Factorio - Vanilla done right - E13 - Power and Oil

Factorio - Vanilla done right - E13 - Power and Oil


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@papsicleboy1983 - 06.06.2017 23:34


@sgtsquiggs - 06.06.2017 23:47

Turn that copper deposit into a copper garden

You never use the Q hotkey to select (from inventory) whatever is under the mouse. Such a useful shortcut!

@kiwiwriter - 07.06.2017 03:05

In a creative game you are the guy who does it right... pffft. Build Monstrosities, spaghetti is your friend! Deny this and face the wrath of the flying spaghetti monster.

@kingdarkd2587 - 07.06.2017 14:41

I thought that the mod that allows for entities to feed themselves was outdated?

@VitaliySunny - 07.06.2017 21:59

You don't need "decide combinator", speaker can analyze inputs self. And connect belt before boilers (to prevent energy collapse, not for information about energy shutdown).

@BeanieBaby-pt9sr - 10.06.2017 01:55

Squeak squeak =)

@Ivellios23 - 12.09.2017 18:01

I had no idea they added that speaker, that's so cool. I guess that's why they didn't upgrade the Red Alert mod to .15. Even though I've played Factorio a lot, I do enjoy watching others play, because sometimes I get to learn something new. Thanks for your vids.

For non-Vanilia, I recommend upgrades and Recycle you can either utilize all those obsolete burners or break them down.

@Akuseiko - 27.09.2017 21:33

Something I have discovered about biters- If you provide a path into your base for them, they will travel quite far to use it. If that path happens to have a dozen angry turrets lining it that they have to run past... well, things go rather poorly for the biters rather quickly.

@spandananallapati4140 - 29.09.2017 01:04

Maybe you answer this elsewhere and I missed it, but how do you decide how many lines to collapse a fully mined patch into? For example, the coal patch you mined fully around 5 minutes into this episode, you collapse it into two lines. Why not three lines? Why not one? Is there a ratio or do you go by "feel"?
On another note: Wonderful series. Your "deathworld" series with KoS was my introduction to both of you and now am watching this series and her "megabase" series alternatively. Both of you are simply amazing builders with your own unique styles :)

@gdh5157 - 10.10.2017 20:16

Strange that you put the “no coal” alarm at the end of the belt. I would have thought it would do much more good at the entrance to the power plant.

@cassiob.n.3807 - 27.01.2018 18:41

You're like.. the Bob Ross of Factorio <3

@Alrion1704 - 20.04.2018 03:41

factorio done right. crashes 3 times in the sentence :D

@superidra4461 - 15.06.2018 00:53

The title reminds me of America.

@mirokko - 11.12.2018 23:26

Vanilla done right => handcrafts gears

@adamfreiburger7839 - 17.12.2018 21:34

Vanilla done right, and driving done wrong... lol

@BaalTomekk - 25.03.2019 13:03

"This car is wrecking my base" Yeah. It's the car's fault.

@ribaldc3998 - 15.04.2019 16:35

25'15" This car ist wrecking your base? You are wrecking your base with your car i think ;-)

@AGMRome1XZ - 06.06.2019 23:20

That sneeze scared the fuck out of me lmao

@TisDeKenny - 29.08.2019 19:03

For oil, I make the pumps close to each other point to each other, and then send them to the "main line"

@HobbitGaming - 11.09.2019 14:55

Stared oil myself, so this was a good one for me

@MarkMcDaniel - 16.02.2021 10:26

So... many... huge... enemy... bases...
