How to Change Background on Wix Website (in 2022) | Wix Change Background

How to Change Background on Wix Website (in 2022) | Wix Change Background

Lukassen Tutorials

2 года назад

8,708 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@SumDetailingguy - 18.02.2024 00:29

Didn't even cover on how to change the background. That's editing a section....... What are y'all doing over there and what happened??

@woimacher3737 - 27.02.2024 16:04

I have a Problem with that Funktion. My Video i want to use in the background, is filmed by an iPhone in 4K Resolution But on my Site it hast terrible Quality

@HarunJulian - 20.02.2025 20:30

Looking for guidance: My crypto on OKX Contains Some Web3 wallet USDT, This is my seedphrase: (truly dismiss monkey orange torch absent critic fuel mountain round parent describe)- How should I proceed with sending them to another wallet on Binance?
