Why Are Craters Always Round?

Why Are Craters Always Round?


1 год назад

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@Astrofrank - 18.05.2023 18:00

Several craters are polygonal.

@spidermanandsnape - 18.05.2023 19:57

I will never get over learning fascinating scientific facts and ideas while John's pizza face stares back at me. Truly stellar fashion

@jonatanromanowski9519 - 18.05.2023 20:03

Go Go Sci Show!
<Engagement boosting comment>

@anthimeria4994 - 18.05.2023 21:03

Very neat!

I was wondering--would y'all consider doing a "state of covid" episode? I feel like all the media I get as an american is the GOP going "no more pandemic! no masking even if you want to!" and the democrats going "eh, sacrifices must be made for the economy," and meanwhile my disabled friends haven't eaten inside a restaurant in three years and sometimes I see articles about new variants and how people are still dying and long covid. I'd just like an unbiased overview.

@tbella5186 - 18.05.2023 21:46


@all3ykat79 - 18.05.2023 22:39


@koubenakombi3066 - 18.05.2023 23:06

The question one must ask is why are we calling those craters if there is nothing in the center of it? Of course, you have been lied to again and again... thinking there is a "space" out there... but it is all in your imagination... thank tv and hollywood for that. 99% of our communication goes by underwater cables and land towers... there is nothing out there... the only "satellites" are the devices that go up by balloons... and fall to the ground a few weeks later. The moon is a focal point, like the sun. They are approx. 5.000km from us. The sun doesn't set... it just goes away and comes back. The sun presents electric characteristics, while the moon is magnetic... that's why it doesn't reflect the warm sun, in fact, objects in moon shadow presents higher temperatures than the ones exposed to its rays. Wake up. Too many lies. Time to find the truth instead of parroting HIS-story (or a story that is not ours).

@Monkeyballz9 - 19.05.2023 00:08

Why are planets anyways , why is you mother always

@janetf23 - 19.05.2023 02:54

👍Savannah gets my engaging presenter of the day award!🏆

@jonathanrobles3753 - 19.05.2023 09:06

Wait I need to read more about tilting planets, right now I think if a planet is +- a sphere, does it change its position vs asteroid belt? How so, that now asteroids hit them in different angles even when the planet is technically a sphere... That would imply is not spherical more like an egg and it tilts very fast . But... Until I research more about tilting planets... I'm wrong... Thanks for reading my rampage ❤

@mattkrumm8141 - 19.05.2023 13:36

I watched a documentary decades ago where they proved crater angles and impacts at Berkeley, where they used a crazy high pressure gun to shoot packed sand.

@Aaron_b_c - 19.05.2023 17:09


@NirvanaFan5000 - 19.05.2023 17:26

was just wondering about this a few days ago!

@phookadude - 19.05.2023 18:34

Craters aren't round, they tend to be a rounded hexagonal shape. This is because the energy that creates them goes out in a circular pattern but the material it impacts along with any other irregularities will cause a reflection in part of the wavefront. The result is a hexagon.

@mikebauer6917 - 19.05.2023 19:54

Sounds like normalization with anti-tank rounds; the impact on a somewhat plastic surface can pull/redirect the trajectory into the surface.

@DemPilafian - 20.05.2023 23:42

A big rock going 10 km/s… that'll hurt! I love these videos that give me a new visual understanding of an important aspect of space science. Thank you SciShow for all this great content (especially the space videos).

@giniside89ovanim96 - 21.05.2023 08:36

Even deaper questions is well why do space rock knows only circle

@TheRealInscrutable - 22.05.2023 00:30

Am I supposed to recognize the face on her shirt or is it some kind of _one off_?

@bowez9 - 22.05.2023 06:28

Prove that the impacter came from the asteroid belt. Then prove that time frame.

You weren't there you can't do either and have no proof for either.

@bernier42 - 22.05.2023 18:14

I watched this video two days before belatedly watching the Veritasium video from several months ago where he asks these exact questions and wonders why no one thinks about them. That was an experience.

@BensCoffeeRants - 23.05.2023 00:29

We owe a lot to our moon it seems!

@AnthonyStark2 - 23.05.2023 21:42


@topnep1 - 27.05.2023 15:43

cure your voicecrack ffs

@apolloniustyana7372 - 30.05.2023 05:14

They aren't round it's just pareidolia nothing is perfectly round

@vazwan - 30.05.2023 11:44

soon as an asstroid enters our gravity starts to bend towards us pulling it to be perpendicular but has limited time so the angle remines to a mazmum of 15 degrees thus making an elliptical creators

@edserembus9651 - 07.06.2023 18:34


@robz537 - 23.06.2023 16:08

this woman eats really unhealthy.

@kisakisakura6663 - 27.06.2023 21:26

Coming from the video about the shape of black holes, I know what that hair tie ...

@do5e - 29.06.2023 20:44

what a bunch of hogwash.

@thewalkingcrow8946 - 30.06.2023 11:31

There was a guy who did a crap ton of research on this. It's a shame you didn't look his stuff up or recognize him for his work.

@lincolnrock9158 - 11.07.2023 05:58

Why are a lot of craters on the moon look like an octagon or only so deep? And the asteroid belt. Do u think it use to be a planet the blew up?

@phillipking6153 - 07.08.2023 12:56

This is the most ridiculous explanation I have ever seen.
#1 There is no way “5%” of craters are oblong. Every crater formed should be oblong….not a perfect circle as we observe.
And before anyone claims this garbage explanation has weight, please link video evidence of meteors hitting a surface and leaving a perfect circle. No one has every observed this so it’s a THEORY, a completely ignorant theory, but still a theory.
Anyone can do this experiment with rocks hitting the ground. Throw rocks at different speeds and angles and if you get 95% to form perfect circles I will personally pay your house off. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

@acidtonguemuzik - 26.08.2023 06:32

She's so full of crap... Creators are created by plasma magnetic energy fields.. That's why they're always round. If it came from a meteor they would skip an hop and make digs and they do not.. The moon is actually a reflection of the larger Earth.. And it is immense, it is our whole Galaxy. Reflected in the sky it is the earth we walk upon. We live in a reflection reality. Wake up, people..

@Tony.5211 - 14.09.2023 13:49

What about these dome looking things perfectly round, they are everywhere. What are these?

@YogaToSamadhi - 22.09.2023 02:02


@HandzSome - 08.11.2023 13:29

How are they hitting the moon if the earth is in the way?

@magicvide0 - 20.12.2023 04:15

I think it’s interesting that it is 2023, and people say the creators are from asteroids. It’s produced from dust,liquid and heat. Easily demonstrated by making a breakfast pancake. Mix a batter and pour a thin layer on the hot pan and you will see creators.

Pretty similar to volcano mud bubbles.

@Bacons_lifeday - 01.02.2024 04:32

those are astroid dumb

@ShahWirana-bq9hv - 04.02.2024 00:50

I asked my grandma once and she said the same reason why I have pimples

@anonimanonim2710 - 02.03.2024 23:53

All of the moon's craters are abuse from her ex, Meeteo Wright-Schauer

@joeelliott2157 - 23.03.2024 22:47

5 per cent of craters are oval in shape. And this happens when the angle the meteor is striking Earth is 15 degrees or less. Is this consistent with math? Yes.
If the direction of a meteor happens to be coming from the direction of the North Pole, the angle will be 15 degrees or less if it strikes the Earth at a latitude of 15 degrees or less. What is the radius of a circle that covers everything north of 15 degrees? cos(15). So, the percentage of meteors that will hit within this circle are:
cos(15) ^ 2 which works out to 0.933 or 93.3 per cent.
So the percentage of meteors that strike within 15 degrees of the equator is 6.7 per cent. Reasonably close to 5 per cent.

Turning the problem around, at what latitude would 95 per cent of meteors strike north of?

acos( sqrt(95) ) = 12.9 degrees

Again, reasonably close to 15 degrees.

@terencevanriesen9745 - 04.04.2024 22:14

If the moon is title locked to earth, how do you get perfectly round craters on the side we can see they should almost all be ovals, at least.

@willywokeup9112 - 06.05.2024 08:35

Your next mission if you choose to accept it: why are some craters inverted?

@puhigeoffreywaynefuimaonok8656 - 06.06.2024 21:10


@OnTheRiver66 - 19.06.2024 04:53

Good video! People also seem to be concerned that craters are the same depth. This is explained is that the impact is basically an explosion and not a penetration. It blasts everything away just like a huge bomb going off. This has been demonstrated by hitting ground with high velocity particles. The depth is the same.

@lallyoisin - 13.12.2024 10:16

Whats the difference between a bullet (3,000 kph) hitting ground at 45 degree angle and an asteroid hitting? Same shape left?

@Tara-Maya - 23.12.2024 16:30

Great theory! Electrical scaring can also cause the same shape. It's only a assumption that they are all caused by impacts.
