SVB's Aiming System Explained

SVB's Aiming System Explained

The Billiard Corner

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@tomwallace3103 - 11.02.2025 07:23

If your using outside English you can’t use your ferrule.

@hairyhoudini5565 - 11.02.2025 01:55

You've told me how to align my ferrule with the edge of the ball depending on the severity of the cut, now tell me where in this scenario does the cue ball fit. It was never mentioned. Perhaps SVB didn't fire a round he simply aimed his rifle.

@ron2117 - 23.01.2025 04:19

More videos,

@wangcodm - 17.01.2025 10:29

I use 12.5mm tip cue, fiberglass/graphite composite cue. should this still work? I'm having a hard time sometimes also how should I aim with english?

@ron2117 - 16.01.2025 02:58

Just not clear on the shots that are not the edge or center, how do you determine the exact point of contact. Thanks.

@ron2117 - 14.01.2025 05:15

Trying it out. Hard, but will try it. Does the size of the Ferrell make a difference?

@ron2117 - 10.01.2025 05:39

Great video. Does he mark the Ferrell?

@andydionne7242 - 29.12.2024 16:50

Great tip! 🎱

@enzopalumbo2164 - 18.11.2024 01:22

The SVB method just gives a consistent guide and approximation to where the center of the ghost ball is. It is a refined edge of feral method, except he uses more the the edge of feral. He uses the edge, middle, and the in-between of the feral. They all give an approximation of the center of ghost under different circumstances. For extreme cut shots, I align my cue from the inner edge of the cue ball to the outer edge of the object ball and then do a parallel shift of the cue stick to the center of the cue ball. I do it visually. It's just a logical extension of his method. So my version is as follows:

for very small angle, I aim the center of the cue tip to the contact point on the object ball
for slightly larger angles, I aim the in-between point of the cue tip to the contact point of the object ball
for even larger angles, say between 30 and 45, I aim the edge of the cue tip to the contact point on the object ball
for larger than 45, I aim the edge of the cue tip to the outer edge of the object ball.
for extreme cuts, I visually align the cue stick from the inner edge of the cue ball to the outer edge of the object ball and then visually parallel shift the cue to the center of the cue ball.

There is a bit a play on all these angles. You just have to see for yourself where you make the transition from one part of the cue tip to the other.

In the ghost ball method, the center of the ghost ball aiming point shifts further away from the contact point on the object ball as the cut angle increases. That is why SVB divides the tip of the cue into 5 sections for all cut angles, left or right.

@allgood6760 - 21.10.2024 10:30


@hanzheist5005 - 26.09.2024 15:14

I cant believe i player w this

@fishblade2 - 20.09.2024 16:16

What about with outside English. I saw the episode with Shane and Jennifer where he explains inside spin but what about outside English? How can you do that and still aim anywhere near the ball and not the rail?

@nhandoan7863 - 02.09.2024 01:08

I'm just curious what is the size of your pool table?

@khoagreeen - 30.07.2024 15:27

My friend said she doesn't believe me to make that first difficult shot but somehow once I was down for that, I made that shot and of course she believed me 😂

@criticaltinker - 18.07.2024 03:26

i wonder if SVB allowed you to share his secret especially that he's doing workshops as well. just curious.

@saneinsanity2772 - 28.05.2024 09:38

It doesn't make sense for me.... aiming more than 40 degree cut will end up aligning innermost ferule to the air not the object ball.... Please help.. i tried it... It doesn't work like the video says

@MuhammedAlShehhi-gs8sb - 16.05.2024 21:25

It's CTE 😊

@liberty9348 - 15.05.2024 22:20

When you say "the edge of the object ball", do you mean the POINT of intended contact on the object ball (not just ANY edge of the object ball)?

@theaveragejoebody - 22.03.2024 03:33

I love the clip at the end and your thumbs-up.

@scottschoppert9149 - 10.03.2024 04:05

He lives in my city.

@eliothowell8654 - 07.03.2024 23:00

There are numerous videos on this SVB aiming system but, yours is without doubt the best!

@RuggedLuxuryD - 12.02.2024 10:25

Thanks for sharing this video. This was very helpful

@pmayh3m - 06.11.2023 09:36

So if there are 5 aiming sections, each of which are aimed to the edge of the object ball, then to what range of degrees does each cue section represent until you determine to move to the adjacent aiming section of the cue?

Cutting as you did in the vídeo to a right-side pocket at what degree would you start to be able to use the middle of the shaft to the right side of the object ball to aim since you would not be able or need to use this for straight in shots? There would have to be another degree range subtracted from the 90 degrees moving from straight in to left for the degree range that you could no longer see the right side of the object ball

@aminparva-d7j - 26.10.2023 12:39


@terrythomas4407 - 23.10.2023 19:20

Good stuff. Very clear explanation.

@pmayh3m - 25.09.2023 11:37

OMGooodness!!! This is awesome! Thank you

When applying english is that the point of which you line up from to the edge of the object ball?

@stevemarion9591 - 12.09.2023 21:44

I noticed when you use backhand English your bridge length stays the same length, how come your length does not change when your shooting very short shots compared to your longer shots? Please answer. Thanks a lot steve

@soloplayermoba - 19.07.2023 21:17

when i was starting, i also developed similar to this aiming method as im struggling with the ghost ball method

@restoreasurface2809 - 07.06.2023 16:53

What about a skinny shaft vs thick shaft, wouldn't that add a variable to the angles?

@enzopalumbo2164 - 12.05.2023 04:59

You didn't explain when you use the other aim points. When exactly do you decide to use the middle of the ferrule or the edge. The explanation is very nebulous

@kdp6494 - 01.05.2023 15:56

thank you for the video and isnight. cant wait ti try this.

@brett6314 - 06.04.2023 01:34

I guess since I'm an engineer the angles come easy which to me screams why not just give us a table. ie 0 to 10 degrees of cut is center of cue to aim at contact point, etc. Seems like someone would have done this. I'll look around or figure it out. Thanks bro!

@jimmieharper6564 - 04.04.2023 16:40

You really know how explain S V Bs aiming system well.
Thank You

@eliothowell8654 - 29.03.2023 22:04

well presented. tried it and by golly, it works!!!! will put in some practice and will improve dramatically on what used to be difficult shots.

@mohammedobaid6536 - 01.03.2023 21:04

This is one variation of cte system

@Digiphex - 27.02.2023 19:29

It is the way I figured out when we got a pool table and I was 12. I was lining up the ferrule to the edge of the ball for a 45 degree, etc. And without discussing it, my brother was doing the same. I think everyone figures this out on their own the first game they play as a kid.

@heremansmarc - 31.01.2023 19:48

In fact, Shane (and all experienced players) DOES NOT use any aiming system, because with x thousand shots make it easy to know the angles.

@Tupsx57 - 17.01.2023 07:44

That system will have a tendency to hit thick if you compare the aim point using a ghost ball technique. Having said that, it is an excellent reference point tool. Pretty sure every poolplayer eventually learns to shoot using HAMB - whether that takes a few weeks or a few years depending on the person.

@chrissierg - 02.01.2023 22:30

well, now, that's interesting... :)

@ballstreamscoreboards5754 - 31.12.2022 01:17

Beats me how anyone can pot a ball at all by using that method.

@robertgould8099 - 16.12.2022 18:13

Thank you. Nicely explained.

@YellowZee - 30.11.2022 17:41

Wow you played against SVB... how did it feel?

@josephmcgee8450 - 15.10.2022 01:49


@TheJsjr - 04.07.2022 14:07

So, This system becomes useless once u incorporate English , right ?

@flytyer33 - 17.06.2022 08:29

Great explanation. I will give this a try and see if it works for me. Thanks again.

@wilkamania - 17.06.2022 03:34

I wonder does this change with an 11.8mm tip?

@joeygonzo - 11.06.2022 07:18

Then why does Shane address the cue ball at the bottom in all shots when he can?
