Giorno Explains King Crimson

Giorno Explains King Crimson

Viva Reverie

9 месяцев назад

1,216,242 Просмотров

In this presentation Giorno will provide a comprehensive and easy-to-follow explanation on exactly how King Crimson works!

A King Crimson GLOSSARY (Bonus Supplemental Video) —

JoJo Part 5 - Golden Wind But Really Really Fast -

But Really Really Fast Series Playlist -

JoJo's But Really Really Fast Playlist -

~~Subtitle credits! Subtitles for various languages graciously provided by:~~
Turkish - Mehmet Erdem

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Prism - 17.11.2023 20:45

I feel like people forget that one of Diavolo's motives for skipping time is to erase people's memories of his so he can stay hidden. He looks for 10 second chunks where he does something that he wants to keep hidden, and then erases time so that everyone forgets. He doesn't actually need to change his fate sometimes.

Milky - 16.11.2023 22:02

Stand Bullets VS Real Bullets isnt arbitrary AT ALL. Stand Bullets are a part of the stand and, presumably, are generated by the stand, and thus could be considered as, at very least, being part of something with a soul. Saying Stand Bullets are the same as Real Bullets re: whether they "have souls" is as stupid saying there's no differences between a bee's stinger and a sewing needle in that respect.

Mohamed Maatougui
Mohamed Maatougui - 16.11.2023 21:08

Here's an explanation for the trish scene

Diavolo breaks in

Bruno attacks diavolo

Diavolo grabs trish

Bruno grabs trish

Diavolo slices her hand to leave

Bruno stares up and prepares to go after them

Diavolo skips this whole bit

Now Bruno is just standing there in the same exact position he was before the skip

Crescent Crossbow
Crescent Crossbow - 16.11.2023 19:27

Regarding the matter of Bucciarati (case 1), I'd like to propose a possible explanation that doesn't appear in the video: namely, the "camera" that Epitaph's POV sees through is diegetic. Rolling Stones' whole thing is artificially imposing a fate of death that didn't exist before Bucciarati's face was engraved on the rock -- it's not that big a stretch to speculate that in the JoJo universe, fate only exists when observed. And, the way it is depicted, Epitaph can't observe the entire scene, only a specific half-plane.

I propose that Diavolo saw his fated actions of ripping off Trish's hand and absconding, but not what Bucciarati was doing, and as such -- since Bucciarati's own fate currently doesn't exist -- he cannot react because he is in skipped time. This does seem to contradict the established behavior for out-of-frame observers in skipped time (cases 7, 8), however since case 1 would be the only instance of Diavolo interacting with an out-of-frame observer, it's plausible that there might be shenanigans afoot specific to this case.

Gogo - 16.11.2023 17:41

Wait so what stop him from killing someone and then die in his fate time skip go away and kill person???

Zach - 15.11.2023 14:00

The way I understand King Crimson is like how you can delete frames in an editing software. So when Aerosmith was shooting at Diavolo and Risotto, Diavolo didn’t become incorporeal, he just skipped over the frames where the bullet hit him

Goldlizard - 15.11.2023 00:41

I feel like the simple explanation is "the things Diovolo does don't affect anyone until the timeskip ends"

dummy. - 14.11.2023 16:34

Giorno Explains King Crimson!
Directed by Viva Reverie!

With Pannacotta Fugo as Giorno Giovanna!

Siryourgoodnamehere - 14.11.2023 13:32

There is a reason king crimson showed Bruno his future self and never did again. Its as simple as 2 words:"Araki forgot"

Skeepodoop - 13.11.2023 09:23

This had me laughing my ass off.
People be explaining "King Crimson isn't that complicated" no no, it is very much complicated.

Little Tiny Gamer
Little Tiny Gamer - 12.11.2023 08:45

"I mean, we have to talk about Bruno!"

O brasileiro Que não entende o brasil
O brasileiro Que não entende o brasil - 12.11.2023 07:25

One way to fix the holes in KC's ability is that diavolo can interact with things he saw in the epitafh prediction, we can see this when giorno gets the GER, he sees it himself Making the giorno a donut,So even without deactivating KC's ability, he tried to attack giorno, which shouldn't have been possible normally,We can see this in the case of narancia, he could have seen himself placing it on the gate bars

Sebastian Altamirano
Sebastian Altamirano - 12.11.2023 03:55

probably diavolo just knock out trish while chopping her hand off withouth alerting bruno hence why he is idle during the time skip (considering king crimson stats he could be able to have such strenght and speed to knock out an average teen while cutting her hand and the moving the body out the elevator)

duck in the comment section
duck in the comment section - 12.11.2023 03:03

🤓 Rohan moment

DragonAshly - 12.11.2023 02:42

alternative title: giorno has a mental breakdown trying to explain king crimson

B E A N MAN - 12.11.2023 01:43

Maybe the no walking through walls thing is related to fated actions and only if something is related to a fated action like the lil’ bomber incident could just not effect him and other things like walking through walls isn’t a purposeful action and thus could possibly not be fated

g0rek1ttyz - 11.11.2023 21:51

I wish math teachers could explain like this exactly like this

Rika - 11.11.2023 21:00

This is amazing

Zero - 11.11.2023 18:45

Somehow got through that with just a headache instead of my brain exploding

mark 3.0 gaming
mark 3.0 gaming - 11.11.2023 17:28

Guys i wirks li-
Thanks for listening

what - 11.11.2023 04:40


RB - 10.11.2023 18:54

Its like watching an animated Reddit debate

GiornoGiovanna - 09.11.2023 22:43

i think the point about diavolo's blood and spears is pretty simple.. or at least as simple as KC gets
timeskip considers him as "anything in contact with the body of diavolo" most likely, meaning that his blood stops being considered as "him" why he flings it, and that if he held any sort of weapon, it would be considered part of him and be subject to the rule "diavolo cannot interact with anything during skipped time". this DOES mean a better question to ask is why didn't he throw knives similarly to dio, as those would stop being part of him after being thrown. this could be because the knives may also have their own fated path that is affected by the Fate Diavolo, so he would skip time and his knives would ghost through him, being carried to wherever diavolo was fated to go, making them impractical to use with time skip. this point suggesting objects having their own fated paths also explains why diavolo doesnt use weapons in general

.. however, suggesting objects have their own fate also suggests that, since he ghosts through anything he tries to interfere with the fate of, that he could, indeed, walk through walls..

there, 2 reasons why diavolo doesnt use a spear

Bugzer - 09.11.2023 07:24

I love how Rohan is just the shining example of "Erm, actually"

Caesar - 08.11.2023 17:16

King crimson, instead of time, manipulates fate or the future if you're adamant about it manipulating time.

Regardless of what you name it, it plays out the same : Diavolo activates king crimson's epitaph allowing him to see the next 10 seconds with perfect accuracy, everyone was fated to move a certain way and they do. Diavolo, however can ignore his fate for those 10 seconds and move freely in an intangible state meaning he can't attack himself or take damage in "erased time".

Once the 10 seconds run out however, he can instantly attack but he can only be in one place. He can trick people unaware of his ability by taunting them just before "skipping time" so they attack then but the attack will just faze through him and hit whatever's on the other side due to its inertia, be it another person or an object.

How do you think a mind is supposed to react if its destiny is completely changed? It gets severely disoriented.

In essence, king crimson is the original D4C, it can create a space where its own misfortune is negated and it can heal or essentially create a new user that has the same memories and motivation as the previous one.
And yes, this is stolen from another video. "the full entire ger sound" is the video.

brug - 08.11.2023 07:35

I think using him deciding to attack people after his ability is over as a cause for him unable to attack during skipped time is the wrong way to think about it. I think what we see more is a guy who needs to assert himself even to people he's about to kill, and wants them to be aware he is killing them so he waits until he can attack them, only doing so during skipped time when he NEEDS to like narancia or the blood segments.
He's more just making himself immune to events while he's still able to effect the events

Some Guy With a Tophat
Some Guy With a Tophat - 08.11.2023 05:34

20:1 MISTA IS HOLDING 4 poor mista :(

Esqui12 M
Esqui12 M - 08.11.2023 03:47

If this is just Giorno explaining King Crimson imagine Johnny explaining D4C

Mr Metro
Mr Metro - 07.11.2023 12:18

In regards to the falling through ground/ walking through walls it could be about relative motion, so he can only phase through non soul possessing material if, relative to him, it is moving

I still think the soul explanation covers most of out basis but if you want more than relative motion can cover us

BladeLigerV - 07.11.2023 09:15

Giorno Explains Golden Experience Requiem WHEN?!?!

Damian Qualshy
Damian Qualshy - 07.11.2023 04:39

I'm watching this over and over, and.. it's becoming more complicated each time

T. Rocketcupcake
T. Rocketcupcake - 07.11.2023 02:17

What if every thing he brings into the skipped time reduces the timer? Maybe if he's buck naked he would get like 20 seconds or so but for the sake of decency he brings his clothes with him, it would also explain he's basically wearing pants and a net.

tiger tang
tiger tang - 07.11.2023 01:43

"I mean we have to talk about bruno"

Marcel Taylor
Marcel Taylor - 06.11.2023 23:34

I have watched numerous explanations and still was confused this actually helped me understand his powers

TheControllerWolf - 06.11.2023 20:56

The thing about clothes being part of your mody thing has an extremely easy answer, regular clothers are still counted as part of your body in the jojos universe. Vanilla Ice and Cream are pure proof of thatcause simply when his fully clothed leg went into the sun, it shattered off and disintegrated, ALL of his vlothes did, because he was a vampire. His vest though, did not, so no, cloaks of knives wouldnt work. Neither would shirts of knives by all technicality.

Riprade - 06.11.2023 18:48

My belief on the blood is that Polnareff moved into the blood, so it was his actions that caused his eyes to be blocked

Sear Psyco
Sear Psyco - 06.11.2023 12:36

Something that always got me is how dumb the synergy of Epithath and King Crimson is.
Firstly, Epitath itself. If Epitath can only see 10 seconds ahead, then the window is actually really short. A 10 second foresight is not exactly long in real-time and you can potentially miss your mark when trying to see what could happen to you. Say Case 17, where Doppio sees himself get his throat cut by scissors. If he used Epitath too early, and he had a lot of time to panic beforehand, he could’ve missed that important time, effectively wasting an Epitath. You would have to use Epitath as late as possible to make sure you can see the event happen, which is not beneficial, since 10 seconds is not that far off from actually seeing the action yourself.
And where the synergy really gets ludicrous is considering that skipping time is arguably a reactionary ability. You won’t need to use Epitath if you can just see everything play out and use King Crimson to skip whatever you can normally see coming. Hell, it’s arguably hurting your chances if you see the event without any context for how it happens. Epithath would then only be useful for something you actually couldn’t see coming, and it being as precise as it is makes it extremely risky. The only reason those two abilities work so well is that Diavolo just has the most precise timing on Epithath so every fated move is exactly where it lands.

javi0306 - 05.11.2023 21:35

Soy español mi inglés es horrible

Is more easy

If the time dont exist
The action dont exist

Giorno Giovanna Gaming
Giorno Giovanna Gaming - 05.11.2023 21:14

Well actually the blood stopped at my face since he controls what he wants in his time skip,but i would have spared him IF THAT BITCH DIDNT FUCK UP THE LINGUINI
