what happens when you call out a mod for using modspecs in YBA discord server

what happens when you call out a mod for using modspecs in YBA discord server


4 года назад

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@CallmePotatoHead - 17.08.2020 18:35

so the story is i was doing sbr and saw a mod using modspecs which is an unfair advantage against other players so i called him out for it and this was his heart warming reply if the things he said was said by some other player they would be banned the whole YBA discord server is a dictatorship place for mods and owners

@nawgay9850 - 18.08.2020 03:18

Ohh my lord

@BlankedOutSlate - 18.08.2020 11:31

Willing to bet they won't do anything about this though

@grentreem3096 - 21.08.2020 17:05

Smh my head yare yare daze

@borgyballs_2005 - 23.08.2020 13:50

The game is good
But god the server is so strict and dumb lmao

Im in the yba discord and ik how it feels

Edit:i tried dmng him and he turned it off so no one could dm him lol

@zeifzisunfunny7937 - 04.05.2021 09:02

i got into a lobby with a fucking mod in 1v1s

d4c oni..
