Elon musk roasting MBA degree:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!

Elon musk roasting MBA degree:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!


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@user-ee4tf6js7o - 04.02.2024 20:54

Yup. I agree 100% with. I don't have any work experiences at the age of 38, 39 or something... therefore it seems like MBA isn't good choice for me... Elon Musk. You are in tesla company... I like coca-cola company, too. So what is it any meaning for me? 😅😮

@envitech02 - 03.02.2024 18:38

Degrees and MBAs these days are nothing but a scam. I would still take a degree just to fulfil professional and licensing requirements, but I would not let that get in the way of me attaining experience by working my way up. Already my company no longer recognise degrees from any so called universities just for sake of employment.

@siddid7620 - 03.02.2024 03:43

WHy work your way up when you can buy your way to the top with daddys Blood Diamond money :DD

@user-ek7nx6xf7b - 01.02.2024 21:12

MBA should be done after time in the trenches, so they know where the real issues are.

@sirjohn4996 - 31.01.2024 20:30

That's so deep...

@xander_vi - 30.01.2024 19:24

The world needs more engineers and scientists, not managers

@MrHelmiaziz - 27.01.2024 19:28

Stakeholder globally should welcoming the undergraduate and professional MBA & exec that they think could gave an impact to the business world. Their personality & knowledge is what business & people thirst for 💪😍👍

@MrHelmiaziz - 27.01.2024 19:25


Rest assured that a prestige business school will definitely produce the quality indivudual business leader that encompassess the corporate finance and public listed company. Not to mentioned E-commerce as well

@guilhermeandraschko - 27.01.2024 13:45

makes sense, but what if a proven leader decides to take on an MBA?

@Huhmasta - 27.01.2024 04:10

I don't think anyone should be taking advice from a glorified trust fund baby who hasn't earned a cent in his life, quite literally being born into massive wealth from apartheid emerald mines. If you think Musk is a "leader" then you must also think slamming a door on your dick is an enjoyable experience

@emwave100 - 26.01.2024 22:10

Look at this idiot wearing that thing around his neck

@emina4627 - 26.01.2024 20:06

He is just bragging. MBA curriculum has a clear goal just like MEng. To make one meet certain criteria of doing something without causing too much disruption.

@kamalvipul9213 - 26.01.2024 13:47

Totally agree. Real life experience is the only true education.

@DailyFrankPeter - 25.01.2024 16:16

What amazes me as a worker is how senior management always knows how to 'transform work in an organization' yet I don't recall teams I've worked in being asked what the problems are. Must be psychic talent.

@marvinfok65 - 25.01.2024 05:57

I never like this narcissistic business owner, but I must agree that MBA is a waste of time & money! Look at the US, in the 1980s & 90s, people were chasing after MBAs. Many MBAs were now businesses execs & they screwed up US businesses!

@SilBu3n0 - 24.01.2024 12:51

It was being a matter of interpreting what he was saying, but then he literally said - that the problem is with people enrolling in MBAs just for the credentials and prestige in order to be catapulted in the hierarchy without actually knowing about the business and leaders/shareholders they're working for and with. A pretty efficient and experienced professional who already brings results and is a great leader, may just get the updates and formal knowledge boost to improve himself and become an even greater professional. On the other hand, if you are just with your eyes on being catapulted to leadership - also not knowing how to generate value in a business - and won't even care to back yourself with some extra formal education as a chance to use well the professors and colleagues to gain actual knowledgem, then that's being far behind. Of course that if you already did that during graduation and didn't let university fog your real studies, then you're saving everyone's time, money and energy and are indeed ahead of even the dull worthless person with an MBA.

@Phantomyre - 24.01.2024 01:20

This is more so 'don't get a degree and think you'll get a job without experience'. Most times they prefer you to have 4-5 years of experience before you even think about getting a masters, and I think that's his point. He's not dissing on the degree itself. I think he just wants people to not look at it as an easy way into the system.

@MrNobody989 - 24.01.2024 00:33

People might not like my POV but the way I see a MBA is taking the easy path and buying your way to a higher management role bc of 3 reasons.
1) Most things under “business” can self tought
2) As a Comp sci major most comp sci majors or engineering majors that can’t keep up most of the time switch to business because it easy
3) If you wanted a degree that pays extremely well, law or the medical field is only a additional 2 years of school

@faiyaziqbal9838 - 23.01.2024 21:39

I wish Elon musk hired people instead of hiring a manager who thinks from his point of view if people like Elon musk did this with potential employees then good news would be we wouldn't have to study as much could have just got a high paying job because Mr musk thinks differently he values experience over education so I wish people below him in the hierarchy thought like that

@REL3712 - 22.01.2024 05:09

Oh, this defines the officer ranks in the military.

@kellysooth602 - 20.01.2024 00:51

He’s not burning MBAs. He is saying it’s not a substitute for experience. Problem with his point is, most high profile MbAs have intense internships and consultancies, so they do know things

@Emily-Grant - 19.01.2024 17:51

They wrote that one of the best smm-club

@karladetonah664 - 19.01.2024 12:38

Agreed, never stop learning

@DeeEee450 - 14.01.2024 22:54

An MBA should be something you do after you have had a number of years of experience in the field you're going to study. To enhance your skill.

@bobirnasimov9421 - 14.01.2024 16:38

instead of dissing educational institutions, need to work on improving education

@rs1803 - 12.01.2024 19:55

Elons Dad parachuted in emerald mine money so he could invest in PayPal.

@davidpowell3469 - 12.01.2024 02:29

I have a healthy skepticism about any degree vs real life work experience. My 1985 MBA degree from a top 5 school was near worthless except for the many friends I made - that was valuable and almost worth the bother and expense of getting the degree.

@thedelta445 - 12.01.2024 02:08

what is mba?

@guylancaster2055 - 11.01.2024 22:44

alissa heinersheid & todd allen.......of bud light infamy

@dsgio7254 - 09.01.2024 20:58

Who is Elon Musk to talk about business ...He got twitter 44B and now its value is less then a half.... Really funny ...

He became rich because of the high tech, contracts and subsidies of the PUBLIC sector.

@pro68ht - 08.01.2024 23:59

What's with the bandana? Are you on your way to rob a bank in 1880? Also, fuck Elon.

@chicagorhtours - 08.01.2024 23:26

Yep. I applied, was accepted an earned an MBA in marketing from Stern New York University, Marketing Stern NYU MBA '89. This was THE worst thing I ever did in my life.

Stern NYU MBA was supposedly The #1 MBA program in the USA, Stern NYU Reports that their MBA graduates earn on average over $100,000 their first year after graduation.... HA Ha NOT!

The program is very, very theoretical - with the highest, highest levels of Math, statistics, mainframe computer models, we were forced to learn to do calculations using that HP calculator that doesn't have an "=" sign.

Does any real job in North America used that HP Calculator that doesn't have an "=" sign?

Way too many teachers and especially TAs, Career Counselors are women that really hate American men, especially US White CIS Midwestern and other White American men. The Alumni Stern/NYU Magazine reads like a Kathleen Kennedy Disney/Marvel Woke Movie - everything is about DEI - Diversity Equity and Inclusions. And their DEI - Inclusion definitely doesn't include us.

If you know a bright, healthy, honest, athletic 18 year old American male, please PLEASE don't let him go down the route I did. Get him in to a highly skilled trade like Iron Worker, Elevator repair man - I hear elevators repair guys do make over $100,000 a year working in Arab gulf state cities like Dubai and you won't have to deal with WOKE, DEI bit*** like New York University's First Woman President Linda G Mills - she's all about "Look at me, Look at Us - we're breaking the glass ceilings pushing DEI". She shows photos of her posing with Lib Leftist pols, NY Senator Chuck Schumer, celebrities like Chelsea Clinton (Ugg Lee) she, NYU Stern MBU ain't about teaching real skills and training to get an American guy, even a healthy, bright (I qualified for MENSA) young man a good paying, satisfying job.

Elon Musk is right.

DON'T FALL DOWN IN TO GETTING AN MBA - $80,000 a year tuition to make you miserable and unemployed, in debt slavery for life.

@socar-pl - 08.01.2024 02:15

says the guy with rows and rows of empty chairs behind him

@flechette3782 - 07.01.2024 09:41

100% agree. Too many corporations have executive teams that do not really understand the product of their company. They see what they produce as "widgets" and think that all businesses can be run the same way. Look at today's aerospace companies. How many of those executives actually designed and built anything? Why aren't the engineers that worked there for 20 years promoted? That's how those companies started out...Northrop, Lockheed, Boeing, etc all were run and grew to be great aerospace corporations by their founders. Now these corporations have executives "parachuted in" like Elon says. Guess what? They are being destroyed now because they lacked the vision of SpaceX.

@eyesopen6110 - 07.01.2024 09:21

Again. There is no such thing as "work your way up". Corporations will simply take all the "work" they can extract from you. Then fire you.

@robertclark4509 - 07.01.2024 07:52

ass hay click bait

@kamma44 - 07.01.2024 07:48

What a disingenuous title!

If an MBA graduate lands a top job without any experience then the problem lies somewhere else not that the degree itself is useless?!

@chrislenz6634 - 07.01.2024 01:14

exactly, most MBAs fresh out of school have not built anything, so they don't know how to build things. That does not mean they are a wast of money, they are just 1 more component in building a leader. You do need the skills an MBA provides, but there are other ways of learning them, and they are not all that you need.

@amyliu18 - 06.01.2024 11:31

True, that’s why many good universities require leadership experience of at least 5 years and a GPA score of 5 and above. This makes an experienced person and even better leader with the MBA skills and experience.

@AhmedZayanHabeeb - 06.01.2024 06:58

Instead, be the son of an emerald mine owner who’s not even good at making powerpoint presentations! 😂

@samthing4thetrack806 - 05.01.2024 20:46

MBA's own business structures regardless of how well they are prepared. They are the "bean counters" of corporations, knowing the cost of everything and the VALUE of nothing. I am sure the "good" ones learn basically how to manipulate the company data for the proof of their results. Things like hey you get 6 weeks a year in sick leave and vacation why don't we just call that "payed time off" or something like that and the result is no longer 6 weeks but 4 weeks of "leave". The examples of these kinds of things are endless. Yet also there are more MBA graduates than there are jobs so it is kind of a waste of effort for MOST of those with the degree. To be honest I would say over 50% or more of the engineers that get an MBA, couldn't do the engineering, and really can't do the management either but Program Managers command the ranks and Chief Engineers only help a PM succeed. OR the PMs want to be the Chief Engineers and are the "deciders" of everything to the detriment of the program. Only since they talk to other PMs in their peer group about their efforts they make it sound like it was success. Business structures are full of hubris.

@AT-qu1ek - 04.01.2024 08:01

Says Elon Musk...guru demagogue who bought Twitter for >$40B and promptly dropped the company value so something like $10B. The guy started with dump truck loads of money. He doesn't have to be intelligent...he just has to be smart enough to hire the best people money can buy so they can make him even more. Surprising how many people worship billionaires without considering that most of them never really earned a fraction of their wealth. They hired teams of people to do it for them.

@user-bw3vs5tk7x - 04.01.2024 04:24

No! Let the MBA heads lead themselves to ruin. Come on Elon, don't give up the goose. An MBA is our depopulation programme 😂😂😂

@marshalllapenta7656 - 04.01.2024 02:11

There are no apprenticeships
Companies only care about $$$

@plasteredbastard - 03.01.2024 20:58


@lushen952 - 03.01.2024 20:43

There was a guy at my workplace that went off and got an MBA. He went to his boss and said he deserved more money now that he has an MBA. The boss said ok great, but you're doing the same thing you were doing for the company before right?

He didn't get a pay raise. Wasted his time and money.

If you want to make more money, literally just tell your boss you're not satisfied with your pay and ask how you could do more for the company to get a higher pay rate. People like to help people - if he can find something more for you to do and justify paying you more, that's literally what he wants. Stop thinking your boss is your enemy. And stop thinking your pay is related to anything other than what your boss thinks you're worth.

@ud8w0lakoo29 - 02.01.2024 22:44

What an idiot. What he wants to say: "just be born rich and have old money already".

Trash idiot. Fuck Elon.

@donnyboy9505 - 02.01.2024 16:53

In battle..you rely on your Sargent..in business the best managers came up from the ranks..

@bjf5027 - 01.01.2024 21:46

An MBA is like a study abroad. It's nice to have but it's not necessary.

@AndRyznar - 31.12.2023 10:11

Thank you
