Inequality – how wealth becomes power (1/3) | DW Documentary

Inequality – how wealth becomes power (1/3) | DW Documentary

DW Documentary

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Павел Иванович
Павел Иванович - 07.10.2023 10:12

Christoph Gröner is a great boss, a family man and a great person - a self-made man, I sincerely admire people like him. We really need such people in Russia. Remember, if you speak ill of this amazing man, John Galt will take him away from you.

justin mas
justin mas - 06.10.2023 17:02


Panchajanya - 03.10.2023 09:14

I am surprised at how many are still saying that 'you don't have to work for money after a certain level because people will work for you' despite this guy working almost 20 hours a day.

I am still relatively poor but one thing I realize is that you can become rich irrespective of your background if you are ready to put in the effort.

mechanix1228 - 28.09.2023 02:49

Maybe some of us don't want wealth because we see the terrible things it does to people.

Omowale Agbelusi
Omowale Agbelusi - 27.09.2023 19:01

Greetings from Lagos Nigeria ❤

shunyata - 26.09.2023 18:01

"success often depends upon background " -DW

Timbaktu Thankgod
Timbaktu Thankgod - 24.09.2023 19:38

Idiocy to get a woke mind from US and US and UK people to judge Germans just because they can speak English for a documentary. No one gives the background and perspective in any documentary nowadays.

Backsgins l
Backsgins l - 22.09.2023 16:54

France is much better, country, culture, equality, everything. Thank god they won the war

Yash sharma
Yash sharma - 17.09.2023 22:24

In capitalist world, any person who holds huge capital they just became like God .

Robin Blair
Robin Blair - 15.09.2023 20:21

Sounds like what has already happened here in the USA we have been dealing with this for a long time and gets worse every day.

Hurricane Meridian
Hurricane Meridian - 13.09.2023 16:26

Imagine the amount of money freed up for infrastructure if all the rich people shown in this video had their wealth limited to 1 Billion Euro or Dollar. They would still easily have enough to live in luxury with their families for their lives even longer actually and the rest of the citizens would actually get something out of it.

But no instead the money lays around in bank accs. in the caymans or elsewhere doing nothing but accruing interest for people who already have enough to live

Robert Mendola
Robert Mendola - 13.09.2023 00:06

What up occupied Welle. Speak German.

Evans Mungai
Evans Mungai - 12.09.2023 12:45

People surrender to thoughts equal to how they Feel.

Entertain Thoughts of wealth and Abundance.

Hypecycler - 11.09.2023 08:27

How fiat money works and fiat money provides the rich and makes the poor poorer

Brave_Sigma82 - 08.09.2023 13:26

Property is too expensive in Germany.

Captain - 07.09.2023 05:30

What’s the point of making it, if you can’t enjoy it.

VR DESIGN - Artist - Designer - Writer
VR DESIGN - Artist - Designer - Writer - 06.09.2023 12:22

These people have done their job well. Now they are useless.

Darkz_Beatz - 02.09.2023 15:48

Would love to be wealthy

Daniel Lezcano
Daniel Lezcano - 30.08.2023 13:18

Oh stop it with the inequality b*******. I'm poor myself really. But I don't see anything that indicates inequality to me. I have simply not succeeded in my endeavors. Or it wasn't in the cards even. Why can't humans be accountable? What is this push for victimhood in this world? I don't understand it.

Waqar Ahmad
Waqar Ahmad - 30.08.2023 01:10

Despite owning billions, the guys are very humble

ulkapind - 28.08.2023 20:37

Putting your money in the right place, at the right time and in the right things is not an easy thing. It may not be physical work, but it takes a lot of mental fortitude and strong gut instincts to do... I wouldn't write it off as not doing real work.

T800 - 27.08.2023 23:42

Why there should be equality ?

Arielle - 27.08.2023 07:57

Still waiting for the money the nazis took from my family, filthy germany.

Leonie - 25.08.2023 09:55

Can't believe he just got in that plane....

tom01 - 21.08.2023 14:38

Money makes you able to buy things but you can't buy real happiness. When you get rich people just want to use you and take what you have they pretend to be your friend

Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 21.08.2023 05:03

I’m pretty sure the USA 🇺🇸 wins for the largest wealth inequality on the planet 🌎

Aq Qq
Aq Qq - 20.08.2023 20:18

If you distributed the wealth equally , eventually the same thing will happen again , idiots will always be idiots , drunks will be drunks , etc

Main Street
Main Street - 13.08.2023 07:11

It turns my stomach to watch a video about rich Germans.

Don Lee
Don Lee - 12.08.2023 08:00

"you can't destroy money by consuming" - you wanna bet?

Jan Jan Timalsina
Jan Jan Timalsina - 08.08.2023 19:35


DaWilant - 08.08.2023 14:01

Yea wealth always goes up.. but it's power to buy joy is limited to a limit.. anything above just buys contrast

Nikos Amazing Animals
Nikos Amazing Animals - 06.08.2023 14:50

is it just me or are realtors the most parasitical class?

Unbelievable - 02.08.2023 19:16

Greed and corruption will be the cause of first world countries to be burned to the ground. It’s only a matter of time. People are getting tired of it.

Maulen Kalau
Maulen Kalau - 31.07.2023 04:28

“The person who is going to save their city and slay the dragon, is not the person who WANTS to do that, but the person who CAN do that.”

In this movie, I believe Mr. Grunner is the person who is capable of taking on an enormous amount of risk, responsibility and exercise a great amount of discipline doing so. Therefore, he gets rewarded for doing that by the means of earning a lot of money. At the same time he has downsides of his life such as a huge amount of stress, constant court cases, hate from people who envy him and a lot of other things.

The person who works as his guard chose the way he wants to live his life. Nobody is stopping him from reading a hundred books about real estate development, starting to network with people, build up some skills and knowledge, meet investors, acquire land, lead the construction and become rich. But rather he chose the life where he can just leave the office at 5 pm, be completely done with work, enjoy beers with friends and live a hassle free modest life.

The whole talk about inequality in developed countries like the USA, Canada, Germany and others is complete BS. In these countries, there is a million of different ways one can become that top 1% people whine about. The real inequality is in places like Kazakhstan, Africa, and Latin America. There, you can spend 10 years, build a successful business and some politician just comes and takes it away from you. Or if your business becomes successful and poses a threat to another, then they threaten your life and make you shut down your operations. But even there, there is a lot of ways you can work in a smart way and be able to choose your own destiny. Choose the side of the “inequality scale” you want to be on.

Gemel Walters
Gemel Walters - 28.07.2023 20:54

Does this guy believe he's the only one that doesn't take sick leave or works late or quarrels with his wife about working late or working with an injury? I know ppl at all levels that have done all of this and more. What I can say is those ppl don't have chefs preparing their meals or healthcare to make all that less of a burden. Now let's ask him how many times he's been on vacation and compare his response with his guard. He then paints his ticket price at the stadium as some form of charity. Yes the ppl in the stands are paying less, they also don't have a luxury A/C cooled area with amenities. That is what you are paying for and they cannot. I think this is a prime example of losing your integrity once you get to the top. He has forgotten where he came from

Bored in Czechia
Bored in Czechia - 27.07.2023 12:53

Why you can't compare multibillionaire with security guard? Because going to work for just a few euros with fewer is much different from working for hundreds of millions. Most of rich people don't know how hard, or even impossible is to get this rich. Those who build themselves from nothing are very rare examples. They earned it not just by working while being sick or very hard, it was enormous amount of luck. And I mean even the luck of being born into the right place in the right time. I absolutely hate their logic.

Danso Chester
Danso Chester - 23.07.2023 23:39

“You can’t buy your way to the world of dynastic wealth; you can only be born with it.”

J R - 16.07.2023 13:51

Public education made people stupid when it comes to money and wealth.

Kirsy Reeds
Kirsy Reeds - 15.07.2023 17:45

Not my thing...Thanks CIA

559yadig - 13.07.2023 17:58

Then why were you caught in a traffic jam on the latest pbd podcast mr michael?😂😂😂

Blacattacsquadron - 07.07.2023 13:30

They work for Siemens and can't afford a place to stay? This is the outcome from sending your major jobs to places like India only for them to mees it up and the president has to forcefully take that division back like Merkel did some years ago. The US sent our jobs to Mexico and all we get is horrible products in return. Construction jobs goes to them in the US and again all we get is a home or apartment the will catch fire while you are asleep! The houses they built decays after less than 3 years. They also lie and say they are cheap labor but that is far from the truth.

Alekzander Holmes
Alekzander Holmes - 05.07.2023 23:40

The irony of America is that this country was founded on the idea that all people were created equal and yet we have the highest inequality in the developed world many things here are like this what we say and what we do are not the same.

Maxxation - 05.07.2023 14:52

Haha... Wanna see real inequality... Make a doc on india

Nikoai danielovich Nazarenko
Nikoai danielovich Nazarenko - 20.06.2023 17:34

In my middle ages now and I know how much it means not to take ones life seriously. Having said that. there is natural deed grudge, hate , envy , jealousy you name it. Its natural inborn hate towards the wealthy. But here is the kicker. The wealthy work their butt out. i REPEAT THEY WORK THEIR BUTT OUT!!!! They offer work to millions on their account thousands of children will never experience life rigours whilst growing up get decent education and......... The advantages of having some of us with attitude like the founder of HYUNDAI is nothing but a blessing to the rest of us, Its damn hard there to break the ceiling to get to the top, Can i or any one change the inbuilt hatred towards the super RICH. NOOO.... Knowing what i know now I would have banned Documentaries such as this they hit home to what our creator has installed inside our soul. Yet I have yet to see the so called not doing well in life documentary. Mind you a lot woke up on time and makes engines of our lives moves smoothly yet they want more and feel the super rich is cheating them. I MEAN ..... RALLLY....its like a man who hate a female GOLD DIGGER.... Who do you want her to go out with someone living in the ghetto or someone dissatisfied with own life hoping to be super rich, Even in primitive days they used to be attracted to best fighter best hunter yet when they are attracted to wealth we call them names. I mean. But then life is life nothing changes only times and geography,

Urbar Adhikari
Urbar Adhikari - 16.06.2023 15:03


UnMemorableUsername - 14.06.2023 10:12

Meh. I hate this new YT comments box. Bring back the other version! Super fiddly.
