’t have a computer so is it okay to do it with my phone

@ZaiXPMusic - 04.08.2022 15:15

I have my Final interview today! It happens to be a group interview. Super nervous, but you have helped me through all of my interviews so far!!

@ashwin1322 - 02.08.2022 22:56

These videos helped me in my process at The Apple Store! Thanks so much

@mudiame19 - 02.08.2022 15:16

Thanks Ben. Your videos really helped and I am happy to say I got an offer :)

@amandajane1605 - 28.07.2022 15:16

I just had my last interview with Apple. It was a group interview there were 3 of us we got asked 3 questions but we didn't do the role play interview I get to know if I got the sometime next week .

@nataliaibarra6057 - 27.07.2022 09:30

Very nervous for my group interview tomorrow, I have prior experience working for Apple(1+ year) so hopefully that will benefit me in questions. Thanks for the great videos!

@lev6236 - 23.07.2022 05:02

So I did 4 rounds of interviews (that were all virtual) and never had a single group interview. I’m kinda glad lol. But they went really well (thank God 🙏🏾). And now they’re planning on extending a verbal offer to me once a position becomes available! So happy and grateful to God and this channel 👍🏾

@moadipra3381 - 22.07.2022 04:32

Great Video! I just received an email that they won’t be moving me forward a day after the group interview. I thought I did really well and even the hiring manager who was interviewing my group said that to me. It seemed like she knew I stood out from the group ( in a good way ofc). But the email stated that I won’t be moving forward. Is it possible for me to ask the store manager who interviewed us the reasoning?

@arpnamishra145 - 20.07.2022 08:18

Hey Ben, thank you for all your videos on Apple .. your video really helped me through all the rounds in apple store interview.. awesome job

@keshavjoshi3161 - 20.07.2022 00:33

Just wanted to thank you for the tips, the advice you gave worked out for me and I was able to get the job. Much appreciated.

@Ella-jz1so - 19.07.2022 01:41

Hi Ben! I’ve got my group interview tomorrow and I’m really nervous hahah. Your other videos have helped me actually secure the second interview in the first place so fingers crossed I get hired

@DariusRatchford - 13.07.2022 23:28

Hey, Ben! I am interviewing for the US-Creative position. Any insight on that process and how it differs from the usual apple interview? Thanks!

@gabyhollows1761 - 07.07.2022 01:54

I have to say this video along with the one that was uploaded two months ago and the “why Apple” video SAVED ME. I have not received a callback since I just completed it but my confidence with the answers, especially compared to the other people who were being interviewed, Truly confirmed that I was ready to answer those questions.

THE ONLY ONE That I heard that I hadn’t heard of in other videos was the following question:(More or less, I’m paraphrasing here)
“Tell me about a time where other people failed and how you achieved”

I personally spoke about “recovery guests”, When you receive a guest who was previously upset about another issue unrelated to you but now they’ve been passed on to you. Which I branched off into a customer service answer about keeping customer loyalty.

Another really good response i heard was. “Failure is subjective , My colleague and I both had to present a solution, and although my report had less issues, we worked together to help make her proposal possible, In the end both of us succeeded.”

Small note, I suppose every interviewer is different. My interview were jumped immediately into the questions and did not express anything about himself or any sort of introduction really but ourselves either so just be ready for that!

@Urfavvriri - 03.07.2022 02:37

I have a group interview on the 12th and I’m absolutely nervous I have so much anxiety I’m trying to prepare myself beforehand 😭

@mahinourwarraky4217 - 30.06.2022 06:58

Thanks to your videos i got the job at apple! Thank you . U r amazing

@hectormata8620 - 30.06.2022 06:29

I’m watching all your videos about apple retail store. I already had the phone interview and passed to the 2nd. I’m going to have it tomorrow morning. It’s a virtual interview and I think with other candidates! I’m checking this video and taking your advices! Thank you! Wish me luck Ben! 🙏🏼

@gifcities - 29.06.2022 04:44

I’m not sure where my original comment went from the other video I commented on but here’s an update from the last one. I scored my first apple interview and did great with the tips from your videos! Now i’m onto the second one, which is the group interview and i’m going to start preparing now :)
Also thank you so much for all these tips, they helped with my nervousness, alongside with answering the questions and I will definitely practice using these videos for the second one as well!

@TheSidahmed61 - 25.06.2022 19:06

What’s the best advice for at a group interview and one person tries to dominate the entire event? For example one guy just kept going on and on. Does that put me at a disadvantage?

@harrypatel8741 - 25.06.2022 03:06

Hello Ben, I had my 1st virtual group interview and not i'm going to have my 2nd one. What Apple ask and do at their 2nd virtual group interview? Thank you. Harry

@TheSidahmed61 - 23.06.2022 16:47

Hi Ben. Just want to say a massive thank you for tips and questions for the Apple interview. Made it to the final so fingers crossed! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

@kiyoko2525 - 18.06.2022 18:54

I have mine on half an hour

@UltimatePokeGamer7 - 18.06.2022 17:24

Hi Ben! Can you do a video similarly for Apple Corporate roles? I have a marketing interview next month at Apple's London store and your input would help.

@filsonenayol781 - 17.06.2022 01:24

Hi Ben! Just writing from London to say I had my group interview today and went so well, thanks to your videos!!! The recruiter said the session today was the best he had in three years 😂 we only had 4 questions asked as he said he got everything he needed from those 4 . Again, thank you so so much

@rubenruiz2046 - 15.06.2022 11:06

Man thanks for the help , appreciated a lot , i got my 2nd interview tomorrow (grou

@toskitchen9689 - 13.06.2022 23:41

i just got off the phone had my first interview today, was told to get ready for a second interview (group)

@michealagreen6176 - 13.06.2022 13:19

I have my 2nd group interview tomorrow but my first one had no role playing and they threw me off with this question.
“Tell me about a time when you where stranded with no resolution?”. The manager gave us like a whole minute to think because it was so difficult to figure out what they were looking for in this question.

It would be really great to shine some light on this question however your general advice and apples values has really helped answer questions I didn’t prepare for. So thank you so much for the advice!!!!

@yannypanda - 09.06.2022 22:24

Hey! First off, your videos are LIFE SAVERS! This definitely helped me prepare~ I just finished my first group interview. However, I was the only one in attendance, so I was asked quite a few questions. I also did not do a role-play. I also had 5 questions prepared at the end of my interview as well. Overall, I thought it went really well as I was confident in all my answers and hopefully will hear from them soon.
The questions I was asked:
Asked about me/hobbies?
Why Apple?
What apple product is your favorite?
What kind of apps/games do I use on my ipad?
What was your most fulfilling Job?
What's my availability?
What's my schedule looking when school starts?
Asked what I plan on doing after I graduate from college?
Do you watch jeopardy? (threw me for a loop as I thought it was really random 😆)
Tell me a time you dealt with a difficult situation, and what you did to help solve it.
Who was your favorite manager?
If you were to run the office, what aspects of being the manager make you better than that manager?
Describe yourself in 3 words.

Not sure how to interpret those questions, but again, I did everything in my power to answer confindently, and honestly. Again, thank you for these! It really helped me not just for apple, but with future endeavors as well 😁

@jrsl5182 - 09.06.2022 06:54

I am back after acing my phone interview! My group interview is tomorrow but I saw your last interview video about Apple so I had to come back to this one. I am now 100 percent confident in myself after watching this video! Thank You! Wish me luck!

@hamaadiqbal4168 - 06.06.2022 21:15

I had an group interview, with 8 different people and I asked questions at the end I think it was a lot I ask like 5 questions others just asked 1 the interviewer said anyone want to ask questions expect me 😭😭😭😭😭 I’m really worried I think I seemed annoying and attention seeking when I’m not.

@Miss_mandybanks - 03.06.2022 03:20

Thank you for your help!! I was offered to move on to phase 2 ..

@exoticyouth007 - 21.05.2022 10:14

Your knowledge is on point . Had my phone interview yesterday and from my end I was able to talk freely coz I saw your videos about it !! I really hope to move to the next step ahead .

@12step56 - 21.05.2022 03:10

I will say I recently did the process and it was pretty easy. Still a wild experience. I had to do two group interviews (1 we had two separate links, 2 went very smooth), for my final interview I had 2 people (me and another candidate) it took about 1 month to get the first interview, 3 days until 2nd round, (another 2 weeks for a reschedule) and 1 day for Final interview. Total 4 interviews

@MassiveLegoYugz - 12.05.2022 06:16

Watched all your videos extensively about Apple interviews and how to stand out on group interviews. Glad to say that today I was offered the Specialist job! Took one phone interview/screening plus two group interviews; one virtual and one in person! Thank you so much for the help and insight!

@basiltomatosoupshabbarico9474 - 11.05.2022 03:11

I made it all the way to my third interview and just got an email letting me know that there are no openings but they would let me know when there are some. What does that mean? Is this just letting me go easily or am I genuinely being considered for a position...
