Is private education good for society?

Is private education good for society?

The Economist

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Imelda Mogi
Imelda Mogi - 24.07.2023 10:48


Teacher Lore
Teacher Lore - 12.06.2023 02:15

Ummm, "the rise of inequality is a fair price to pay". What a sad world we live in...

francesca kray
francesca kray - 02.05.2023 23:59

Thank you. 🌹

db $w00per
db $w00per - 31.03.2023 06:22

Real Tigers

Emerald Kimble
Emerald Kimble - 22.03.2023 14:03

Religion another factor parochial for. Catholics yashivs fir Jews madrassas for muxlims

Lee Kenyon
Lee Kenyon - 17.02.2023 01:50

Public schools are normally more safe then many public schools, Public schools can become very gang infested and would explains the growth in private schools.

Words From Aus
Words From Aus - 25.01.2023 03:39

When people are allowed to spend money they will spend it on things they believe benefit themselves. Education included. In a democracy isn't that a person's perogative? If you can choose to homeschool then how can you not be able to choose to pay for a school if you want to?

Jason Thomas
Jason Thomas - 06.12.2022 16:04

Sorry but this implies that only the brightest go to private schools but that's just a skewed analysis (in favour of the status quo). I'd like to know the opportunity cost of private education, the economic hit from not investing in those that cannot afford private schooling. How much human capital and opportunity is lost from not adequately funding public education?

Andrew Zych
Andrew Zych - 08.11.2022 01:24

bad for people who want indoctrination rather than education

Shenmue 3
Shenmue 3 - 22.06.2022 18:44


James Roscoe
James Roscoe - 17.06.2022 04:32

Im a bit of a pessimist when it comes to government controled education. Its not worth trusting them to do it right.

Nyal - 07.05.2022 16:09

We should introduce grammar schools

M BM - 06.03.2022 13:37

Inspite of what's said in this documentary incomes are not raising up at all, certainly not everywhere and for everyone, so imho the best thing china can export is the one-child-policy, which should be kept up and applicated, especially towards those countries where the average birth ratio p/woman is above three children, since it's scientifically shown that the poorer a country or familiy is, the more pollution and social and infrastructural problems there are, it's due to a higher amount children. I am sorry to have to say this, but children are expensive.

Shelby M. Smull
Shelby M. Smull - 29.01.2022 00:59

Enforce "home school" of any kind in some way as to not completely abandon children's education to the whims of their parent(s). It literally ruins lives that, quite frankly, had they gone to school would have been productive members of society. Instead, no school when home schooled dooms children into their adult lives.

Oh, as for blaming private schools for something they are just a product of, not my cup of tea.

Joe Clemmow
Joe Clemmow - 24.10.2021 12:05

Privatise all schools, give government vouchers for those who can’t afford it

merry - 22.10.2021 05:14

as a chinese 你说的很对 一家四口人宠一个孩子。you are right

Intrepid Kangaroo
Intrepid Kangaroo - 11.10.2021 17:10

China banned out-of-class private education on major subjects in 2021.

Adam s
Adam s - 09.10.2021 22:27

Schools are &/#%

Kururin - 26.09.2021 15:47

In Indonesia and Malaysia, no private education means that some minority groups won't be able to attend school at all since public education is only for the natives (bumiputera/pribumi).

who_me - 09.09.2021 13:58

My country actually runs on Private school. The free public schools are sssoooooooo bad its scary. And private schools range from very expensive (mostly international schools) to very affordable for your every day parents.

Chad CJ
Chad CJ - 30.07.2021 14:13

The goal should not be to close down private schools, but rather increase the quality of public education. Equality should help and uplift those who are struggling, not destroy those who are succeeding. Make the poor richer, not the rich poorer. This will satisfy everyone

James Linder
James Linder - 06.07.2021 04:28

Wrong question- are public schools healthy for society is a much better one.

Kushagra - 28.06.2021 07:18

It is. At least they're not taught hate on the basis of religion, like in madrasas

M - 06.06.2021 19:28

I am in private school.
Education system here is the best

L E - 31.05.2021 04:10

lets let the chinese teach our kids or a giant multinational company... so they grad and they thank the big company or the chinese company for the key years of their lives... what happened to community?

TheShreester - 23.05.2021 09:16

This extremely biased video from The Economist is basically propaganda for private schooling, when actually the evidence indicates the opposite.

Private schools don't just increase economic inequality, they also promote a class based society, where a minority of children get a better education, leading to better opportunities, because of the wealth/sacrifice of their parents, while the majority don't.

They only form a productive part of the school system, by offering more choice, when public schools are properly funded and supported.

UnitedPacci - 02.05.2021 20:04

too much lefty indoctrinations on public schools.

Theodore J. Burkhardt
Theodore J. Burkhardt - 07.04.2021 23:09

I go to a private school, and it’s a disaster. Private schools are disasters in general. They care more about making money that educating their students.

meh - 02.03.2021 17:01

Ok so rich people can get better education than poor.
I think the person who make this criteria really dont understand the knowledge and education meaning.

Tom Larpins
Tom Larpins - 01.03.2021 15:30

I agree with her synopsis, private and public sectors should work in tandem

Tom Larpins
Tom Larpins - 01.03.2021 15:25

It is better for getting the best out of children, I think all schools should get paid by parents, say £50 a week

Vibesbynae - 07.01.2021 06:20

Lol why is she talking like she’s not bothered 🤣I can’t tell if it’s for real or a parody of the news but I love it 😅

Koalasquare - 22.12.2020 15:23

So there is no benefit to them in first world countries?

Janelle Chan
Janelle Chan - 11.12.2020 14:24

I'm from Hong Kong, and I went to an international school there before deciding to study in a UK private boarding school. I've never been self-conscious about my English ability as it is my first language and not to brag but I would like to think that I am better than a lot of people here in HK. Anyways I was stunned by the times that I have been looked at weirdly for being Asian and the assumptions of not being able to speak English and eventually it started to make me doubt myself which is really unfortunate😅

Trang Nguyen
Trang Nguyen - 10.12.2020 23:25


Trang Nguyen
Trang Nguyen - 10.12.2020 23:22

Pros and cons

alberto migliavacca
alberto migliavacca - 10.12.2020 21:00

I agree with Emma's final suggestion: in the US for profit schools don't work because there's little accountability and oversight by state governments over their outcomes(both financial and educational outcomes). With more financial oversight by state governments the risk of for profit schools going bankrupt would go down. With more educational accountability parents would know the educational results of the schools they're considering. What I mean as educational accountability is selecting ramdomly a sample of students from each school in a certain state and giving them a PISA-style test to solve; each year parents receive the results of this tests so that they can judge the quality of the schools they're considering

joiees - 07.12.2020 18:31

You dont get more freedom allowing public schools to operate, you get more inequality. More inequality means less freedom.

Felix Ha
Felix Ha - 30.11.2020 20:58

Im in Boarding School rn 😂😂

Vasco Amaral Grilo
Vasco Amaral Grilo - 30.11.2020 12:33


Singing Machine
Singing Machine - 24.11.2020 02:12

In real life, I'd have never listened for so long if someone was this annoying.

Jonny T
Jonny T - 22.11.2020 05:57

Forgot to mention that one pro of private education is it takes students—who would otherwise be in the over-subscribed state sector—out of the system to free up school spaces for other children who need them. As a teacher of 11 years who's worked in both state and private sectors, I think the solution is open up more collaboration between state and private schools to address the 'them and us' mentality, to increase scholarship funding so that at least 10% of all private school spaces are available to deserving students who would not ordinarily be able to afford it and to deregulate state schools' curricula so they have the flexibility to compete with the curricula that private schools offer.

rasaak adams
rasaak adams - 21.11.2020 18:10

The British European Ruling Class and British European Elites Obtained their Properties and Wealth through Deception and Theft.......;British European Ruling Class and British European Elites should be informed directly to Declare their Wealth publicly to the Citizen of Earth in that way Justice For All and If they refuse to comply with the World Justice Court......;They should be removed completely from any International Public Offices to a further notice

Eva - 17.11.2020 11:02

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with private school I think there is a problem with the government. They need to increase the quality of state schools to make it fairer to even it out therefore more people will want to go to state

leo melrose
leo melrose - 15.11.2020 17:16


Jake - 09.11.2020 19:48

Yes and public education is bad for our society

Hubrey David
Hubrey David - 06.11.2020 22:03

It's only schools for the Rich too breed racism.

Ross Moylan
Ross Moylan - 06.11.2020 17:03

Why don’t they mention the countries with the highest literacy rates in the world? A short piece on the shortcomings of private education is very misleading.

Renata Novato
Renata Novato - 06.11.2020 15:20

Governments have to secure its ppl, not the profits of corporations
