THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Season 3 Ending Explained | Post Credits Scene, Breakdown + Review

THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Season 3 Ending Explained | Post Credits Scene, Breakdown + Review

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CurtisArtistLife Facebook
CurtisArtistLife Facebook - 07.10.2023 10:55

I have a theory that all the kids are actually not human, because at the beginning of the Series regenal Sent Those lights out into the world creating the pregnancy of the Kids. so I think they are all aliens too

Benedicta Serafini
Benedicta Serafini - 24.09.2023 18:51

I just noticed that the older Five is missing the arm he later in the season lose andat the very end Klaus is even missing his tattoos

Tim S
Tim S - 17.08.2023 22:03

End credits Ben looks like he is recruiting for Squid Games

Christine Natasha
Christine Natasha - 16.08.2023 09:50

moral of the story is Reginald Hargreeves is conniving a lil b!tch yet again.

Muhammad Abdul Malik
Muhammad Abdul Malik - 15.08.2023 14:03

Poor Luther 😢. Finally had someone who loved him for who he is and lost her... Fuckin Alison...

Marcos Mata
Marcos Mata - 14.08.2023 23:04


What if Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, Gi joe, Transformers, he man and the masters of the universe dc comics & marvel comics had Hotel Oblivion from the Umbrella Academy of their own?

Suraj Mehra
Suraj Mehra - 13.08.2023 08:51

I loved it very much for me it was 9/10

TheSaintOfMemes - 08.07.2023 10:15

The fact that season 3 would not have happened if viktor didn't save Harlan from drowning :(

Lyrikal Styles
Lyrikal Styles - 04.07.2023 00:00

Vanya needs to die, hate her character 🤷🏻

shifany annasya
shifany annasya - 15.06.2023 17:51

why are you re-telling the story again man, i've watched that. i just want to know what happened at the end

Muhammad Faiq
Muhammad Faiq - 10.06.2023 13:03

Allison raping luther and killing harland was my breaking point there's literally no redemption for her atp

sdsa ddwsa
sdsa ddwsa - 10.04.2023 07:00

Question: Wouldn't they have created a kugelblitz in season 2? I mean they killed their parents cause everyone died, but if their parents/grandparents died, how could they be born to end the world in 1963?

Samuel Bankston
Samuel Bankston - 08.04.2023 22:46

Haha I did notice it was ashtray I was like hell yeah!! Anyone else think she's still lying about being pregnant

Samuel Bankston
Samuel Bankston - 08.04.2023 22:46

Love this season didn't like what they did with allison and her selling her family out. I liked her more before

poendie - 12.03.2023 02:02

The ending looks like the phineas and ferb movie

Alex Greene
Alex Greene - 03.02.2023 13:50

There's just something off about knowing they filmed in a crackhead filled city called Hamilton Ontario. Too many bad experiences ruined the show besides the terrible writing

western - 02.02.2023 01:34

if 5 was able to travel back in time in season 2 , why did he not travel seconds or minutes back after he was told that their father killed number 1 ?

quoist - 25.01.2023 18:13

Theory :
- Reginald is an alien and had nuclear war in his planet and lost his wife. (S1EP10)
- Reginald plans to reset a universe to be with his wife again by building a "Universe alter machine" that uses "special particles" to power it.(S3EP10)
- Reginald release these "special particles" into humans to grow more of it.(S1EP10) The more the humans strengthen their power, the more these particles grow. That's why he kept training the kids and build the Oblivian with Sumurais to make it almost impossible. Reginald once said "One truly discovers true potential when faced near extinction" while pogo was training them. (S3EP6)
- Reginald was simply on Earth to build Oblivian, preserve his wife on the moon, and train kids to reach full power to be extracted at Oblivian.
- Five attempted the Oblivian more than once
- In the 2nd last attempt , Five did not step on the star. & realised Reginald was evil & trying to alter the universe with himself having full control & impossible to defeat. So he killed Reginald & reprogrammed the machine to create a post apocalypse world where the entire umbrella gang and Reginald dies, he also build the commission to prevent anyone from stopping the apocalypse.
- Five created the operation bunker anti-paradox incase the commission failed to stop his younger self from altering the timeline. He could at least warn young Five himself to let Kugelblits destroy the universe than to allow Reginald activate Oblivian.

- Reginald figured Five would stop him when activating Oblivian when Five said his older self told him to not save the world. That's why Reginald killed Luther and Klaus to ensure exactly 7 ppl enter Oblivian to be occupied by the star. When Klaus revived, Reginald ensured that Five stepped on it instead of Allison (whom is stupid as hell).

- Therefore everyone ended in the new universe, with no powers and all companies was named after Reginald.
- Sloane did not come to the new universe as Allison only asked for her siblings to be safe. In return for convincing Umbrella to attempt Oblivian. However they might find an alternative Sloane
- Allison will not have powers, as it will threaten Reginald's control

Season 4 :
- Everyone found out Reginald is evil
- There's a glitch in the universe. As Allison killed Reginald when he hasn't completely format the universe during Oblivian.
- The glitch helped Umbrella stop Reginald.

I'm insanely hyped for season 4
Best series ever

Lobster Strange
Lobster Strange - 05.01.2023 09:32

No homo but number 5 is a beautiful man

Mate Rex
Mate Rex - 01.01.2023 03:49

Confused..You guys remember that scene where regie does not let Alison to step on that star.. Cuz it was the deal.. She's the only one who magically appears where she wanted to.. So I'd say that Alison played.. 😂n I think she has her powers too. Cuz she didn't step on those.. And didn't end up in the lift..

No1InUrHearts - 29.12.2022 03:33

Imo, this season would’ve been so much better had they left the victor shit out. The first 3 episodes is just them shoving it in our faces that she wants to be a boy.

I ended up skipping through 90% of season 3 and just skipped to parts that looked important, and she did not seem any more important by being a “boy”

The Monocle Guy
The Monocle Guy - 26.12.2022 14:36

Tbh if you give someone with the power to brainwash people since birth of course they would be a sociopath/narcissist as they are used to getting everything they want all their life.

There's another netflix movie about that where is the main villian can mind control people but his powers got removed as a kid so he's trying to get them back.

zxidy - 26.12.2022 08:27

Allison needs to get packed next season

Lucy Snowe
Lucy Snowe - 24.12.2022 21:48

Man, this season fucking sucked.

YkcorFilms - 19.12.2022 06:17

Season 3 went woke with this her to him bs 🙄

TheSushiandme - 13.12.2022 17:14

Dang, i forgot about this show

CosmicRiptide - 01.12.2022 03:56

The only person we see get everything we want is Allison, which makes me think it has something to do with her destroying the machine while everyone else got stuck in the new timeline

Sofía Cartagena
Sofía Cartagena - 25.11.2022 02:56

I love this show but I think is getting to plot messy, the story is getting all messed up with all this random things they are adding idk. I hope there is a 4 season anyways

H zhimomi
H zhimomi - 17.11.2022 13:48

The world is ending but all they care is their personal series

Richard Hoehn
Richard Hoehn - 05.11.2022 02:03

Great video, clarified a few things. Discovered this show a while back and binge watched. Yup: Why the frick is "Christopher" a cube?

MaskedMarvyl - 04.11.2022 09:47

I knew that Hargreeve was planning to sacrifice all of his adopted children from the beginning.
In every reality, he's a wanker.

Entraya Crosshill
Entraya Crosshill - 03.11.2022 15:56

it might not have been out of character for allison but it definitely seemed out of character for the show, the showrunners are clearly capable of writing 100% morally deplorable but 100% likeable villains and assholes, just considering how allison was the first character i wound up hating in the entirety of the show
it wouldve been more effective if she'd been more lowkey about it, and let it show in a few choice cutting comments about her family ruining everything, implying her hatred of victor indirectly through her tone of voice. they couldve made her a likable as well, by having her be the only one to show concerns for everyone else in existence who had a life, like she had, and unlike most of her siblings who had nothing to lose and who readily gambled everything. that way you could contrast her and five's nihilistic responses to the end of everything, his apathy and her rage, blame and guilt, a discussion which wouldve fit the season finale so well
but no, we got an edgy teenager

D R - 03.11.2022 13:52

it sucked.

Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson - 02.11.2022 03:00

Keep saying reggie built the construct, he did not build it.

A B - 31.10.2022 01:52

I've been a big fan of this show, but this season was by far my least favorite. I really disliked Allison's character this season - they made her irredeemable and her character made some out of nowhere choices. I also felt the plot/story didn't really have any direction and that wedding episode was just so weird. Last, Vanya's transition to Victor was forgettable - writers were just trying to bring it up and forget about it asap. If audience didn't understand what happened with the actor in real life, then this would have made no sense to the story. It was also a big distraction and really took away from the show. If the actor did not want to continue playing Vanya, then they should have just re-casted the character.

NithinRaj TR
NithinRaj TR - 26.10.2022 23:56

Its pretty surprising how people are defending and justifying a horrible but very unlikable character doing very horrible and unlikeable things. Most of it is just bad writing but a very enjoyable series nonetheless.

Dummy Account
Dummy Account - 23.10.2022 20:42

this was so weird and frustrating. so much fucked up communication going on, i wish theyd all just talked it through to the end. like as a viewer i didnt even always know who knows whta

Keith Mayhew Hammond
Keith Mayhew Hammond - 18.10.2022 05:57

One obvious problem is that making Klaus immortal takes away any vulnerability. Characters need to be vulnerable or else the viewer never can truly feel that the character is in danger. To put it another way: every superman needs his Kriptonite.

Baddassbecca on IG
Baddassbecca on IG - 12.10.2022 12:06

Why would he kill himself though if his plan was to get them into the hotel? That doesn’t make any sense. Nobody would know where to lead them or what to do.

Ken Jacobus
Ken Jacobus - 10.10.2022 21:13

Five is one of my favorite characters, in any show.

Ins1000 - 09.10.2022 20:16

I don't know why, but after seeing this video I have a strong urge to subscribe to the channel. Hmmm...

CDub - 09.10.2022 01:54

but if he made the hotel, why would the guards try to stop them from entering ?

Hello God it’s me Sara
Hello God it’s me Sara - 03.10.2022 03:28

Maybe I’m wrong but I thought I heard that the fourth season is going to be the last. Considering that Aidan Gallagher is rather baby faced and also quite smol I don’t think they’d need to age up five unless it’s a happy ending thing where he gets to be an adult with Dolores finally

Veznan -
Veznan - - 30.09.2022 14:46

4 and 5 always carry

deadcatgod - 28.09.2022 19:49

"give me rent" 😂😂😂 a like and a sub from me lmfao

degrassi - 28.09.2022 15:07

cant trust No 1 is pretty clever

enam orez azkal
enam orez azkal - 27.09.2022 17:08

Definitely the nearly dying 100yrs old Five is older. The young looking Five (58 yrs old) lost his power so he is now not trapped anymore in a young looking, so his body start to grow old again.
His 15yrs old looking body grow older by 85years to become the 100 year.

So his actual age when he died is
58+85=143 yrs old

