22+ things to know before going to South Korea

22+ things to know before going to South Korea

Adventures of Awkward Amy

2 года назад

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@pizza_lovers - 31.12.2023 07:35

yellow seats are for disable or elderly person not just for elderly. If you can't walk or something like that you can use that seat. It is 교통약자석 in Korean. and also pink seats are for pregnant woman.

@rc3098 - 09.01.2024 11:59

Does SK have luggage service delivery like Japan?

@linkmedia5643 - 02.01.2024 18:48

Is it a fact that Koreans are racist towards Indians and other brown people? I heard that they discriminate against brown people and don’t allow them in clubs, not so for whites!

@austinstitzel - 31.12.2023 16:30

I'm going to guess that you are a Taurus.

@OliverNorth9729 - 20.12.2023 16:29

You have such a pleasent voice.

@Helloitshelen - 14.12.2023 23:14

Thank you so much for your advices! You are so charming ✨

@rowanwoods142 - 04.12.2023 16:42

I'm heading there for a month and I guess Im just lucky this video just popped up in my recommendations 😊this is super helpful!!!

@dipanwitasen6369 - 25.11.2023 05:10

Hi, just traveled to s korea in Nov and found the tips super relevant and accurate

@Gadgetman79 - 25.11.2023 02:04

Solid info, fun energy, good transitions,thanks for the video!🙏 Easily do 20k steps a day just going to all the places to eat.

@ComedyGlor - 18.11.2023 23:35

what is jeong?

@adrianafoliveira - 11.11.2023 15:53

Amazing well put together video. Thank you so much for these tips!

@harrychang9376 - 08.11.2023 18:55

just a tourist point as other Asian city. no speical

@mrunalipatil1648 - 08.11.2023 11:30

hey i will be visiting korea in january ik it would be hella cold 😬 could you give any tips what to carry?

@rosalieestorpe4403 - 07.11.2023 13:50


@archazazel1855 - 07.11.2023 10:13

I mean in prioty sit i will sit at if they all empty but if i see ppl coming up or train full i will stand

@kimloonyong6599 - 05.11.2023 20:02

USA = 30-40k gun related death per year.
SK = ?

Its kinda doesn't make sense to compare the state with other countries as many country is much safer than the state.

@darkmatterx - 05.11.2023 09:04

you have beatiful eyes

@skylerrust1 - 30.10.2023 11:55

Love watching these knowing im not going ti be able to go to korea anytime soon at 4:56AM knowing i have to get up at 6:30Am.......

@jeffparks25 - 28.10.2023 20:22

Do Korean women like date guys from the US 🇺🇲?

@jeffparks25 - 28.10.2023 20:18

Ok first video I watched of you so you are not in or living in South Korea now ? Are you born from Korea where you at now? I'm confused 😂

@sue008A - 28.10.2023 06:38

Thank you so much for this video. It was very helpful.. Ive heard of people bringing an empty piece of luggage when they travel to put all their shopping items in it. Or they just bring a couple of items and shop for everything when they get their.

@reteshawhytewhyte2139 - 13.10.2023 06:12

South k seems so beautiful way better then north k

@reevesrumint - 12.10.2023 17:51

thank you for this. im planning a trip to korea in dec 2023. you've video has truly helped me understand how to navigate and plan my trip! <3

@vynguyenthi5541 - 11.10.2023 16:09


@mysterious_miracle - 08.10.2023 22:14

Superslow for not a lot of content

@joytaban6124 - 08.10.2023 06:57

22k steps in a day when I was in Korea! Lol

@joytaban6124 - 08.10.2023 06:53

navigation is so difficult in SK. just went there last month

@shelbycostilla3223 - 05.10.2023 01:43

What is it like for people with disabilities in South Korea? I am worried that someone would do something to me and I don't know what they are doing to me. I have Down Syndrome and I don't know what it is like there.

@klala4369 - 04.10.2023 20:50

hi amy, thanks for your helpful videos! got a question about making reservations for the blue house - do i really need a local korean phone number to make reservations? is there no way around this? the website asks for a phone number to confirm, and i guess my US phone number isn't working. thanks!

@JECKORWALKINGVLOG - 02.10.2023 06:20

Hello ma'am, your content is so helpful . God bless

@joyc.6893 - 01.10.2023 18:28

Solo traveler here anyone solo travelling in korea this october?

@nosywendigo592 - 20.09.2023 04:00

Can a foreigner stay in South Korea for 2 years?

@xdxdhehe - 17.09.2023 17:34

tldr it's boring don't go

@lilsmokes213 - 07.09.2023 19:13

Do they have any hydroponics in S Korea 💨💨💨 ⛽️????

@woopimiku4673 - 07.09.2023 17:26

What about first week of October the weather ?

@ankithakaup - 07.09.2023 09:11

Hey girls, I’m goin to be in South Korea in Dec 2023 between 8th to 23rd. If anyone wants to do some activities n chill together, hmu💜

@hannahvanoverbeek4682 - 07.09.2023 03:55

Thank you for making this!!! This is such a good video!

@azamarabear - 07.09.2023 02:51


@connormoore4718 - 03.09.2023 17:31

Great video! thank you, super helpful.

@honeymj08 - 02.09.2023 17:17

Thanks a lot for all the helpful tips when travelling in korea. I am so excited on my upcoming trip to busan and seoul korea this october.

@NYAHHHHH1 - 27.08.2023 13:50

I’m moving to korea(south) when I’m 25 and this is gonna help so much thanks (I’m 25 in a year)❤

@amyzipp1346 - 24.08.2023 12:57

I'll be in Seoul starting from the 4th of September and I'm super excited!!

@francinejaninesarmiento1797 - 21.08.2023 13:49

Your travel guide/tip video is a lifesaver for clueless travelers like me! Your tips are so down-to-earth and easy to follow. Speaking of which, have you come across the v4 Bento Bag by NomadLane? It is the solution you've been looking for.

@raveenviola1181 - 20.08.2023 23:33

Nice video, im visiting SKorea after 2 weeks and I really don’t know much about it 😅

@sumenthrirao8489 - 20.08.2023 12:28


@alexgetiton - 15.08.2023 14:52

Thanks this video is really helpful! My family and I are travelling to South Korea in the next few weeks and we've been planning this since last year (My Wife even took a preliminary course on learning Korean) Can't wait as this is our first time travelling out of the country :)

@liy7997 - 15.08.2023 01:04

Ohh my wow @AdventuresofAwkardAmy ... this is THE best vlog to help travelers get ready for travel to Korea! Thank you for posting this. I went 2 years ago and fell in love with how easy it is to travel tbere. Am packing again now for a month travel to Seoul, etc (everywhere accessible by subway and train... will travel 😂) and these tips are such helpful reminders! 🙏 Kamsamnida

@ErvinVlogs5421 - 13.08.2023 17:41

Love your video AMY , great content , thank you

@jinnam6822 - 13.08.2023 10:00

