HOW OFTEN TO PIN TO PINTEREST?! A Complete Guide to Posting onto Pinterest

HOW OFTEN TO PIN TO PINTEREST?! A Complete Guide to Posting onto Pinterest

Sarah Marie Blog

2 года назад

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Shinichi Kudo
Shinichi Kudo - 18.06.2023 00:24

Is it true that there should be a 5-7 day interval when pinning the same URL even though it’s a fresh pin. You can’t just post the same url daily you have to wait 5-7 days before that the rule I read but idk if that only applies to a. Same pin or URL LINK?

Chrystèle Lacroix
Chrystèle Lacroix - 03.04.2023 19:01

Hi Sarah. I have two issues. 1. When I type Best day Pinterest, it brings me outside my Google Analytics page. Why? 2. I can't find a way to see Users by the time of day. Can you explain exactly how to get this view?

Society Of Side Hustle
Society Of Side Hustle - 02.01.2023 21:13

Thanks for the video Sarah, I have like 650 blog posts on one of my sites. I plan on creating 5 pins for each post. How should I spread out posting each pin. Should I do that pin once per month on the same day (different images of course) for 5 months or is better to do them closer together?

Alma Bach
Alma Bach - 29.12.2022 15:30

Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. Do you recommend any tool for Pinterest marketing? I am planning to get Pinflux. I heard it helps to find quality new pins, and also sets up a pinning schedule, and creates pins to unlimited boards automatically. Kindly guide.

Samira Port
Samira Port - 26.10.2022 13:34

Awesome video, thanks so much :) subscribed!

Edwina Cottino
Edwina Cottino - 17.07.2022 03:58

Hi Sarah, great tips thanks! I use Tailwind to schedule my pins. When it asks which boards I want to pin to, I usually select multiple boards then tailwind pins that same pin to different boards each on a different day. Is that a bad idea? Should I be creating a different pin for different boards for the same post?

Целиноград-25 - 07.07.2022 23:10

Does pinning mean saving it to boards or creating a pin (uploading new image, adding description etc.)?

Gym Guru
Gym Guru - 24.06.2022 22:20

Hey Sarah! Loving the content- super useful. I can't find the bloody video of yours that I watched earlier so I'll have to comment on this one.

Quick question if you don't mind- out of the 150k impressions you get on pinterest, how many outbound clicks to wherever your leading them to would you say it is? If that's not too personal to ask.

I was just trying to get a feel for pinterest clickthrough rates. I know there different for everyone/niches anyway. Thanks! Subbed, you've got some good shit! 👍🏽

Jenny Marie
Jenny Marie - 14.06.2022 23:49

Do you pin a fresh pin only to 1 board? Or do you pin that same pin to related boards as well?

Jenny Marie
Jenny Marie - 14.06.2022 23:37

Dropping gems in this video as always thanks Sarah!

Daliano Daliano
Daliano Daliano - 14.06.2022 21:55

I used to pin 7 times a day, now i'm pining 5 and might lower it to 4. does the title of the pin need to match the title of the link of your blog post ?
