that chocolate frog that came back from the very first movie, after all those years....................... was expired
ОтветитьRon,harry,heromine all are one family now according to indian culture 😂😂
ОтветитьThey took out a lot of the convo on the platform unfortunately. Ron had some funny lines, Harry and Draco nodded at each other, James was being a Fred and George to Albus, and we also got to catch up with Lupin's son. Harry potter needs to be redone into a series
ОтветитьI think it’s time we bring the gang back together
ОтветитьThis year they play graduate
Ответить:Why are you crying its just a scene
The scene :-
so they all waited 7 years to have kids...
ОтветитьI might be tripping, but why does Albus sound SO MUCH like Harry when he was in his first year at Hogwarts…?
Ответить😭 the kids 🧒 have 👧 become the parents now 👩👨 tears of joy 🥲🥹😊❤😂😅🤣😘🥰
ОтветитьHarry: Albus Severus Potter
Ghost James: Wait what? Why Severus
Ghost Snape: Ha!
Scorpius: father, what if i am not in slytherin?
Draco: just say "my father will hear about this!"
Hot take: that boy should’ve been named Arthur Rubeus Potter, NOT Albus Severus Potter.
ОтветитьIs Albus potter played by Justin Bieber?
ОтветитьIs Albus wearing Harry’s old shoes??
ОтветитьWhy does Albus looks like he would be the best at Mewing 😂
ОтветитьAlbus Severus potter your house is like your family so you may be in like your family so you will BE in gryffindor
Ответить786 Fatima's cooking
Ответить"Albus Severus Delores Potter, you were named after three headmasters of Hogwarts, and two of them were Slytherins"
ОтветитьIn the book its different
ОтветитьThey didn't say about neville who became a herbology professor in moviee😭😭😭i read the books and james teasing albus was not in movie alsoo
Ответить😢😢 teste
ОтветитьEnding of the epic Harry Potter seties
ОтветитьThere all grown up now
ОтветитьGinny Westley Harry potter
ОтветитьThis is so sweeet
ОтветитьAlbus Severus potter
And potter:Harry
This is so cute to a epic ending
ОтветитьThe end!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьNext:fantastic beasts and were to find them
ОтветитьWhat happen to ron 😭😭😭
ОтветитьI always thought Draco looked like a creepy used car salesman hete
Ответитьfunny suvi
Ответитьkeske bu halleriyle film cekseler
ОтветитьMinecraft invisible wall moment
ОтветитьThe last music is wayy too emotional 😢😭😭😭
Ответитьi cried at this part
ОтветитьJohn 3:16-17 KJV “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but the world through Him might be saved.”
Ответитьyou set you cat donot find her
ОтветитьHarry Potter a new era