ASP.NET MVC CRUD Example 03 Controller model and views

ASP.NET MVC CRUD Example 03 Controller model and views

Programming w/ Professor Sluiter

4 года назад

22,843 Просмотров

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AKS Sagir
AKS Sagir - 04.09.2023 12:58

Sir where is your complete joke app playlist?

Kindly share it in comment section.

Paulo Jamero
Paulo Jamero - 13.03.2023 02:59

What is the use of constructor without parameters? Can't compile if I commented it out of the code. Hoping for your explanation. Thank you.

simplepycodes - 10.03.2022 06:36

Hello, do you have any course on webdev with dotnet 6?

Tim Su
Tim Su - 22.03.2021 22:02

I can see how the index page will be rendered in the shared layout through " Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml" ". But I don't see that the three views under Home (Index, About, Contact) have that same line of code, nor do I see anything else that seems to associate them with the layout. But then how are these views rendered in the layout exactly?

Deren Rungasamy
Deren Rungasamy - 27.05.2020 23:39

How to consume API's with these views?

Deren Rungasamy
Deren Rungasamy - 27.05.2020 23:38

Life saver

Ray T
Ray T - 05.05.2020 22:23

Hello Mr Sleuiter, could you please supply us with the sql script to load into our database, thank you very much.
