The smartest thing my cat did was survive on the street. He licked toads and skedaddled off to almost never be seen again, pretty much a wildcat by the time we got a glimpse of him again.
Its sad, but then again, pretty dumb cat in general. (For the folks that like to assume: we loved our cat dearly, did not mistreat him in any way, he was just dumb.)
Suckup learned so many ways to get my attention and teach me what he wanted. In one apartment, my door didn't latch, but it fit tight enough that it would stay closed. He figured out that he could headbutt the door open. He loved to be picked up and carried around the house, which he told me by meowing excessively and not stopping when I petted him. He had a particular abbreviated meow when he was really happy. He would headbutt the controller out of my hands when I was playing games and he wanted attention (I died a lot because of this 😂). Later on, he became more polite and started tapping on my arm when he wanted love. If I ignored him, he would reach up and tap my shoulder, if I kept ignoring him, he would stretch up on his tippie toes and gently pat my face. He would always make this loud garbling cry before he was about to throw up, so I started grabbing him and placing him on the rim of the toilet for him to puke into. He would plant all 4 feet on the rim, then puke into the toilet. I would always pet him for a second and he would go on his merry way. He also had an obsession with plastic and bread, so anytime I had a warm muffin or some homemade bread, he always had to have a bite. He was too smart for his own good. He was annoying, but hilarious and sweet. I miss him 😢
ОтветитьWhat about orange cats they are known for not being smart
ОтветитьMy cat learned how to use the litter box in just a few days. She was still really young when I got her, so I taught her that the litter box is the bathroom by holding her in it and wiping her butt with a warm damp cloth to simulate her cat mama licking her. She made the association right away, and within less than a week, she was doing her business in the box all by herself! I was so proud of her 😊 She also responds to her name, and stays near my dog whenever they're both outside.
ОтветитьMy cat knows how to ring the doorbell to get in the house. But it's not actually ringing the actual doorbell. Instead, my cat goes to the nearest window i am at, and meowing at me to let him in.
ОтветитьMy cat steal all my money. Every Sunday morning I find my wallet empty. He also drops some bad tasting liquid in my mouth while I sleep
ОтветитьWe had a cat we had brought home to Minnesota from the island of Aruba...of course we named her Princess Aruba she weighed only 1 pound when we brought her home! Anyway we she got older she would go in the bathroom and watch my husband brush his teeth and time he held a piece of floss taut and the other part on the counter..she had watched him and so she put her teeth on it and went up and down like she had seen him do...flossing her teeth! She was NOT playing with the fliss..she was flossing! She did that with him every day till she became sick and could no longer do it!
ОтветитьMy cat started a fight with his own ass. He lost.
ОтветитьSadly it's not true with all cats. cats and people are the same in same ways. You got your dumb ones and your got smart ones.
ОтветитьThe smartest and most cutest thing my cat(well,not really my cat,its my mom's cat)has ever done was pooping on the toilet.
We live in Asia and we have typical Asian toilet at home.
The smartest thing is to sleep ever seen him do anything else😂😂
ОтветитьMy sweet Mochi boy knows his name and meows back to me when I call him💕
ОтветитьMy cat learned on which angle on the door outside i couldnt see him from inside. So he always sat on this angle so he could slip inside when i opened the door
ОтветитьMy first cat knew that just after I tripped over him, a cold blast of air would hit him in the face. Then he would turn around, look into the food bowl and amazingly a tasty dollop of food would smack him on the head and magically appear in his bowl. This routine went on 3 - 4 times a day for 12 years, and it almost never deviated.
ОтветитьI will never insult a cats intelligence again? Bruh you haven’t met my flipping cat. The smartest thing my cat has ever done? Well besides hanging itself from the draw chord of the blinds as though it were caught in an actual noose………. Yeah, I got nothing.
ОтветитьUnless there orange, they all share the same brain cell
ОтветитьCats rule!!!!!!!!!!!!! hands down
Ответитьmy late cat know when i get sick. she will always be my side when i'm not well although she is not a clingy cat. i missed her a lot. R.i.P Terra, i love you so much 😢❤
Ответить“Comment the smartest thing your cat has done” with an orange car doing orange cat stuff caught me off guard
ОтветитьWhen I was younger we have a cat that never sleep on your lap. One day I sprained my ankle and I was crying. That cat was laying on my lap purring. They know when you're feeling sick or hurt.
ОтветитьOnce I had not filled my cat's food bowl and he was hungry. I happened to have a sandwich bag of dry cat food in my walk -in pantry. He brought it to me and dropped it at my feet with a pleading look. Oh I miss that cat!
ОтветитьWhen i had Covid. That explains why they never left my side.
ОтветитьI didn't see it myself, but according to my mother, on Christmas Day 2023, my tuxedo cat Domino approached the kitchen window with a mouse he caught. Normally when he approaches the window, we motion with our hands to let him know to come to the back door to be let in. My mother was at the window when he arrived and he lifted his paw and motioned to the left with it the same way we normally do.
That cat is the smartest little man we've ever had the pleasure to live with, and so generous too! Love that cat! He had to have known it was Christmas.
Some cats may be smart, but mine are frigging morons. If they manage to avoid traffic its a good day.
ОтветитьI know cats are smart because I have five of them.
ОтветитьMy cat runs under a random object when he hears mom grab the vacuum cleaner😂
ОтветитьKnock of everything lol
ОтветитьOne of my uncle's cats knows how to open doors.
ОтветитьMy cat is stupid😂
ОтветитьThe smarting my cat ever done , sleep in my face 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI was sick with the flu, my lil girl never left my side 😻😻
ОтветитьWhen my husband died, my 17-year-old cat wouldn't leave my side and would put her paw on my arm whenever i sat down. She was trying to comfort me and she did this for a month.
I also had a cat that taught himself to use the toilet. Too bad he didn't know how to flush.
I had a cat that knew how to play fetch. I’ve also had cats that would open doors and turn off lights
ОтветитьThe smartest thing my cat has ever done is bitting me .
ОтветитьCats are stupid
ОтветитьMy sister in-law passed of cancer the end of June, couple of months before they found the first tumor her one cat was constantly kneading the exact spot where they found the tumor.
ОтветитьI was cat-sitting and eating fried chicken. The cat crawled down my arm ever-so-slowly. Either it was laser-focused or it was hoping I wouldn't notice.
ОтветитьNothing my cat is just fat and fluffy nothing else
ОтветитьMy cat Joey knows when I am sad, even when I am trying to seem ok.
ОтветитьYeah, but they don't know that we are different species. Dogs do
ОтветитьI snuck my cat into my calculus class final to double check my work.
ОтветитьOur Sugar was very smart, an indoor/outdoor cat, many years ago. We had a screen door in our attached garage, and she would put her claws in the screen, pull the screen, then retract her claws, so the door would bang. She would do that several times, until someone let her in. It sounded like knocking on that door. Brilliant!
ОтветитьI dont have a cat ☹️☹️☹️
ОтветитьHe eat with hand😂
Ответитьthat's right susan
ОтветитьI had the flu and my cat healed me somehow
ОтветитьThe smartest my cat did is walking
ОтветитьI know I had a seizure an my rumpy knew to scream to get help