What is Dead by Daylight's Greatest Moment?

What is Dead by Daylight's Greatest Moment?


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@dowsey - 25.03.2022 19:00

What do you think is Dead by Daylight's Greatest Moment?

@president5301 - 26.11.2023 19:59

doing gens, YOU?

@hisleepy_ - 25.11.2023 06:27

RIP Puppers

@wrayth3951 - 07.10.2023 03:46

"Its frustrating when you get an organized group like this."

Have you tried playing Civilization?

@wotzcheez - 18.08.2023 19:31

Some say that cote is still blinded

@CornileusJones - 02.08.2023 22:07

Getting generators.

@ItsPaydaybro - 02.08.2023 15:58


@MILK-My-Beloved - 14.06.2023 02:36

No0b3 I think was the best thing that happened to DBD

@kabxksb7735 - 23.03.2023 00:20

Long read:

Its so triggering yet validating to me seeing that Claudette again.

Me and my friends got that Claud one game on Midwich (killer was Deathslinger). We arent god tier survivors, but in the little time we were alive we did 100x more than the Claud ever did (meaning she did literally nothing. Never got on a gen, never got chased, at most she might have opened a chest but we never saw any chests cuz they arent a priority to us so who knows if she actually did anything.)

Me and our friend got tunnelled out of the game with 4 gens left, so it was just my fiancé and this Claud left. We spectated her and all she did was hide in lockers as long as possible, use her key to see where my fiancé was, move to the next room to avoid crows and repeat. My fiancé was trying to finish gens but ran and hid whenever killer was around in some desperate effort to have at least one of us escape. It took maybe 5-10 minutes to tunnel me and our friend out, but the game lasted for almost an hour. (This was also when they reworked hatch to only spawn when theres one survivor left, so no one could even look for hatch first and know where it was, the only hope was finish the gens or have someone die.)

However, there is a good ending! Eventually the killer found my fiancé in the courtyard and my fiancé reasoned with him, dropping his item as offering and emoting to follow him. Granted, we were pissed at Claud and were feeling petty, so we said "fuck it, if we are going to get tunnelled out at 4 gens and now our friend, who has been spending the past hour trying to do gens by himself with litte to no hope, is going to die then we're taking Claud down too." We told him where she was hiding and he took killer to her, and she got downed after a really bad chase (she didnt seem to have any chase skills lmao) and my fiancé kept pointing to a hook, so Deathslinger picked up Claud and went off to hook her. We told my fiancé to run and try to find hatch so that he could at least escape for all he had to endure, but he refused and said he was just going to die as well, since at least now Claud couldnt get hatch and be the one to escape for doing literally nothing.

However, the gods smiled down on us that day and blessed my fiancé for his deed in securing Claud's death, for as he was walking down the stairs following Deathslinger who had to walk pretty far down a hallway for a hook, as soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs and Deathslinger had come back to get him, in the room literally on his right hatch had spawned right next to the doorway. At first, my fiancé just stood there and took a hit from killer, he had no urgency and no intention of running. But as he reached that doorway and that humming hit his ears, he jerked into action and got it, as Deathslinger was wiping his weapon from the attack. It was so excilerating seeing him able to escape, only seconds after Claud had died. Was it petty to spectate that Claud and lead the killer to her to get her killed for doing nothing? Who cares, cuz it was the best thing to watch and soooo many memes spawned from it and we sleep peacefully at night knowing that Claudette was brought to justice, ESPECIALLY since this was after doing the exact same thing to No0b3 (not doing anything to help when there was plenty of time too) but unfortunately it ended poorly for No0b3 and he lost his escape streak, while she got to escape through hatch for basically being AFK.


@mckenzieschmitt2841 - 20.03.2023 09:48

This is how i hide my devourw Legion! 😊 love it

@Flippirino - 04.10.2022 22:55

Doing gens

@De-rolock - 30.09.2022 17:33

Dowsey why did you cut yourself off from saying future?

@narc692 - 24.09.2022 14:35

Is it just me or does Plague pov in the first one look kinda wonky?

@mpsins - 24.09.2022 11:29

I remember the first time I got a 20 minute chase, it was against bubba also the first time I spun his chainsaw till charge was depleted almost nutted. wish I could get back into the game

@plotwiist6817 - 23.09.2022 01:59

will this was sad lol

@VaRiiaLHD - 19.09.2022 10:17

Do people feel like Math should really be good a the game? I don't think he need to be a good player to be the game director of it. I personally feel that the hag game was a funny game against an organized group but nothing really embarrassing

@user-jd1mz8rq8x - 18.09.2022 06:56

The reason I play this game cuz I watch monto play a lot especially when he play with friend like pupper / satt / noob3

@hansiboo657 - 17.09.2022 18:55

Wort part for Mathieu Cote is that, when you lose like that to something and then say you're going to 'tweak it', no matter how necessary those tweaks actually are, it will always sound like a HORRIBLE cope.

@Rickard4199 - 14.09.2022 17:39

Otz, the biggest racist ever!

@climaxtermalhadevin8000 - 12.09.2022 07:37

For me not a moment but ogs remember 72hrs 360 compilations dbds truest relic

@waltergaming5461 - 12.09.2022 04:52

I dosent matter if you just installed the game or you have 10,000 hours we all together we make up th dbd community

@cthulu7016 - 09.09.2022 11:17

the removal of noob3's content was just tragic

@bigbrrrr9361 - 06.09.2022 20:28

yeah noob 3 used to be good when there were literal god loops and the game was broken lmfao

@yatrtiah - 05.09.2022 22:59

This Claudette somehow cloned herself over the years into a thousands of people, so now when I play solo q, I encounter at least 2 of them per match (sometimes they pretend to be another survivor, but I'm not that dumb to be fooled)

@babygigz - 29.08.2022 08:56

oh this is so cringey

@thejasonvorns3448 - 28.08.2022 22:24

finally noob3 returns again GODD DOES EXSIST

@spaghetti3010 - 28.08.2022 20:05

The DBD community has truly done some insane things over the years. I can't truly remember when I started playing and/or watching but it was prob around 2018 too. But it'll never get old.

@Cyanide_Infused - 27.08.2022 19:47

this behavior from undoubtedly most people playing claudette has led me to actually start playing killer and tunnel every claudette that appears in my game first making sure they won't have any shred of fun

@seeeebas3654 - 26.08.2022 19:49

Noob killer

@darthsilversith667 - 26.08.2022 00:16

Poor Puppers :-( ❤️

@darthsilversith667 - 26.08.2022 00:08

August 2018! That’s when DBD was free on the PS store! Good times lol

@thesidas3914 - 24.08.2022 17:18

The Audacity to say "Gens, you?" That shit is so infuriating

@goblinquentin5039 - 24.08.2022 13:10

"Go play Civilization" I get that he wanted to share that he likes the series, but that was not the way to do it Matt XD

@haydencameron5587 - 20.08.2022 20:23

I never knew where that saying came from and that’s so hilarious I absolutely love it

@Dawnwalker37 - 20.08.2022 02:25

Korean players are scary as sh*t...
Poor Mathieu xD

@jetstreams6403 - 19.08.2022 23:14

Wait the Clauds in yalls games don't do absolutely nothing?

@HomicidalTh0r - 19.08.2022 22:50

If you ask me, I'd say Otz wasn't in it for the money. Or if he was, it took a back seat. Putting that sexy otz spin on his killer and styling on the survivors because he can right on the big stage...it's too deliberate to say otherwise, to me.

@Flaqqitoo - 19.08.2022 09:32

whaaat, that god tier video got removed?? that really sucks

@sssniperwolfsbiggestfan1 - 15.08.2022 22:36

The "Light In The Fog" thing almost made me tear up. It's always so heartwarming seeing large communitiess come together in order to help out a good cause.

@niconitti655 - 12.08.2022 03:00

Prime noob was insane at the game in so funny great mix to have

@Mr.nesser - 11.08.2022 14:02

On my personal list I'd pick Scott Spun
He's always teased Zubat about having been spun (especially by a baby meg)
Only to finally be spun for his first time on the stairs of basement on dead dawg's saloon as tier 3 myers.
What a legendary moment.
Also, as much of a negative influence as Ochido was, he still deserves a shout since his content had a major impact in how survivors played at the time.
Not for the best, but it's still a feat regardless.
Other than that, maybe tell newer DbD players about space billy

@michaelcollins4534 - 09.08.2022 10:17

I sure am glad they changed the flashlight blind to a darker color I got blinded from the matt clip

@phrog9511 - 09.08.2022 05:47

ay matt's a game developer not a game player xD

@NunesPensador - 09.08.2022 03:01

I was there on noobes live the day he looped that pig for 20 min, it was epic

@paulfischer4586 - 08.08.2022 14:27

When i watched the botb it was so awesome when He Morid the adam

@Edodson - 07.08.2022 15:26

Noob is such a great guy sucks that he is taking a break but he needs it

@BongSwansong - 04.08.2022 16:46

Why does Scott Jund even deserve any attention? Hes sperg-nerd that is also a hypocrite.
