Tuskeh's User Interface - A Guide

Tuskeh's User Interface - A Guide


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@asdf2011 - 03.02.2015 07:47

this is way too complicated for me

@lari7647 - 07.02.2015 03:36

Heya Tuskeh! Which realm do you play on? :)

@Godstomp25 - 09.02.2015 15:13

Heya Tuskeh i was curiouse how can i find a good Raid guild and well what servers are best for that type of play :1

@alostundead4391 - 28.02.2015 04:49

Just recently discovered you Tuskeh. You've got a fantastic channel and you're already one of my favorites.

Keep up the good work man, Cheers!

@VS3majV - 08.03.2015 06:41

Thank you for this video. I spent all day looking at this and using a similar setup. 

@mathiashentze1684 - 15.03.2015 02:17

can i export your WeakAuras

@graceybfrg - 17.03.2015 22:05

I can't seam to move my objective/questtracker with moveanything :/

@Anraphet - 23.03.2015 00:36

I like how in depth you go into this. 
I've played my Resto Shaman for some time now, and I was okay. Not bad, not the best, but okay.
I'm just now getting back into WoD (I quit after hitting 100) so this will help.
You have one more sub =D

@JordanIsAlive - 04.04.2015 19:12

pls put times beside the addons it will make it easier to follow

@callyblaze - 28.04.2015 17:22

Very awesome video thank you so much or making this!! btw i can't see the option on move anything to move the call to arms in the middle of my screen

@plapplapplar - 01.05.2015 20:46

I may be a bit late to comment. I have used some addons used in this video for my Restoration Shaman. But I can't find a bar that shows my totem timer (which, in the basic UI, is under the player frame). How can I get this back?

@cyserin9913 - 30.05.2015 05:35

Great video! Do you happen to have a video for your pally weakauras?

@JaxMenikmati - 01.06.2015 14:22

Thank you so much for this Tuskeh! I love your interface, made my shaman's exactly like it. Perfect!

@christopherthompson4249 - 02.06.2015 01:49

You have help me so much with your shaman videos! thank you so much :)

@steve2563 - 06.06.2015 17:46

Tuskeh, one quick question. Which font you use on your unitframes?

@bigpandabro12 - 04.07.2015 00:23

In your targets buffs and debuffs I only have the option to do top, left, right, bottom. How do you have it so you can move it to the top right or top left?

@shquain5418 - 04.07.2015 21:48

With WeakAuras2 I import one of your strings and press import and not Okay, and it doesnt show up at all in Loaded or NOt Loaded and I cant import anything any fixes?

@kameronlong911 - 20.07.2015 15:31

is there a way to toggle the frames with SUF? cause i can't make it go where i want it

@WildeFyre69 - 16.08.2015 03:38

Good, informative video.

I can't help but notice that a lot of the addons you use are all encapsulated with the elvUI addon.

I quickly downloaded 'move anything' though. You have no idea how long I've searched for a way to move stuff around easily. A lot of things are easily moved around from within elvUI, but some things can't be done with the elvUI program.

Good show ! Keep up the great work !

@mikkobergmann8365 - 17.08.2015 21:30

What addon do you use for your character portrait?

@coxeeeeee - 24.08.2015 04:50

Very helpfull..thank u Tuskeh :):)

@parkersochacki7750 - 30.08.2015 17:19

Hey Tuskeh how do i make my keybinding numbers/letters show up on my bar for bartender?

@eceive6022 - 06.09.2015 23:15

Your panels in Masque, can i download all of them as a pack or do i have to download them one by one?

@edyxx198 - 10.09.2015 18:42

How do I make it that it changes the VuhDo position when I change profiles? It's always stuck on the previous position

@stefanhansen8029 - 14.09.2015 06:15

did you activate something in Shadowed unit frames to get that elite frame on threatplates???

@TheMailcow - 28.10.2015 22:54

Great video and much thx for the awesome tips.
But there is one thing I don't really understand, and that is why you don't upload your config. I mean, what I understand is your point with self-learning, and I agree with you on the fact that everyone should be familliar with their interface and it's options to the fullest.
But after watching your video and thinking about rebuilding your interface to try it out, I'm really in a hassle because I have to go through each small option (e.g. Shadowed Unit Frames), because the standard options are unusable if you start from zero. It would be much more comfortable and motivating to have a full configured UI and then adjust it for my preferences and "reconstruct" it step by step without having the necessity to build everything up from the bottom.
Nevertheless, thanks again for the guide(s) and all the given advices.

@NightSufer17099 - 13.11.2015 17:10

Great guide. Super Helpful. Especially the add-on list in the description. You even includes the link to the add-on AND the time on the video when you go in-depth on each of the add-on. Definitely Subscribing

@lasselaker1186 - 19.11.2015 22:53

Shadowed Unit Frames isn't working for me.. it won't show ingame.. any idea why?

@GoobleGaming - 24.11.2015 14:20

Hello. Can you tell me how to set it up so the debuff Weakened Soul appears on the vuhdu frame?

@JauntyRabbit - 26.11.2015 21:05

<3 love it, shame I don't have the time to set this all up >_>
Might have to give it a go at some point! Shame you didn't put it online though...

@TxRxAxP - 30.11.2015 09:29

Can you just put up your specific ui. I tried to follow your instructions but my ui turned out crap. Honestly it would be better for me to get your ui and learn how to use it. btw im an ele shaman.

@griff7682 - 10.12.2015 22:15

tuskeh when i setup my quartz action bar i might have clicked on soemthing because when i cast a spell like healing surge it stays there even after ive casted the spell this is also with my target which is really annoying because its in the middle of my screen can you help?

@d.gerasimopoulos - 24.12.2015 19:15

Dude, i need your help... By the time I installed most of your addons, im facing a kind of bug. many quests aren't being shown at the right of my screen. They are tracked, but stil, i cannot see them. Same thing in dungeons, too. Instead of showing me for example 0/1 Tuskeh defeated , it doesnt mention anything. Do you know what should I do to fix it ? Btw, nice video dude. Keep up!

@robinswan2182 - 26.12.2015 23:09

Anyone knows if he added is specific UI to any of his guides? Cuz I really want it.. :D

@pierre-baptistelanvin2572 - 28.12.2015 16:26

Hi, great video !
I have one problem, don't know how to find the options for hide ShadowFrameUnit in dungeons and use the default ui ??

@openiumdoorein7032 - 05.01.2016 05:42

tell me plz how to set up enemy approximate health at all enemys at all time?

@fatiguejras - 16.01.2016 14:44

Okay I did manage to create my own interface, it's quite time-consuming, but it really helps. I have some question, however, regarding your skills setup and keybinding. I played as Elemental till this moment (extremely casual) but decided to go enhanced, but this time with addons, and right rotation. I would like to ask you about your keybinding cause it looks damn complicated. For instance, pressing SB3 is just WTF?. What is the secret here and why didn't you bind your skills to simple numbers? Also, this SB3 is some kind of macro, isn't it? Same goes for CT, ST, CX. I would be grateful if you could shed some light on it.

Also, how do I find this preview box that flashed when you mouse over something (bottom right corner) in MoveAnything?

@michaeltanner5500 - 06.02.2016 13:52

Hey Tuskeh. Okay, I've played the game for some time (though I don't claim to be great at it :) ) but I've never found a use for the focus frame or the target of target frame. Perhaps you could talk about these in some future video?

@chazza8157 - 07.02.2016 01:28

Ok so Tuskeh ive tried to make my tidyplates the same as yours but I cant seem to get the health to show up on the unit frame like yours does can you PLEASE explain!

@sloanguitar4862 - 14.02.2016 19:20

The husbands been ill?

Tuskeh, I have nothing against that. I am just curious if I heard tha right. I'm still subbed, don't worry, I'm really supportive of your awesome content.

@Reverend2007 - 02.03.2016 14:14

Hey great video and i will follow it to a T, i'm bored of using Elvui as great as it is. For those of us who know what we're doing is there a way to just download your ui at all?

@jagzdk - 02.03.2016 15:00

I start play Enchanment shammy so was looking for your video and try set up some addons..
Can you plz help me whit some macros you are use and m.m ?? Thanks for your video's :)

@supamac21 - 12.03.2016 04:14

Brilliant videos has helped me heaps - appreciate it mate

@TwoBaze - 27.03.2016 13:08

raaaaghhrrr bloodlust!

@l1f374 - 06.07.2016 12:43

Thank you for putting this up. I'd love to see an update to mirror your UI in the "Why I Stopped Healing" video. I really like the look of your UI in that video, but haven't figured out how to replicate it yet.

@ringleron - 01.03.2017 01:18

thanks tuskeh got me new addons based on this video

@connorharrison558 - 25.03.2018 18:59

Awesome video, helped me very much with my UI. Thanks Tuskeh!

@ciociaroirrequiete2927 - 14.07.2018 00:42

did he say THE HUSBANDs been ill???

@abhedpatil - 06.04.2023 08:04

To date I still come visit this guide.. not sure where u r .. hope ur doing well.
