Plus Size Travel Capsule Wardrobe ️ NEVER OVER PACK AGAIN!!

Plus Size Travel Capsule Wardrobe ️ NEVER OVER PACK AGAIN!!

Oralia Martinez

11 месяцев назад

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@lynnettewooden4933 - 22.03.2024 01:15

Wow 40

@csmtcqueen - 22.03.2024 01:18

YES. I check my bags too. I hear you on that one.

@AuntieBrendaWashington-tp5mq - 22.03.2024 01:20

Perfect template for a mini capsule wardrobe. Well thought out! Thank you for your expertise. Look forward to your next episode.

@lynnettewooden4933 - 22.03.2024 01:28

I noticed there's a lot of neutrals which is great

@lynnwilson2474 - 22.03.2024 01:31

Any chance you could do a capsule wardrobe for an Alaskan cruise in late August?

@cinven38 - 22.03.2024 01:44

I love all of the pieces except for the Target dress—doesn’t scream old money to me. LOVE the one you’re wearing though. Maybe it’s the wider stripe I don’t dig.

@lolal1026 - 22.03.2024 02:06

Love linen, however as stated it wrinkles. I cruise & a steamer is not allowed on board

@lizmillan9662 - 22.03.2024 02:07

I hear you . I always check my bags because I can’t reach those overhead bins and hate carrying so much stuff .

@sharonasmith1110 - 22.03.2024 02:31

The dress you are wearing is already sold out in my size 😢

@hempseedaddict - 22.03.2024 02:57


@kareno7792 - 22.03.2024 03:08

This is a great vacation capsule. Can't wait to see the lookbook!

@Ellzy1 - 22.03.2024 03:27

Your timing is great! I’m going away for a few weeks next month. My tip I would add is if you are going somewhere that “should” be warm, pack a pair of tights to wear under your linen trousers in case you run into some cooler weather. I’m going to Turkey and Spain and Turkey will be a lot cooler than Spain next month. I figure if I bring a cashmere sweater and tights I can make 1 suitcases last for both climates.

@BKBarb - 22.03.2024 03:33

Great video! So looking forward to seeing the lookbook! I loved your comment about checking in your luggage as opposed to using the overhead bin as I can't reach it either. Thanks for sharing.

@kzeender - 22.03.2024 03:55

Oh my goodness. I just found your page this week because I was specifically looking for packing for a plus size women. Specifically for work trips, but any packing.
I'm also starting a new job this week and your videos have helped me tremendously. Hopefully you got a bunch of affiliate link clicks for me. I definitely used a lot of them this week.
Well I'm going to go watch your video now. Thank you thank you, thank you. I wish I could hire you to help me.

@Braving3 - 22.03.2024 04:21

I loved this video! Getting a ton of great tips from your channel. Thank you!

@mikebohling4305 - 22.03.2024 05:25

Where are your Silk Scarves Oralia? How can not go anywhere without Silk Scarves?LOLXXX

@alciraproenza-collazo - 22.03.2024 05:29

Great video. And you're looking great. I see the difference from the new, healthier you. Continued success.

@mrsmargieking - 22.03.2024 06:45

Please consider doing a five day BUSINESS TRAVEL video for carryon only. When I have multiple change planes I prefer not to check a bag. But plus size business wear plus computer and iPad required it’s tough. Thanks!

@wendykornfein3337 - 22.03.2024 07:26

I will be packing so much better for my upcoming cruise early May. Thank you so much, Oralia.

@kathybooth1408 - 22.03.2024 07:55

Great job! You present yourself very well!

@rosaisela1999 - 22.03.2024 08:20

Loved all the tips!!! Thank youuuu!!!

@GROW_YT_VIEWS_137 - 22.03.2024 09:06

The way you simplify complex concepts is remarkable. You have a talent for making things understandable.

@josephinerimmer6888 - 22.03.2024 13:55

I love your clothes! A perfect capsule for a holiday.
I’m such a fool, I heard a cat meowing, and having four cats which I assumed were all out. Looked right through the house and then realised it was your cat that I could hear. I must be in my dotage! 😊

@PolishedAfterSixtyYvette - 22.03.2024 15:09

Nice capsule for a trip. BTW I once took a travel steamer on a cruise and it was taken away from me. I’m just mentioning because I thought I’d heard you say you were taking a cruise. You may want to check on that. Have a wonderful vacay!

@BakingFlowers - 22.03.2024 15:54

Your beautiful siamese cat matches the capsule wardrobe which made me giggle

@lisamyers5824 - 22.03.2024 19:04

So excited for this video ❤

@lindabenson1237 - 22.03.2024 21:03

Thanks O I you help me wrap up my cruise packing. You’re always on point.❤❤❤

@lee-annsmith8566 - 22.03.2024 22:10

Yay! Team Checked Bags!

@stephanieb1196 - 23.03.2024 05:00

Hello, Appreciate the suggestions very much. I had a chambray shirt dress years ago that I bought in a cute old fashioned dress shop in Montana. The cut of the dress your wearing reminded me of it so I just bought it. Now I will get a tan belt. But I do have the Amazon belts already based on your suggestion so maybe I will use one of those. Now I want a bag and tan shoes. Going to tea in NYC soon thinking of wearing the dress. 😊 ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU!😊

@azzenethmongeotti2648 - 23.03.2024 20:55

Absolutely beautiful blue dress you're wearing. Can I get info or link. Thanks so much for your videos. I love them.

@Cat-p3v1m - 24.03.2024 03:30

Have a great vacation 💃🌴🌺🍹

@theresajustice366 - 24.03.2024 06:22

Are any of the shoes/sandeld for a wide foot? I need a wide width in some cases.

@sheilasnyder4168 - 24.03.2024 16:22

Darn the white linen pants are sold out!

@marinaprosperina - 25.03.2024 23:15

The kitty had her opinions on your vacay wardrobe, too!

@magdlynstrouble2036 - 27.03.2024 17:37

I absolutely love everything you showed (except the floral dress; it's just not my vibe). I'm still totally rocking the coastal grandma looks for almost 3 seasons of the year! The blue eyelet top is to die for. 💙🤍💙

@meredithkaliszbaldwin1505 - 29.03.2024 17:03

I really enjoyed this video! I never am this thoughtful about packing but you have inspired me to do this for our vacation next week. We are going to Punta Cana and then Florida with the family for my husbands 50th birthday!

@justbelit - 03.04.2024 21:15

I think you copied the inspirational video too closely. Instead of a white jeans, a jeans in dark wash/black is better suited for plus size. Most plus size women don't look good in white pants. 1 pair of sneakers and 1 nice sandals/flats can work for everything else

@mermaidrose4 - 13.04.2024 04:44

I am learning so much from you! I do appreciate seeing you in the outfits and how they fit. As a plus-sized girl, it's so helpful to see how things fit on you.

@deborahstark1827 - 13.04.2024 14:55

I’m learning so much from your videos - especially these capsules you put together! Can you talk about undergarments that you include as well? (Thinking in particular about the quince skirt and dresses - do you need a slip? Or bike shorts to prevent chafing?) Thank you!

@marthaalvarado2826 - 15.04.2024 19:22

Oralia Hi!!…. Thanks for your content for us ladies that are on the curvy side …. Thank you! 😊

@annahoover5296 - 22.11.2024 22:59

Hi Oralia❤

@annahoover5296 - 22.11.2024 23:14

Very pretty, and easy great.❤

@Country_sunflower - 17.01.2025 00:28

For those wondering, steamers are not allowed on cruise ships.

@VictoriaHRH - 04.02.2025 21:46

My problem is that I love so many of my items that I can’t pare it down.

@solitairemorales4392 - 01.03.2025 19:32

Can I hire you
