Pls add me 😢😢😢
Ответитьyo its my birthday can i get a perma kitsune?
ОтветитьYo can I have darkblade usn:havocs_1
ОтветитьBrother do your touch grass or what
ОтветитьRexway, can you please give me perm dragon I’m subscribed my name is Zozo
ОтветитьRexway, can you please give me perm dragon I’m subscribed my name is Zozo
ОтветитьWe have the same mask
ОтветитьWhy do you keep on saying like AIT gets really annoying it makes the video worse
ОтветитьLike A.
ОтветитьAt the end, The guy's Girlfriend got Karma😂
ОтветитьCan I get perm dragon pls(user is thebecon04)
ОтветитьI Love your videos
ОтветитьCould you please give me permanent? Gas in blox fruits my name in miryil164
Ответитьhey rek its my birthday today i really want dragon as a gift can i have it this is not a lie today is my birthday and i love your video user:MrFlimFlamNotFat thank you for my birthday present my avatar is sukuna
ОтветитьToo rektway where is nara
ОтветитьI love your videos. I’ve been watching
ОтветитьWhy does bro keep saying like
Ответитьna. dat. sord
😊That’s so OP
Rekt pls give perm kistune
Or gas pls me poor and don’t got enough levels
Bro all I heard was like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like
Ответитьstop saying like its so annoying
ОтветитьWhy u use the buddha when the range got neft?
ОтветитьCan u friend me I got hacked
ОтветитьHey Raktway can you Do a face reveal I SUB and like
ОтветитьRektway can you gift me Perm dragon my birthday is tomorrow My username Jasoerknight729076
ОтветитьI’ve been watching you for 10 years so can I please have permanent dragon permanent gas fruit? My username is superdog1371
ОтветитьRekt: like like like...
ОтветитьBruh thinks he’s him just because he has Jinwoo’s face and hair but he got scrambled like and egg and folded like an omelette against themselves
ОтветитьThe people that didn’t move that must be like his alt account so I’m not really trusting this video because it’s literally the same thing with like X Demon strongest battlegrounds thing
Ответитьpls add friend me
my name is en0ipx
Can I have dragon please user:laml270
ОтветитьRektway where is mara your girlfriend make a vid with her pls 😢😢😢
ОтветитьWhere are mara and amy
Ответитьrekway why are you not using gas fruit
ОтветитьNoah is bad
ОтветитьNoah seriously bad name
ОтветитьAnd Drayco serious bad name for a name
ОтветитьHey rectway how do i join the member.plss im a biggg fan.
ОтветитьCafe? Mansion
ОтветитьDragon heart is crazy
ОтветитьHow do you have Draco race you need dragon storm and dragon heart to get draco
ОтветитьRetkway is a pro
Ответитьdragonstorm will be tomorrow, and race awakening for dragon will be on friday 😎(i hope if i get lucky with levi)