Distributed Load testing - JMeter Tutorial 21

Distributed Load testing - JMeter Tutorial 21


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@thedubaiworld413 - 26.10.2023 18:28

Thank you for such wonderful information, I really appreciate for making a great video on Distributed Load testing.

I have added 16 Concurrency thread groups in my test plan. When running with 2K users with distributed load across 19 slave servers, I can see the summary report on the command prompt when running the command " tail -f -n 2 MVP_2K_Run.log ".
But when running the same test plan with 15K thread (users) across the 19 slave server and running the same tail command then stuck at "Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445" and there is no summary showing on the command prompt but the log and Jtl file is getting generated.

I have run my test plan with 15K users and distributed the load on 19 servers using the below command

nohup /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin/jmeter -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=10.104.180.** -n -t MVP5.2_BaseLinePT_15K.jmx -l Novus_MVP5.2_BaseLinePT_15K_23Oct.jtl -R <<1 to 19 slave servers ip address> :4000 > MVP5.2_BaseLinePT_15K_23Oct.log 2>&1 &

JTL and log files are created on the master server under the specified path but a summary of execution like the number of threads started, active, and finished and error rate percentage are not showing on the command prompt when running the below command tail command (tail -f -n 2 MVP5.2_BaseLinePT_15K_23Oct.log).

It shows the below details only.

Remote engines have been started:[1 to 19 slaver server IP details] Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445

I divided the total number of threads by 19 and then added it to the concurrency thread group.

For example, if I have to test one scenario with 2000 VU, then 2000/19 = 105. So I am passing 105 Vu in the 1st currency thread group for 1 hour.
1500 VU in the second scenario, then 1500/19 = 79, so we added 79 VU in the second concurrency thread group for 1 hour.

Like this, I have added it to the 16-concurrency thread group for 1 hour.

Please help me to solve these problems.

Also, the generated JTL file is getting very heavy for 60K VU (approximately 4.5 GB in size) please help me to reduce the size of the JTL file.

@hemantrawat_5565 - 23.07.2023 12:00

If u want to achieve the 2000 tps so i have to keep 1000 tps on master machine or 2000??? Please let me know

@ganesh-dt7ns - 28.09.2022 09:48

Please do video how to do distribution test in linux machines

@tejashreek2561 - 29.08.2022 20:43

It was really an useful session. thank you so much.. :)

@TadashiBM - 02.08.2022 21:45

Great job, explaining and demoing this out! It couldn't get any simpler than this!

@manikandans3351 - 19.10.2021 11:58

what is the shorttcut for zoom in or zoom out in jmeter

@dhayavivek5826 - 15.02.2021 20:28

Make sure.. both slave and master having same system specs..

@kaiwalyabidkar9424 - 23.09.2020 15:28

I am facing error while running on distributed testing. Can you please help me out?

ERROR | Error calling threadStarted
at com.ubikingenierie.jmeter.plugin.autocorrelator.l.LM.a(LM.java:525)
at com.ubikingenierie.jmeter.plugin.autocorrelator.l.LC.threadNumberIncreased(LC.java:18)
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.RemoteThreadsListenerImpl.threadStarted(RemoteThreadsListenerImpl.java:102)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

@bimowicaksana9693 - 20.08.2020 11:48

how to run jmeter on localhost website?

@preethysampath4849 - 25.06.2020 16:40

Tysm for the video...it solved my issue... awesome stuff 👌 being more specific may add a feather to your cap.

@abrarazeez2259 - 01.04.2020 13:21

I tried the same I am getting JRMP CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT NESTED EXCEPTION when I remote start

@balachandrankandasamy824 - 07.03.2020 18:20

Facing following error while connecting to remote server machi using GUI
Error Message:
error during JRMP connection establishment; nested exception is:
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake

@mosajg - 16.09.2019 13:14

very good explanation! simple & concise

@gopikrishna6727 - 14.09.2019 01:15

When I try this I got an exception unable to connect to slave from Master . non-JRMP server at remote endpoint

@petrubirgoveanu9049 - 01.02.2019 11:28

Thanks for the effort! Great explanations. Do you know how I can test the limit of one machine?

@rahulchandra4777 - 19.09.2018 17:08

Thanks for the awesome video.

@deepakMCA2009knit - 14.09.2018 16:32

Hi my "create-rmi-keystore.bat" file is not getting launched in windows 7 when I am clicking on it. I am using JMeter 4.0 and Java 1.8. Even command window comes for a moment and disappear in another second. I did google but didn't get correct answer.
