Will a Decision Tree Predict Which Country Will Win Gold for the first time

Will a Decision Tree Predict Which Country Will Win Gold for the first time

Islander Intelligence

54 года назад

93 Просмотров

The Winter Olympics is right around the corner. So let’s use this fantastic dataset to make some predictions on how the games will turn out.

Link to the dataset: [https://www.kaggle.com/ramontanoeiro/winter-olympic-medals-1924-2018](https://www.kaggle.com/ramontanoeiro/winter-olympic-medals-1924-2018)

pip commands

pip install -U scikit-learn

pip install numpy

pip install islanders

pip install irdatacleaning

0:00 intro

0:51 importing the python packages

2:19 data analysis

4:00 My Mistake

4:42 Dropping some columns

5:03 Reshaping the data

7:06 Adding the classes

9:51 Splitting Up The Data

12:04 Building the Model

15:46 Which Country Will win their first Gold





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