3 Ways to Photograph Your Pet Dog

3 Ways to Photograph Your Pet Dog


3 года назад

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@doggerel49 - 20.02.2022 16:10

Totally inappropriate place/time to capture the best images of Gibson...
I found that on our own, with our own pets, we can either be a good, attentive dog-owner/handler OR a good photographer...but it is very difficult to be both at the same time.
- know your subject (make a study of dogs first; and certainly make a study of YOUR dog first).
- go to an empty field; get Gibson connected to YOU, and only you by playing with him - YOU should be his best treat.
- you are asking him/pressuring him to perform, rather than capturing his natural expressions and puppy mannerisms.
- I worried he would trot off. Where were your assistants? Safety first.
-Teach a solid "sit", and a "watch me!" command. Very helpful.
- When offering treats to lure, use very small, very stinky treats (like sardine bits!)...and actually let him recieve them, in rapid-succession! He is confused with all your holding of one treat to get him to look at camera, but then not actually getting to eat the treat right away (or at all)! That teaches him you are not reliable, so he gets distracted, looks around even more for better entertainment.

@JasonRoche99 - 22.09.2021 08:41

The Title should be changed to, "3 Ways to Photograph your Pet Dog, and attract every girl in the park over to where you are" :D

@ijyoyo - 27.07.2021 09:50

I need a dog to take photos of……. Oh wait , come here

@keagandevilliers2832 - 19.07.2021 11:28

LOVE that you used an old 6D and still got great results!

@USGrant21st - 18.07.2021 08:01

My dog doesn't like being photographed. He waits till the moment just before I press the shutter and quickly turns away.

@DamonBowe - 17.07.2021 16:38

Are you guys done in Puerto Rico?

@sidcup8523 - 15.07.2021 15:36

Goto say... wasn't a fan of this video...

@jeffolson4731 - 15.07.2021 13:06

Dogs want to come closer to you when you photograph them and wildlife wants to get away. Both are quite challenging. One thing they have in common is that the quieter the location the better luck you will have. Crowds make most animals nervous which for a dog means “get close to my pack leader”.

You got nice pictures.

@thedondeluxe6941 - 15.07.2021 11:02

You kinda have to get him a little buddy called Fender. A cat, maybe? Fender Jaguar?😂

- 15.07.2021 09:22

„Shooting dogs and babies is the hardest thing to do”…

Laughs in wildlife photography

@matlynwood6225 - 15.07.2021 08:40

Are you guys no longer in Puerto Rico? Why so much filming in South Carolina again?

@Maleick - 15.07.2021 05:18

That’s a beautiful park on the water front. I would totally geeked out running into F Stoppers when I was there 😂

@MatthewFortner - 15.07.2021 03:56

I thought Lee was your…dog.

@R-A-F - 15.07.2021 02:53

You need a extendable and adjustable treat holder for your hot shoe 🙃

@evslone - 15.07.2021 02:51

For many years I was senior editor of the most widely read dog and cat magazines in the world. Other than the general photography gear/settings, everything about this video is wrong. Next time you try to do a video about photographing pets please:
1. Choose a quiet spot. If you really need these backgrounds go early when they aren't busy
2. Have at least one or two assistants to handle the dog. Ideally one person would handle the dog and a second would stand behind the photographer and encourage the dog to look in that direction
3. Give the dog a nice walk or exercise beforehand to help them remain calm
4. Have the pet's favorite treat or toy handy
5. Record funny/odd sounds on your cell phone to get fun reaction shots
6. Use a narrow dog show lead if necessary, which is much easier to Photoshop out of the final image than a traditional leash.
7. If you want the "smile'' look on the dog's face briskly walk them just before taking the shot

@Thewyattryan - 15.07.2021 02:25

The dog trainer in me is screaming lmao

@felixcat4346 - 15.07.2021 02:05

Never say crazy in your video's again. Anywaz too.

@nositelle - 15.07.2021 01:50

j'adore !

@SusanSlattery - 15.07.2021 00:59

First photo, there were gorgeous flowers behind YOU, why not jump to the other side of the dog and turn him around + get that background? Second shot, the leash! Take that off, and possibly even remove his collar. The nose shot is great. Wait til he's tired next time!

@hawg427 - 15.07.2021 00:26

You need to get him a playmate & call him Fender ;-) LOL

@kokunaijin - 15.07.2021 00:12

I have just woken up, don't have my glasses on and read "How to photograph your dead dog"!😱😱 The red leash in the thumbnail didn't help. For a minute there I was very confused.

@xp8969 - 14.07.2021 23:54

One Way To Mess Up The Title of Your Video

sponsored by: Patrick's weed guy

@Wychfyre_ - 14.07.2021 23:52

RIP the coating on the front of your 70-200

@louisvanzyl - 14.07.2021 23:18

Love the dog.

@2bzyblack - 14.07.2021 23:15

Just followed, there's a lot of us who consider our dogs the ultimate models, Gibson will become a pro, my dog even choses the locations now and will pose like a pro 😂🐺 your tips will help me a lot thanks!

@scopace314 - 14.07.2021 23:11

You have a typo in the title of your video - it should be "Photograph" not "Photography".
