Kolchak – Russian Civil War Criminal

Kolchak – Russian Civil War Criminal

Politsturm International

2 года назад

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@hataitoksoy262 - 09.07.2022 18:23


@rosaconnolly3485 - 09.07.2022 18:45


@TheReaperKinlord - 09.07.2022 19:18

lookin forward to this

@thechekist2044 - 09.07.2022 19:30

Kolchak and the imperialist interventionists couldn't get past the Urals.

@hataitoksoy262 - 09.07.2022 20:29

Emeğinize sağlık yoldaşlar!
Çok çok teşekkürler!

@rosaconnolly3485 - 09.07.2022 20:35

That was great primary source. Really took you on a journey of his plunder of the working class and shows how much of a swine he was while not diminishing his humanity and thought process. The whites were imperialists just as the Russians in Ukraine are today albeit now the Russian sphere of influence and finance isn’t as linked to the rest of the world, they still have their own people, the Chechens, Belarus, and a lot of Central Asia for the Russian ruling class to exploit.

@Langelos - 09.07.2022 20:45


@Mikesman1000 - 09.07.2022 21:53

This person, is the depiction of what a criminal world would name "rat"

@quintenbruggink1595 - 09.07.2022 23:09

A great video comrade and i greatly admire what you do for the cause in the way of informational awareness and the clearness you give to complex topics like these . It's why i send them to friends and communists in the making :^) and i wish you the best of luck :)

@Grom0zeka - 09.07.2022 23:47

In 1920 such a limerick was made about him:
Мундир английский,
Погон французский,
Табак японский,
Правитель омский.

Direct translation:
English uniform,
French Shoulder strap,
Japanese Tobacco,
The ruler of Omsk.

@cagdaskose9429 - 10.07.2022 00:55

In the 2008 Russian production Admiral, they showed this murderer as a charismatic military leader, a good family man, a romantic man who is in love with his friend's wife.

@sighourshanbanipur2088 - 10.07.2022 02:59

A goddamn hero.

@tylerscott8850 - 10.07.2022 04:52

He was a hero who tried to to overthrow the Bolshevik and restore the tsar and the Orthodox Church and thank you putin for honoring his heroism during the Russia civil war hey putin can you take down the Joseph Stalin statues in Russia too he does not deserve a statue he killed millions of people and persecuted Christians and Jews and other religions and he was just as bad as adolf hitler

@TheFlameOfLiberation - 10.07.2022 07:23

Excellent video! The anti-communist Russian nationalists try to attack the Bolsheviks as “traitors” when it was the Tsarists who were the actual traitors siding with every foreign invader who occupied Russian territory from the British, to the Japanese to the Nazis.

@redscarf2766 - 10.07.2022 08:58

And still some so called "socialists" support this counter revolutionary state of Russia

@Koba-rr6oz - 10.07.2022 12:21

Bolsheviks gave him a nice cool swim in the ice.

@antoniomariamacri7500 - 10.07.2022 12:30

Dictators like Kolchak are those who implement the kind of fascism worse for their own people, the one I call "latino fascism":
Instead of being born purely from the reaction of local capitalists and remnants of nobility like Italian Fascism and Nazism, It Is an alliance between local and foreign capitalists. The former type Is worse for foreign countries since these kinds of regimes are more aggressive and more capable of imperialist invasion, but also they have a kind of economic nationalism that leads to a few advantages for the population such as developing of local industries and keynesian economics (though, judging from Trump, It seems that the latter has vanshed in most modern fascists and para fascists, remaining in some less radical far rightists such as Le Pen), though the benefit to workers Is always temporary at best due to anti union politics, privatizations and escalation of wars. The latter Is fortunately unable to do much in terms of imperialist wars, however this Is because"latino fascist" countries (I use this term because It Is the kind of fascism the USA support and thus Is historically common in Latin America, but It Is also widespread in Africa and the Imperial Periphery in general) are themselfs victims of imperialism by the powers that support their regimes. The local dictators are much less incentivized to give workers any benefit that would discourage them from taking risks with leftist organization (which was the strategy of Fascist Italy and both Imperial and Nazi Germany) so they wouldn't lose power because the support from foreign capitalists largely makes up for It and demands in return absoltue miserable conditions of the people that they may exploit. For this reason Latino Fascists Regimes are much less stable and constatntly on the verge of civil war. The best example of this kind of regime is the Process of National Reorganization in Argentina, but also the dictatorships and militias in Nicaragua, El Salvador, pre revolutionary Cuba and even Bolsonaro's Presidency, had the Whites win the civil war, Russia would have become one of these, and Who knows for how long the foreign capitalists would have exploited It before the Russian people three them out and Who can say wether It would have been substituted by a socialist Government or by a (let's call It these way) "national fascist"tyranny that would have waged even more imperialist and genocidal wars in the region.

@andreaanaxandron9890 - 11.07.2022 23:50

You must also consider the context. The bolsheviks just overthrew the provisional government, Russia was in total chaos, the army was extremely disorganized and basically no one was understanding what was happening. Like Soviet Russia had Lenin, White Russia had Kolchak. When you are at war and your country is on the very brink of collapse your primal thought is to win the war, at any cost. Needless to say, Kolchak’s war crimes were perpetrated also by the bolsheviks (like the murdering of the Romanov, an act totally unjustified) sometimes even more violently (no wonder that period is called “red terror”). For what concerns foreign aid, again, you must consider the context. No one in the world liked the idea of having to deal with a communist country so it’s obvious that most ex-entente nations helped and sponsored White Russia, still seen as the legitimate Russia. Regarding Kolchak himself, he was a dictator, with no excuses. But I think it helped a lot the White cause since having a clear chief to answer to and not a miriad of warlords all across the country in my opinion is better Kolchak managed to unite the White movement and that’s an achievment. Also still speaking of imperialist powers, hope none forgets that Soviet Russia as well had their little imperialist adventure in the 20s, such as conquering Ukraine, attacking Poland and supporting red partisans in Finland. All territories by the way ceded by the communist themselves to the central powers in 1917 (with trotkzy’s idea of “no war no peace” Russia got even a more humiliating treaty than what it could have been). So in conclusion, Kolchak may be seeen as a war criminal, but he served as a figurehead for White Russia and did everything he did to win, even though he lost. Nothing more nothing less than the bolsheviks did.

@noheroespublishing1907 - 14.07.2022 17:20

Hope someone's got this to Finnish Bolshevik; it's great! 🚩

@zev3320 - 19.07.2022 03:26

technically any leader/military commander could have been a war criminal

@pinnacle3354 - 22.11.2022 00:15

He's a hero

@steauarosie1 - 05.12.2022 08:04

Kolchak was and remains a hero. You said in the title that he is a war criminal, but you didn't say about the crimes he committed. He's not a traitor. He accepted the help of foreigners to free Russia

@LordValorum - 02.01.2023 01:33

Communists: Bohoo Kolchak was a war criminal
Meanwhile Soviet Generals, NKVD, Cheka, KGB, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Soviet Troops advancing to Germany in WWII and the Red Guard in Yekaterinburg 1918: Sweating

@tachanka1612 - 14.02.2023 23:35

Kolchak my beloved

@theowl2044 - 28.02.2023 10:21

Criminal? Are you sure? How many civilians died under Lenin?

@Nathanvolski - 31.03.2023 12:35

Calls Kolchak a criminal, but doesn't talk about Lenin and his atrocities.

@roterStern1917 - 29.05.2023 09:34

Interesting for understanding which class is in power now in Russia.

@KolchaksGhost - 03.06.2023 01:51

Every White Terror was justified. Kolchak died trying to save his country from your Bolshevist cancer

@ZeroResurrected - 04.06.2023 04:45

You’ll call Kolchak a monster yet ignore Lenin’s own brutal acts of evil against his own people. Kolchak was no saint but he fought against a great evil and had his side won, millions of lives would have been saved

@German.American.catholicv2 - 16.06.2023 02:00

Alexander Kolchak tried his best to save russia from the communist so the red army and should be the war criminals

@henrysandoval3983 - 18.06.2023 07:17

Commies are low class losers who demand Equality behind the Mask of Victimhood. Get based about the Elders comrade

@LMyrski - 25.06.2023 07:41

This is a poorly conceived hit piece that doesn't make much sense.

@e30fanforever35 - 28.06.2023 23:56

Compared to the red terror he was harmless...

@극우파 - 08.07.2023 17:51

Белая Армия,ура!♥

@JoostEurovisionFans - 05.01.2024 02:00

A trusted American source 😂

@JoostEurovisionFans - 05.01.2024 02:01

You don’t know how geopolitics work? 😂 This is not criminal, but necessary. How else is he going to reverse the Tsar and united Russia.

@AsiaGuy2025 - 12.01.2024 14:18

War criminal? Absurd what about Stalin and Lenin?

@KHKim-ww4rt - 10.02.2024 03:16

He is never a criminal but very devoted soldier and patriot for Russia I believe.

@punishedgloyperstormtroope8098 - 29.04.2024 18:42


@DomnulDarius - 08.06.2024 17:02

Communist propaganda BS

@radiofreemongoliaofficial - 28.06.2024 04:07

A bunch of backstabbing child killers calling others criminals is peak comedy

@italoduarte2509 - 03.10.2024 05:12

I can't believe people like the creator of this video still exist... God help us.

@politsturm_inter - 09.07.2022 21:20

Sources from the video:
1. Иоффе Г.З. Колчаковская авантюра и её крах. - М.: Мысль, 1983
2. Допрос Колчака. М. Госиздат 1925
3. Грэвз В. Американская авантюра в Сибири. М.: Военгиз, 1932
4. Азовцев Н.Н. Гражданская война в России. Т 1. М.: Воениздат, 1980; Азовцев Н.Н. Гражданская война в России. Т 2. М.: Воениздат, 1986
5. Ратьковский И.С. Хроники белого террора. Репрессии и самосуды (1917-1920). М.: Алгоритм, 2017
6. Колчаковщина: гражданская война в Сибири. (ред. Г. Вендрих). Иркутск, Провинция, 1991
7. Раков Д.Ф. В застенках Колчака. Париж. 1920
8. Гражданская война в Сибири и Северной области. (сост-ль С.А. Алексеев). Госиздат, 1927
9. Солодянкин А.Г. Коммунисты Иркутска в борьбе с колчаковщиной. Иркутск, 1960
10. Колчак и интервенция на Дальнем Востоке: Документы и материалы. (сост-ль А.Н. Василенко и др.) Владивосток, 1995
