HermitCraft 10 | 030 | Idea To Reality!

HermitCraft 10 | 030 | Idea To Reality!


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@Trauma284 - 04.08.2024 21:39

Comparitor from the chest to lock the crafters once its full? If that is even a thing

@Gojibeere99 - 04.08.2024 21:44

I just noticed that raw copper has kind of similar colours?
Edit: as ore in stone or as highlight in deepslate, maybe as a raw copper block?

@ginahammond2464 - 04.08.2024 22:28

XB what you did today was perfect! It looked so good.🎉

@ginahammond2464 - 04.08.2024 22:31

I wish he would post more or maybe live stream sometime. I love his building and listening to his voice . 😊

@Sunnyreads8 - 04.08.2024 22:36

I love the additions. The path blocks is similar to the color of the orange-behind-the-glass in the walls, tying the 2 together. Nice! Polar bears living down in the bottom will be so neat to add movement and life.

@Sl8rboi41 - 04.08.2024 22:41

This project is really inspiring me lately XB! Love what you got going on!

@mandyhardin-yv7yw - 04.08.2024 22:42

It's really coming together! love where you are going with the build!

@DarthZarad - 04.08.2024 22:52

Loving the progress!

@pixelg5173 - 04.08.2024 23:14

Gosh xB's turning into Mumbo with the "it's really quite simple", except here is actually simple lol

@chasehalley5777 - 04.08.2024 23:32

The copper rods will actually keep the bigger polar bears out

@SnyperMK2000JclL - 04.08.2024 23:39

Around the outer edge of the path block paths some "street lamps" would look great and bring in not only light but also a tiny bit more Orange on the outside of the build.

@alysoffoxdale - 05.08.2024 00:08

Yes; lightning rods do not oxidize in vanilla Minecraft. (I'm actually a little sad about that, and the mod I was using to let mine oxidize has not updated to 1.21.)

@filbertovandette - 05.08.2024 00:53

I like the plan for the floor ...but might i suggest something....a lil less grindy....lol.....dig those areas down....but do the faded glass instead of digging way down.... impulse ran into that problem with his season nine base.....but....good lord it would look cool dug all the way down to bedrock....but your sanity, man! Lol

@justaminuteie6586 - 05.08.2024 03:27

Love how the lightning rods look in the water fall. The ice spike and bear habitats are going to be awesome! Such a great idea.

@TheRodneyHayes - 05.08.2024 03:58

I have a "base" at an underwater temple, but this just makes me sad... So much better than mine. Nice work

@ianwheeler8743 - 05.08.2024 04:45

For the top of the towers and your afk spot you could build 4 guardian statues shooting beams into a glowing primarine crystal

@RoyteMC - 05.08.2024 05:16

Definitely loving the base!

@SpazTc01 - 05.08.2024 05:57

I see why youre a profeshional the amount of consideration in everything you build is amazing, peeping into the process is great learning on the audiences part.

@MoonFox_5989 - 05.08.2024 06:14

I would use Dark Pris for the outlines, trust me it will make them look more subtle against the shadow of the Path blocks

@ItsJonBaca - 05.08.2024 06:53

Slime don’t spawn on glass. Put a layer of glass over a layer of grass maybe?

@Osmotic - 05.08.2024 07:04

Path block was a brilliant call

@melissaortego4244 - 05.08.2024 07:53

@TruthIsTheNewH8 - 05.08.2024 09:07

I love watching all the hermits but ive really been looking forward to your uploads. Im really enjoying your build and find myself excited over seeing the progression.

@unorubbertoe - 05.08.2024 09:34

What texture pack does xB use?

@puttanesca621 - 05.08.2024 09:43

It should be fairly simple to setup Sea Lantern auto-crafting by pre-loading the recipe once. Slow down the clock that triggers the crafter so that your inputs can keep the recipe stocked. You can make it stop crafting when the output is full of Sea Lanterns or when either input hopper is empty. That way you will always have a barrel or chest of Sea Lanterns ready to go.

@heatherreadsreddit8579 - 05.08.2024 11:34

Your base is looking great! The potion is used for doing Ominous Trial Chambers.

@n8n51 - 05.08.2024 12:39

Copper bulbs for lights with your water fall area would look nice IMO. Maybe moss carpet instead of path blocks? then you could have lights under it.

@BouncyMissSally - 05.08.2024 12:44

The hole with the water flowing inside with the grates and lightning rods, kind of looks like movable floodgates. As if you open them sometimes just to refill the water streams inside, but close them to stop over-filling.

So basically you don't need water flowing out anywhere, because the amount of water flowing in is controlled by the gates.

@lomiification - 05.08.2024 13:03

Oof, xisuma's new business plans are in shambles.

You might want to tell him how to make those aged copper trap doors

@matthewconway8751 - 05.08.2024 13:04

Xb did blocks go into your item sorters in the door ways when you done the path way

Also what about useing packed mud bricks on the edge of the path to carry on the brownish colour?

@levithegray - 05.08.2024 17:29

To capitalize on the idea of rivers, what if you made more of a canal with trees and booshes that goes under bridged walkways? That way you can take Keralis on a romantic gondola ride around the pyramid after he gets back in the server.

@CoronetFan - 06.08.2024 02:46

The base is looking better and better every day. Keep up the great work!

@somethinsomethingelse - 06.08.2024 04:41

The casual decimation of hostile mobs is one of my favorite parts of an xbcrafted video

@michaelgage652 - 06.08.2024 04:58

The only thing wrong with an xb video is that there isn’t enough xb videos.
The base is looking fantastic and the use of lighting rods was fantastic.
Question, can you not scrape the fully oxidized copper grates? I saw you create new ones. (I honestly don’t know. I haven’t had time to mess with the new stuff)

@TheColorCraftMC - 06.08.2024 05:46

If you do the ice around your base, you could make it into a mini boat race with some neat features. Then beat Keralis in it.

@cenedraleaheldra5275 - 06.08.2024 09:04

Words are not enough. Mind blown with all the details.

@TheMCFisk - 06.08.2024 12:05

Mr. xBCrafted, you do not need items in the second crafter. you can simply disable all the slots in the second crafter to get the comparator output from it

@Cuestrupaster - 07.08.2024 13:38

You could make, somewhere in the center of the base, maybe under the temple, a "frozen heart/core" that is what gives it powers to function...
~this is just a suggestion, maybe a even better idea come from it idk...

@JackM719 - 07.08.2024 15:30

Heyo It’s a bit of a cliche idea but what about four different seasonal biomes for the areas around the temple ? What ever you choose tho will probably look amazing. Loving the bases look.

@frostymoments - 08.08.2024 18:33

"needs water running out" giant center well to the void

@scotty2735 - 09.08.2024 05:43

I enjoyed it as always. Great content

@LocoNeedAChickenWing - 11.08.2024 22:29

Just be happy that you aren't noticing the nines

@LocoNeedAChickenWing - 11.08.2024 22:31

No ...and then

@LocoNeedAChickenWing - 11.08.2024 22:45

He said "what did I do"? Reminded me of The Big Bang Theory when Penny gave Sheldon the cloth napkin signed by Leonard Nimoy
(The bath item gift hypothesis)... I looked it up lol

@sydneybodman4598 - 02.09.2024 03:47

It’s giving an Icy Atlantis vibes and I love it ❤

@McAwesome777 - 25.09.2024 19:44

I’ve drained 2 OM and I don’t think I’ll do another, it’s so much work…. Base is looking great
