Iran Solidarity: Belinda Mckenzie & Esmail Vafa Yaghmaei

Iran Solidarity: Belinda Mckenzie & Esmail Vafa Yaghmaei


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@MahatmaLevolence - 09.10.2012 21:20

IRAN AID What did you do with the five million quid Belinda?

@essy111 - 09.10.2012 21:55

Ah we spent it on our luxury yaght in the south of france and a nice face lift and a lovely large extension at the back of my north London house and the scam of the Star child project with Loyd Pye and luxury dinners out with my dearest new friend Robert Green and Anne Greig. and many more scam projects within the truth movement haha

@essy111 - 09.10.2012 21:56

Please read my comment above

@essy111 - 09.10.2012 21:59

She really does look like a lizard when you look at her features just paint her face green and it shows even more. Reptillain confirmed!

@essy111 - 09.10.2012 22:05

And not to mention the lazer treatment on my eyes I forgot. I no longer need glasses to read.

@MahatmaLevolence - 10.10.2012 03:42

Hello Heidi, long time no type lol Who's landlady is this woman?

@essy111 - 10.10.2012 03:51

David Shaylor? Annie Machon!!! Do we know eatchother and where from?

@MahatmaLevolence - 10.10.2012 04:07

David Icke's employees too, they're all tied in together. We sort of know each other from years ago when i was posting extensive rants regarding bono's eugenical activities and other hypocritical antics.

@yannisemmanouel28 - 19.04.2015 16:52

My poem:

Belinda Mckenzie  You made hoax about Holy and Hampstead
you should have stayed home with your husband instead,
I know nothing about Charities or Iranian aid,
Who took the money, who benefits who got paid?

The world is an ugly place to live In,
When we have Belinda acting with Sabine
creating stories about babies been kiled  and eaten
and lots of satanic rituals was written.

Wars, murders, peadophilia, and corruption
Isnt this enough to cause reaction?
Belindas stories are damaging the Nation
because Belinda does all these for diversion

So Belinda stop it because children are been abused
And these children for your charities are been used
Let the children grow stop your Hoaxes which are bitter like a Lemon
Because is you who are (as your mate said) A very tricky demon

@cathhall3922 - 25.09.2015 08:51

This woman's not a fraud,Go look at the evidence of these so called "hoaxes," The Medical evidence is in the public domain.Think of the pedophiles that have been caught.....good few surprises ha?Look please before you jump into these that troll.Isn't it bad enough that the wool has been pulled over our eyes,from those in high places,only to find our own countrymen and women shooting themselves in the foot!We have very vulnerable children in these isles,not to mention Kinkora and the island of Jersey.Please the evidence is overwhelming. Look at Labours 25 list all pedos,Thatcher turned a blind eye to their perversions,..........We should NEVER.Cheers x

@cathhall3922 - 25.09.2015 09:00

Forgot to mention Bill Maloney see him capture Nick Cleg look into Ted Heath.Common Purpose a Gov.UK charity taking thousands from some Police and other government bodies!Alison Saunders was a graduate.This in my opinion (and many others too)is a very devious entity N L P the public is their motto.Hold on to your hats folks as its painful but we have to know the truth
